// magic fields the compiler synthetized, the data blob might bring more dependencies
// and we need to scan those.
_dependencies.Add(_compilation.GetFieldRvaData(field), reason);
- // TODO: lazy cctor dependency
+ // RVA static fields in generic types not implemented
+ Debug.Assert(!field.OwningType.HasInstantiation);
+ if (_compilation.HasLazyStaticConstructor(field.OwningType))
+ _dependencies.Add(_factory.TypeNonGCStaticsSymbol((MetadataType)field.OwningType), "Cctor context");
--- /dev/null
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+.assembly runtime68278 { }
+.class interface abstract IHasCctor
+ .data cil FortyTwo = int8(42)
+ .field public static int8 s_fortyTwo at FortyTwo
+ .method specialname rtspecialname static void .cctor()
+ {
+ ldc.i4 58
+ stsfld int8 IUnrelated::s_fiftyEight
+ ret
+ }
+.class interface abstract IUnrelated
+ .field public static int8 s_fiftyEight
+.method static int32 main()
+ .entrypoint
+ ldsfld int8 IHasCctor::s_fortyTwo
+ ldsfld int8 IUnrelated::s_fiftyEight
+ add
+ ret