+The upstream Linux kernel maintainers only fix bugs for specific kernel
+versions. Those versions include the current "release candidate" (or -rc)
+kernel, any "stable" kernel versions, and any "long term" kernels.
+Please see https://www.kernel.org/ for a list of supported kernels. Any
+kernel marked with [EOL] is "end of life" and will not have any fixes
+backported to it.
+If you've found a bug on a kernel version isn't listed on kernel.org,
+contact your Linux distribution or embedded vendor for support.
+Alternatively, you can attempt to run one of the supported stable or -rc
+kernels, and see if you can reproduce the bug on that. It's preferable
+to reproduce the bug on the latest -rc kernel.
+How to report Linux kernel bugs
Identify the problematic subsystem