* @endcode
* We can request to load MotionData from file or buffer asynchronously.
- * If load completed, LoadCompetedSignal will be emmited.
+ * If load completed, LoadCompletedSignal will be emitted.
+ * If we try to load before LoadCompletedSignal emitted, previous load request cancel and only latest request loaded.
* @code
* @endcode
* @note We don't check duplicated MotionIndex internally.
+ * @note We don't check MotionValue type is matched with MotionIndex.
* @SINCE_2_2.34
class DALI_SCENE3D_API MotionData : public Dali::BaseHandle
* @brief Specialized MotionIndex to control blend shape.
- * We can control the blend shape by index (when we set BlendShapeId as IndexKey)
- * or by name (when we set BlendShapeId as StringKey)
+ * We can control the blend shape by index (when we set BlendShapeId as IndexKey),
+ * or by name (when we set BlendShapeId as StringKey).
+ *
+ * MotionValue should be float type.
* @code
* It will be used when app developer don't care about Dali::Actor::Property list,
* but want to change the transform properties anyway fast enough.
+ * Each TransformType has their own matched MotionValue type.
+ *
* @code
* MotionTransformIndex position = MotionTransformIndex::New("nodeName", MotionTransformIndex::TransformType::POSITION);