* @defgroup Evas_GL group for rendering GL on Evas
- * Functions that are used to do GL rendering on Evas.
+ * Functions that are used to do OpenGL rendering on Evas. Evas allows you
+ * to use OpenGL to render to specially set up image objects (which act as
+ * render target surfaces).
+ *
+ * Below is an illlustrative example of how to use OpenGL to render to an
+ * object in Evas.
+ *
+ * @code
+// Simple Evas_GL example
+#include <Ecore_Evas.h>
+#include <Ecore.h>
+#include <Evas_GL.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+// GL related data here..
+typedef struct _GLData
+ Evas_GL_Context *ctx;
+ Evas_GL_Surface *sfc;
+ Evas_GL *evasgl;
+ Evas_GL_API *glapi;
+ GLuint program;
+ GLuint vtx_shader;
+ GLuint fgmt_shader;
+ Eina_Bool initialized : 1;
+} GLData;
+// callbacks we want to handle deletion on the object and updates/draws
+static void on_del (void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info);
+static void on_pixels (void *data, Evas_Object *obj);
+// demo - animator just to keep ticking over saying to draw the image
+static Eina_Bool on_animate (void *data);
+// gl stuff
+static int init_shaders (GLData *gld);
+static GLuint load_shader (GLData *gld, GLenum type, const char *shader_src);
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+ // config for the surface for evas_gl
+ Evas_GL_Config config =
+ {
+ };
+ // a size by default
+ int w = 256, h = 256;
+ // some variables we will use
+ Ecore_Evas *ee;
+ Evas *canvas;
+ Evas_Object *r1;
+ Evas_Native_Surface ns;
+ GLData *gld = NULL;
+ // regular low-leve EFL (ecore+ecore-evas) init. elm is simpler
+ ecore_init();
+ ecore_evas_init();
+ ee = ecore_evas_gl_x11_new(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 512, 512);
+ ecore_evas_title_set(ee, "Ecore_Evas Template");
+ canvas = ecore_evas_get(ee);
+ // alloc a data struct to hold our relevant gl info in
+ if (!(gld = calloc(1, sizeof(GLData)))) return 0;
+ //-//
+ // get the evas gl handle for doing gl things
+ gld->evasgl = evas_gl_new(canvas);
+ gld->glapi = evas_gl_api_get(gld->evasgl);
+ // create a surface and context
+ gld->sfc = evas_gl_surface_create(gld->evasgl, &config, w, h);
+ gld->ctx = evas_gl_context_create(gld->evasgl, NULL);
+ //-//
+ //-//-//-// END GL INIT BLOB
+ // set up the image object. a filled one by default
+ r1 = evas_object_image_filled_add(canvas);
+ // attach important data we need to the object using key names. this just
+ // avoids some global variables and means we can do nice cleanup. you can
+ // avoid this if you are lazy
+ evas_object_data_set(r1, "..gld", gld);
+ // when the object is deleted - call the on_del callback. like the above,
+ // this is just being clean
+ evas_object_event_callback_add(r1, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, on_del, NULL);
+ // set up an actual pixel size fot the buffer data. it may be different
+ // to the output size. any windowing system has something like this, just
+ // evas has 2 sizes, a pixel size and the output object size
+ evas_object_image_size_set(r1, w, h);
+ // set up the native surface info to use the context and surface created
+ // above
+ //-//
+ evas_gl_native_surface_get(gld->evasgl, gld->sfc, &ns);
+ evas_object_image_native_surface_set(r1, &ns);
+ evas_object_image_pixels_get_callback_set(r1, on_pixels, r1);
+ //-//
+ //-//-//-// END GL INIT BLOB
+ // move the image object somewhere, resize it and show it. any windowing
+ // system would need this kind of thing - place a child "window"
+ evas_object_move(r1, 128, 128);
+ evas_object_resize(r1, w, h);
+ evas_object_show(r1);
+ // animating - just a demo. as long as you trigger an update on the image
+ // object via evas_object_image_pixels_dirty_set(). any display system,
+ // mainloop siztem etc. will have something of this kind unless it's making
+ // you spin infinitely yourself and invent your own animation mechanism
+ //
+ // NOTE: if you delete r1, this animator will keep runing trying to access
+ // r1 so you'd better delete this animator with ecore_animator_del() or
+ // structure how you do animation differently. you can also attach it like
+ // evasgl, sfc, etc. etc. if this animator is specific to this object
+ // only and delete it in the del handler for the obj.
+ ecore_animator_add(on_animate, r1);
+ // finally show the window for the world to see. windowing system generic
+ ecore_evas_show(ee);
+ // begin the mainloop and tick over the animator, handle events etc.
+ // also windowing system generic
+ ecore_main_loop_begin();
+ // standard EFL shutdown stuff - generic for most systems, EFL or not
+ ecore_evas_shutdown();
+ ecore_shutdown();
+ return 0;
+static void
+on_del(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
+ // on delete of our object clean up some things that don't get auto
+ // celeted for us as they are not intrinsically bound to the image
+ // object as such (you could use the same context and surface across
+ // multiple image objects and re-use the evasgl handle too multiple times.
+ // here we bind them to 1 object only though by doing this.
+ GLData *gld = evas_object_data_get(obj, "..gld");
+ if (!gld) return;
+ Evas_GL_API *gl = gld->glapi;
+ evas_object_data_del(obj, "..gld");
+ // Do a make_current before deleting all the GL stuff.
+ evas_gl_make_current(gld->evasgl, gld->sfc, gld->ctx);
+ gl->glDeleteShader(gld->vtx_shader);
+ gl->glDeleteShader(gld->fgmt_shader);
+ gl->glDeleteProgram(gld->program);
+ evas_gl_surface_destroy(gld->evasgl, gld->sfc);
+ evas_gl_context_destroy(gld->evasgl, gld->ctx);
+ evas_gl_free(gld->evasgl);
+ free(gld);
+static void
+on_pixels(void *data, Evas_Object *obj)
+ // get some variable we need from the object data keys
+ GLData *gld = evas_object_data_get(obj, "..gld");
+ if (!gld) return;
+ Evas_GL_API *gl = gld->glapi;
+ GLfloat vVertices[] =
+ {
+ 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f,
+ -0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f,
+ 0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f
+ };
+ int w, h;
+ // get the image size in case it changed with evas_object_image_size_set()
+ evas_object_image_size_get(obj, &w, &h);
+ // set up the context and surface as the current one
+ evas_gl_make_current(gld->evasgl, gld->sfc, gld->ctx);
+ if (!gld->initialized)
+ {
+ if (!init_shaders(gld)) printf("Error Initializing Shaders\n");
+ gld->initialized = EINA_TRUE;
+ }
+ // GL Viewport stuff. you can avoid doing this if viewport is all the
+ // same as last frame if you want
+ gl->glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
+ // Clear the buffer
+ gl->glClearColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1);
+ gl->glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
+ // Draw a Triangle
+ gl->glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ gl->glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, vVertices);
+ gl->glEnableVertexAttribArray(0);
+ gl->glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
+ // Optional - Flush the GL pipeline
+ gl->glFlush();
+static Eina_Bool
+on_animate(void *data)
+ // just a demo - animate here whenever an animation tick happens and then
+ // mark the image as "dirty" meaning it needs an update next time evas
+ // renders. it will call the pixel get callback then.
+ evas_object_image_pixels_dirty_set(data, EINA_TRUE);
+ return EINA_TRUE; // keep looping
+static GLuint
+load_shader(GLData *gld, GLenum type, const char *shader_src)
+ Evas_GL_API *gl = gld->glapi;
+ GLuint shader;
+ GLint compiled = 0;
+ // Create the shader object
+ if (!(shader = gl->glCreateShader(type))) return 0;
+ gl->glShaderSource(shader, 1, &shader_src, NULL);
+ // Compile the shader
+ gl->glCompileShader(shader);
+ gl->glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled);
+ if (!compiled)
+ {
+ GLint len = 0;
+ gl->glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &len);
+ if (len > 1)
+ {
+ char *info = malloc(sizeof(char) * len);
+ if (info)
+ {
+ gl->glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, len, NULL, info);
+ printf("Error compiling shader:\n"
+ "%s\n", info);
+ free(info);
+ }
+ }
+ gl->glDeleteShader(shader);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return shader;
+// Initialize the shader and program object
+static int
+init_shaders(GLData *gld)
+ Evas_GL_API *gl = gld->glapi;
+ const char vShaderStr[] =
+ "attribute vec4 vPosition; \n"
+ "void main() \n"
+ "{ \n"
+ " gl_Position = vPosition; \n"
+ "} \n";
+ const char fShaderStr[] =
+ "precision mediump float; \n"
+ "void main() \n"
+ "{ \n"
+ " gl_FragColor = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );\n"
+ "} \n";
+ GLint linked = 0;
+ // Load the vertex/fragment shaders
+ gld->vtx_shader = load_shader(gld, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, vShaderStr);
+ gld->fgmt_shader = load_shader(gld, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, fShaderStr);
+ // Create the program object
+ if (!(gld->program = gl->glCreateProgram())) return 0;
+ gl->glAttachShader(gld->program, gld->vtx_shader);
+ gl->glAttachShader(gld->program, gld->fgmt_shader);
+ // Bind vPosition to attribute 0
+ gl->glBindAttribLocation(gld->program, 0, "vPosition");
+ // Link the program
+ gl->glLinkProgram(gld->program);
+ gl->glGetProgramiv(gld->program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linked);
+ if (!linked)
+ {
+ GLint len = 0;
+ gl->glGetProgramiv(gld->program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &len);
+ if (len > 1)
+ {
+ char *info = malloc(sizeof(char) * len);
+ if (info)
+ {
+ gl->glGetProgramInfoLog(gld->program, len, NULL, info);
+ printf("Error linking program:\n"
+ "%s\n", info);
+ free(info);
+ }
+ }
+ gl->glDeleteProgram(gld->program);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ * @endcode
* @ingroup Evas_Canvas