* %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
* %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
* @remarks The service_app_main() should be used for working the engine after this function.
+ *
* @param[in] argc The argument count(original)
* @param[in] argv The argument(original)
* @param[in] callback The structure of engine request callback function
* @brief Sends the results to the engine service user.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 4.0 @elseif WEARABLE 5.0 @endif
+ * @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
+ * %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
+ *
* @param[in] event A result event
* @param[in] result_id Result ids
* @param[in] count Result count
* @brief Sends the ASR result to the engine service user.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 4.0 @elseif WEARABLE 5.0 @endif
+ * @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
+ * %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
+ *
* @param[in] event A asr result event
* @param[in] asr_result A asr result text
* @param[in] user_data The user data passed from the start
* @brief Sends the NLG (Natural Language Generation) result to the engine service user.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 4.0 @elseif WEARABLE 5.0 @endif
+ * @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
+ * %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
+ *
* @param[in] nlg_result A nlg result
* @param[in] user_data The user data passed from the start
* @return @c 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value
* @brief Sends the specific engine result to the engine service user.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 4.0 @elseif WEARABLE 5.0 @endif
+ * @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
+ * %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
* @param[in] engine_app_id A specific engine's app id
* @param[in] event A specific engine result event
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 4.0 @elseif WEARABLE 5.0 @endif
+ * @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
+ * %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
+ *
* @param[in] error Error type
* @param[in] msg Error message
* @param[in] user_data The user data passed from set callback function
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 4.0 @elseif WEARABLE 5.0 @endif
* @privlevel public
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/recorder
- * %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
- * %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
* @remarks The vce_private_data_set_cb() function is called when the engine service user sets the private data to the engine service.
+ *
* @param[in] callback_func vce_private_data_set event callback function
* @return @c 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #VCE_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 4.0 @elseif WEARABLE 5.0 @endif
* @privlevel public
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/recorder
- * %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
- * %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
* @remarks The vce_private_data_requested_cb() function is called when the engine service user requests the private data to the engine service.
+ *
* @param[in] callback_func vce_private_data_requested event callback function
* @return @c 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #VCE_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 4.0 @elseif WEARABLE 5.0 @endif
* @privlevel public
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/recorder
- * %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
- * %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
* @remarks The @a audio_type must be released using free() when it is no longer required.
+ *
* @param[in] audio_type Current audio type (e.g. #VCE_AUDIO_ID_BLUETOOTH or #VCE_AUDIO_ID_WIFI)
* @return the value greater than 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #VCE_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/recorder
* %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
* %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
+ *
* @param[in] key Private key
* @param[in] data Private data
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value.
* %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
* %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
* @remarks The @a data must be released using free() when it is no longer required.
+ *
* @param[in] key Private key
* @param[out] data Private data
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value.
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/recorder
* %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
* %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
+ *
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value.
* @retval #VCE_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #VCE_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 4.0 @elseif WEARABLE 5.0 @endif
* @privlevel public
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/recorder
- * %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
- * %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
+ *
* @return 0 on success, otherwise a negative error value.
* @retval #VCE_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #VCE_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @brief Sends audio formats necessary for playing TTS feedback.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 4.0 @elseif WEARABLE 5.0 @endif
+ * @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
+ * %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
* @param[in] rate A sampling rate
* @param[in] channel The audio channel
* @brief Sends audio streaming necessary for playing TTS feedback.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 4.0 @elseif WEARABLE 5.0 @endif
+ * @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch (Since 7.0)
+ * %http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing (Since 7.0)
* @param[in] event A feedback event
* @param[in] buffer The feedback data