# performing a gbs build ( use gbs build -v to see it download location) E.g.
# http://download.tizen.org/snapshots/tizen/tv/tizen-tv/repos/arm-wayland/packages/repodata/xxxx-build.conf.gz
+# Do not provide .so automatically for the extensions.
+# This if statement is for backward compatibility with GBM/Obsolete build systems
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "mobile" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "common"
+%global __provides_exclude_from ^.*\\.(wearable|mobile|tv|ivi|common)$
%bcond_with wayland
%define profile %{tizen_profile_name}
-%if "%{profile}" == "mobile"
-%define dali_profile MOBILE
-%define dali_feedback_plugin 0
-%define dali_videoplayer_plugin 1
-%define shaderbincache_flag DISABLE
-BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gles20)
-%define gles_requirement_setup 1
-%if "%{profile}" == "tv"
-%define dali_profile TV
-%define dali_feedback_plugin 0
-%define dali_videoplayer_plugin 1
-%define shaderbincache_flag DISABLE
-BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glesv2)
-%define gles_requirement_setup 1
-%if "%{profile}" == "wearable"
-%define dali_profile WEARABLE
-%define dali_feedback_plugin 0
-%define dali_videoplayer_plugin 1
-%define shaderbincache_flag DISABLE
-BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gles20)
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if wearable || "undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "mobile" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "common"
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(capi-appfw-watch-application)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(appcore-watch)
-%define gles_requirement_setup 1
-%if "%{profile}" == "ivi"
-%define dali_profile IVI
-%define dali_feedback_plugin 0
-%define dali_videoplayer_plugin 1
-%define shaderbincache_flag DISABLE
-BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glesv2)
-%define gles_requirement_setup 1
-%if "%{profile}" == "common"
-%define dali_profile COMMON
-%define dali_feedback_plugin 0
-%define dali_videoplayer_plugin 1
-%define tizen_2_2_compatibility 0
-%define shaderbincache_flag DISABLE
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gles20)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glesv2)
-%define gles_requirement_setup 1
-# If we have not set a BuildRequires for the gles version, default it here.
-%{!?gles_requirement_setup: BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glesv2)}
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
BuildRequires: gawk
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(harfbuzz)
BuildRequires: fribidi-devel
-%if 0%{?tizen_2_2_compatibility} != 1
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(capi-system-info)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(capi-system-sensor)
# Tizen currently does not have libuv as a separate libuv package
# So we have to look into the uv headers bundled inside node-js
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(wayland-egl)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(wayland-client)
BuildRequires: wayland-devel
-# Currently Tizen Common we use does not have wayland extensions like xdg-shell
-%if "%{profile}" != "common"
BuildRequires: wayland-extension-client-devel
# dali-adaptor-uv uses libuv mainloop and has its own wayland client (it needs wayland-client headers).
BuildRequires: libxkbcommon-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(capi-appfw-application)
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(capi-system-system-settings)
-%if 0%{?over_tizen_2_2}
-BuildRequires: pkgconfig(capi-system-info)
+# for feedback plugin
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig(mm-sound)
+%if 0%{?tizen_version_major} >= 3
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig(feedback)
+# for videoplayer Plugin
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig(capi-media-player)
+# for multiprofile
+Requires: %{name}-compat = %{version}-%{release}
+Recommends: %{name}-profile_common = %{version}-%{release}
The DALi Tizen Adaptor provides a Tizen specific implementation of the dali-core
platform abstraction and application shell
+# Dali adapter for profiles
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if mobile || "undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "common"
+%package profile_mobile
+Summary: The DALi Tizen Adaptor for mobile
+Provides: %{name}-compat = %{version}-%{release}
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_tv
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_wearable
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_ivi
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_common
+%description profile_mobile
+The DALi Tizen Adaptor for mobile.
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if tv ||"undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "common" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "mobile"
+%package profile_tv
+Summary: The DALi Tizen Adaptor for tv
+Provides: %{name}-compat = %{version}-%{release}
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_mobile
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_wearable
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_ivi
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_common
+%description profile_tv
+The DALi Tizen Adaptor for tv.
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if wearable || "undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "mobile" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "common"
+%package profile_wearable
+Summary: The DALi Tizen Adaptor for wearable
+Provides: %{name}-compat = %{version}-%{release}
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_mobile
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_tv
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_ivi
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_common
+%description profile_wearable
+The DALi Tizen Adaptor for wearable.
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if ivi ||"undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "common" && "%{?profile}" != "mobile"
+%package profile_ivi
+Summary: The DALi Tizen Adaptor for ivi
+Provides: %{name}-compat = %{version}-%{release}
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_mobile
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_wearable
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_tv
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_common
+%description profile_ivi
+The DALi Tizen Adaptor for ivi.
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if common ||"undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "mobile"
+# Currently Tizen Common we use does not have wayland extensions like xdg-shell
+%package profile_common
+%define tizen_2_2_compatibility 0
+Summary: The DALi Tizen Adaptor for common
+Provides: %{name}-compat = %{version}-%{release}
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_mobile
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_wearable
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_tv
+Conflicts: %{name}-profile_ivi
+%description profile_common
+The DALi Tizen Adaptor for common.
# devel
%package dali-feedback-plugin
Summary: Plugin to play haptic and audio feedback for Dali
Group: System/Libraries
-%if 0%{?dali_feedback_plugin}
-#Requires: libdeviced
-BuildRequires: pkgconfig(mm-sound)
-#BuildRequires: pkgconfig(haptic)
-BuildRequires: libfeedback-devel
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
%description dali-feedback-plugin
Feedback plugin to play haptic and audio feedback for Dali
%package dali-video-player-plugin
Summary: Plugin to play a video file for Dali
Group: System/Libraries
-%if 0%{?dali_videoplayer_plugin}
-BuildRequires: pkgconfig(capi-media-player)
%description dali-video-player-plugin
VideoPlayer plugin to play a video file for Dali
%define user_shader_cache_dir %{dali_data_ro_dir}/core/shaderbin/
-%define dali_plugin_sound_files %{dali_data_ro_dir}/plugins/sounds/
+%define dali_plugin_sound_files /plugins/sounds/
%define dev_include_path %{_includedir}
#--enable-appfw=yes \ # affects both dali-adaptor & dali-adaptor-uv
#--with-libuv=/usr/include/node/ \ # only affects dali-adaptor-uv
# Set up the build via configure.
-%configure --prefix=$PREFIX --with-jpeg-turbo --enable-gles=%{target_gles_version} --enable-shaderbincache=%{shaderbincache_flag} --enable-profile=%{dali_profile} \
-%if 0%{?dali_feedback_plugin}
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if mobile || "undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "common"
+%configure --prefix=$PREFIX --with-jpeg-turbo --enable-gles=%{target_gles_version} \
+ --enable-shaderbincache=DISABLE --enable-profile=MOBILE \
+%if 0%{?tizen_version_major} >= 3
--enable-feedback \
-%if 0%{?dali_videoplayer_plugin}
--enable-videoplayer \
+%if 0%{?tizen_2_2_compatibility}
+ --with-tizen-2-2-compatibility \
+%if %{with wayland}
+ --enable-efl=no \
+ --enable-efl=yes \
+%if 0%{?enable_debug}
+ --enable-debug \
+ --enable-appfw=yes \
+ --with-libuv=/usr/include/node/ \
+ $configure_flags --libdir=%{_libdir}
+# Build.
+make %{?jobs:-j%jobs}
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/build/tizen
+%make_install DALI_DATA_RW_DIR="%{dali_data_rw_dir}" DALI_DATA_RO_DIR="%{dali_data_ro_dir}"
+pushd %{buildroot}%{_libdir}
+for FILE in libdali-adap*.so*; do mv "$FILE" "%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/build/tizen/$FILE.mobile"; done
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if tv ||"undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "common" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "mobile"
+%configure --prefix=$PREFIX --with-jpeg-turbo --enable-gles=%{target_gles_version} \
+ --enable-shaderbincache=DISABLE --enable-profile=TV \
+%if 0%{?tizen_version_major} >= 3
+ --enable-feedback \
+ --enable-videoplayer \
%if 0%{?tizen_2_2_compatibility}
--with-tizen-2-2-compatibility \
# Build.
make %{?jobs:-j%jobs}
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/build/tizen
+%make_install DALI_DATA_RW_DIR="%{dali_data_rw_dir}" DALI_DATA_RO_DIR="%{dali_data_ro_dir}"
+pushd %{buildroot}%{_libdir}
+for FILE in libdali-adap*.so*; do mv "$FILE" "%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/build/tizen/$FILE.tv"; done
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if wearable || "undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "mobile" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "common"
+%configure --prefix=$PREFIX --with-jpeg-turbo --enable-gles=%{target_gles_version} \
+ --enable-shaderbincache=DISABLE --enable-profile=WEARABLE \
+%if 0%{?tizen_version_major} >= 3
+ --enable-feedback \
+ --enable-videoplayer \
+%if 0%{?tizen_2_2_compatibility}
+ --with-tizen-2-2-compatibility \
+%if %{with wayland}
+ --enable-efl=no \
+ --enable-efl=yes \
+%if 0%{?enable_debug}
+ --enable-debug \
+ --enable-appfw=yes \
+ --with-libuv=/usr/include/node/ \
+ $configure_flags --libdir=%{_libdir}
+# Build.
+make %{?jobs:-j%jobs}
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/build/tizen
+%make_install DALI_DATA_RW_DIR="%{dali_data_rw_dir}" DALI_DATA_RO_DIR="%{dali_data_ro_dir}"
+pushd %{buildroot}%{_libdir}
+for FILE in libdali-adap*.so*; do mv "$FILE" "%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/build/tizen/$FILE.wearable"; done
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if ivi ||"undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "common" && "%{?profile}" != "mobile"
+%configure --prefix=$PREFIX --with-jpeg-turbo --enable-gles=%{target_gles_version} \
+ --enable-shaderbincache=DISABLE --enable-profile=IVI \
+%if 0%{?tizen_version_major} >= 3
+ --enable-feedback \
+ --enable-videoplayer \
+%if 0%{?tizen_2_2_compatibility}
+ --with-tizen-2-2-compatibility \
+%if %{with wayland}
+ --enable-efl=no \
+ --enable-efl=yes \
+%if 0%{?enable_debug}
+ --enable-debug \
+ --enable-appfw=yes \
+ --with-libuv=/usr/include/node/ \
+ $configure_flags --libdir=%{_libdir}
+# Build.
+make %{?jobs:-j%jobs}
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/build/tizen
+%make_install DALI_DATA_RW_DIR="%{dali_data_rw_dir}" DALI_DATA_RO_DIR="%{dali_data_ro_dir}"
+pushd %{buildroot}%{_libdir}
+for FILE in libdali-adap*.so*; do mv "$FILE" "%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/build/tizen/$FILE.ivi"; done
+# common ( build dali_videoplayer_plugin for common uses )
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if common ||"undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "mobile"
+%configure --prefix=$PREFIX --with-jpeg-turbo --enable-gles=%{target_gles_version} \
+ --enable-shaderbincache=DISABLE --enable-profile=COMMON \
+%if 0%{?tizen_version_major} >= 3
+ --enable-feedback \
+ --enable-videoplayer \
+%if 0%{?tizen_2_2_compatibility}
+ --with-tizen-2-2-compatibility \
+%if %{with wayland}
+ --enable-efl=no \
+ --enable-efl=yes \
+%if 0%{?enable_debug}
+ --enable-debug \
+ --enable-appfw=yes \
+ --with-libuv=/usr/include/node/ \
+ $configure_flags --libdir=%{_libdir}
+# Build.
+make %{?jobs:-j%jobs}
# Installation
rm -rf %{buildroot}
-cd build/tizen
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/build/tizen
%make_install DALI_DATA_RW_DIR="%{dali_data_rw_dir}" DALI_DATA_RO_DIR="%{dali_data_ro_dir}"
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# !unified && (wearable || tv || ivi || mobile)
+%if "%{?profile}" == "wearable" || "%{?profile}" == "tv" || "%{?profile}" == "ivi" || "%{?profile}" == "mobile"
+rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libdali-adap*.so*
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# wearable || tv || ivi || mobile || unified
+%if "%{?profile}" != "common"
+for FILE in libdali-*.so*; do mv "$FILE" "%{buildroot}%{_libdir}/$FILE"; done
# Upgrade order:
# 1 - Pre Install new package
exit 0
-%if 0%{?dali_feedback_plugin}
-%post dali-feedback-plugin
+# Pre Uninstall old package
+exit 0
+# Post Uninstall old package
exit 0
%if %{with wayland}
-%if 0%{?dali_videoplayer_plugin}
%post dali-video-player-plugin
exit 0
+%if %{with wayland}
+%postun dali-video-player-plugin
+exit 0
-# Pre Uninstall old package
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if mobile || "undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "common"
+%post profile_mobile
+pushd %{_libdir}
+for FILE in libdali-adap*.so*.mobile; do ln -sf "$FILE" "${FILE%.mobile}"; done
exit 0
+%postun profile_mobile
+exit 0
-# Post Uninstall old package
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if tv ||"undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "common" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "mobile"
+%post profile_tv
+pushd %{_libdir}
+for FILE in libdali-adap*.so*.tv; do ln -sf "$FILE" "${FILE%.tv}"; done
exit 0
-%if 0%{?dali_feedback_plugin}
-%postun dali-feedback-plugin
+%postun profile_tv
exit 0
-%if %{with wayland}
-%if 0%{?dali_videoplayer_plugin}
-%postun dali-video-player-plugin
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if wearable || "undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "mobile" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "common"
+%post profile_wearable
+pushd %{_libdir}
+for FILE in libdali-adap*.so*.wearable; do ln -sf "$FILE" "${FILE%.wearable}"; done
+exit 0
+%postun profile_wearable
exit 0
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if ivi ||"undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "common" && "%{?profile}" != "mobile"
+%post profile_ivi
+pushd %{_libdir}
+for FILE in libdali-adap*.so*.ivi; do ln -sf "$FILE" "${FILE%.ivi}"; done
+exit 0
+%postun profile_ivi
+exit 0
# Files in Binary Packages
%manifest dali-adaptor.manifest
%dir %{user_shader_cache_dir}
%license LICENSE
-%files devel
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if common ||"undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "mobile"
+%exclude %{_libdir}/libdali-adap*.so*.mobile
+%exclude %{_libdir}/libdali-adap*.so*.wearable
+%exclude %{_libdir}/libdali-adap*.so*.tv
+%exclude %{_libdir}/libdali-adap*.so*.ivi
-%files integration-devel
+%if %{with wayland}
+%files dali-video-player-plugin
+%manifest dali-adaptor.manifest
+%license LICENSE
-%if 0%{?dali_feedback_plugin}
+%if 0%{?tizen_version_major} >= 3
%files dali-feedback-plugin
+%manifest dali-adaptor.manifest
-%if %{with wayland}
-%if 0%{?dali_videoplayer_plugin}
-%files dali-video-player-plugin
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if common ||"undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "mobile"
+%files profile_common
+# default .so files are housed in the main pkg.
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if mobile || "undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "common"
+%files profile_mobile
%manifest dali-adaptor.manifest
-%license LICENSE
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if tv ||"undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "common" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "mobile"
+%files profile_tv
+%manifest dali-adaptor.manifest
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if wearable || "undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "mobile" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "ivi" && "%{?profile}" != "common"
+%files profile_wearable
+%manifest dali-adaptor.manifest
+# This is for backward-compatibility. This does not deteriorate 4.0 Configurability
+# if ivi ||"undefined"
+%if "%{?profile}" != "wearable" && "%{?profile}" != "tv" && "%{?profile}" != "common" && "%{?profile}" != "mobile"
+%files profile_ivi
+%manifest dali-adaptor.manifest
+%files devel
+%files integration-devel