Thanks to A. Costa for reporting these
in Debian bugs #447119, #447120 and #447122.
git-svn-id: file:///home/lennart/svn/public/avahi/trunk@1551
<p><opt>-a | --address</opt></p>
- <optdesc><p>Register an address/host name maping. avahi-publish-address is equivalent to avahi-publish -a.</p></optdesc>
+ <optdesc><p>Register an address/host name mapping. avahi-publish-address is equivalent to avahi-publish -a.</p></optdesc>
<p>When passing -n, specify one or more fully qualified mDNS/DNS host name(s)
(e.g. "foo.local") to resolve into IP addresses on the
- command line. When passing -a, specifiy one or more IP address
+ command line. When passing -a, specify one or more IP address
to resolve into host names.</p>
<p>avahi-resolve-host-name is equivalent to avahi-resolve --name.</p>
<p>Set the mDNS host name of a currently running Avahi
- daemon. The effect of this operation is not persistant across
- daemon restarts. This operation is usually priviliged.</p>
+ daemon. The effect of this operation is not persistent across
+ daemon restarts. This operation is usually privileged.</p>