#define UNUSED_MACRO1 1 // expected-warning{{macro is not used}}
void foo() // expected-warning {{no previous prototype for function}}
+// expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the function is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}}
// A diagnostic without DefaultIgnore, and not part of a group.
(void) L'ab'; // expected-warning {{extraneous characters in character constant ignored}}
#pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Weverything"
void ppp(){} // expected-warning {{no previous prototype for function 'ppp'}}
+// expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the function is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}}
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Weverything" // Reset it.
void ppq(){}
#pragma clang diagnostic error "-Weverything" // Now set to error
void ppr(){} // expected-error {{no previous prototype for function 'ppr'}}
+// expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the function is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}}
#pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Weverything" // This should not be effective
void pps(){} // expected-error {{no previous prototype for function 'pps'}}
+// expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the function is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}}
#pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Weverything"
void ppr1(){} // expected-warning {{no previous prototype for function 'ppr1'}}
+// expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the function is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}}
#pragma clang diagnostic push // push again
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Weverything" // Set to ignore in this level.
void pps2(){}
#pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Weverything" // Set to warning in this level.
void ppt2(){} // expected-warning {{no previous prototype for function 'ppt2'}}
+// expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the function is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}}
#pragma clang diagnostic error "-Weverything" // Set to error in this level.
void ppt3(){} // expected-error {{no previous prototype for function 'ppt3'}}
+// expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the function is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}}
#pragma clang diagnostic pop // pop should go back to warning level
void pps1(){} // expected-warning {{no previous prototype for function 'pps1'}}
+// expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the function is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}}
#pragma clang diagnostic pop // Another pop should disble it again
void testPR12271() { // expected-warning {{no previous prototype for function 'testPR12271'}}
+// expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the function is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}}
PR12271 a[1][1];