* @note The z dimensions of @p output tensor and @p input tensor must be the same.
* @note The fourth dimension of @p output tensor must be the same as the number of elements in @p rois array.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *rois, ICLTensor *output, const ROIPoolingLayerInfo &pool_info);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *rois, ICLTensor *output, const ROIPoolingLayerInfo &pool_info);
// Inherited methods overridden:
void run(const Window &window, cl::CommandQueue &queue) override;
* @param[in] end The ending (not including) value of the sequence.
* @param[in] step The gap between each pair of values in the sequence.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, ICLTensor *output, float start, float end, float step);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, ICLTensor *output, float start, float end, float step);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLRangeKernel
* @param[in] output Output tensor info. Data types supported: U8/S8/QASYMM8/U16/S16/U32/S32/F16/F32.
* @param[in] op Reduction operation to perform. Operations supported: MEAN_SUM, PROD, SUM_SQUARE, SUM, MIN, MAX
* @param[in] width (Optional) In case of x-axis we also need to provide the width of the input image.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, unsigned int axis, ReductionOperation op, unsigned int width = 0);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, unsigned int axis, ReductionOperation op, unsigned int width = 0);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLReductionOperationKernel.
* @param[in] policy The interpolation type.
* @param[in] border_undefined True if the border mode is undefined. False if it's replicate or constant.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *map_x, const ICLTensor *map_y, ICLTensor *output, InterpolationPolicy policy, bool border_undefined);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *map_x, const ICLTensor *map_y, ICLTensor *output, InterpolationPolicy policy, bool border_undefined);
// Inherited methods overridden:
void run(const Window &window, cl::CommandQueue &queue) override;
* @param[in] stride Stride value to use for reorganizing the values in the output tensor.
* It defines the spatial distance between 2 consecutive pixels in the x and y direction
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, int32_t stride);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, int32_t stride);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLReorgLayerKernel
* @param[in] input Source tensor. Data types supported: All.
* @param[in] input Source tensor. Data type supported: All.
* @param[out] output Destination tensor. Data type supported: Same as @p input
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLReshapeLayerKernel
* @param[out] output Output tensor. Data type supported: Same as @p input
* @param[in] axis Axis tensor. Contains the indices of the dimensions to reverse. Data type supported: U32
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const ICLTensor *axis);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const ICLTensor *axis);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLReverseKernel
* @param[in] sampling_policy (Optional) Sampling policy used by the interpolation. Defaults to @ref SamplingPolicy::CENTER
* @param[in] align_corners (Optional) Align corners of input and output, only affecting bilinear policy with TOP_LEFT sampling policy. Defaults to false.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, InterpolationPolicy policy, BorderMode border_mode,
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, InterpolationPolicy policy, BorderMode border_mode,
SamplingPolicy sampling_policy = SamplingPolicy::CENTER, bool align_corners = false);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLScaleKernel
* @param[out] output_y (Optional) Destination tensor for the Y gradient, Data types supported: S16.
* @param[in] border_undefined True if the border mode is undefined. False if it's replicate or constant.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined);
// Inherited methods overridden:
void run(const Window &window, cl::CommandQueue &queue) override;
* @param[out] y Second input tensor. Data types supported: Same as @p x
* @param[in] output Output tensor. Data types supported: Same as @p x.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *c, const ICLTensor *x, const ICLTensor *y, ICLTensor *output);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *c, const ICLTensor *x, const ICLTensor *y, ICLTensor *output);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLSelectKernel
* @param[in] c Condition input tensor. Data types supported: U8.
* @param[out] output_y (Optional) Destination tensor for the Y gradient, Data types supported: S16.
* @param[in] border_undefined True if the border mode is undefined. False if it's replicate or constant.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined);
// Inherited methods overridden:
void run(const Window &window, cl::CommandQueue &queue) override;
* @param[out] output_y (Optional) Destination tensor for the Y gradient, Data types supported: S16.
* @param[in] border_undefined True if the border mode is undefined. False if it's replicate or constant.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined);
// Inherited methods overridden:
void run(const Window &window, cl::CommandQueue &queue) override;
* @param[out] output_y (Optional) Destination tensor for the Y gradient, Data types supported: S16.
* @param[in] border_undefined True if the border mode is undefined. False if it's replicate or constant.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input_x, const ICLTensor *input_y, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input_x, const ICLTensor *input_y, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined);
// Inherited methods overridden:
void run(const Window &window, cl::CommandQueue &queue) override;
* @param[out] output_y (Optional) Destination tensor for the Y gradient, Data types supported: S32.
* @param[in] border_undefined True if the border mode is undefined. False if it's replicate or constant.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined);
// Inherited methods overridden:
void run(const Window &window, cl::CommandQueue &queue) override;
* @param[out] output_y (Optional) Destination tensor for the Y gradient, Data types supported: S32.
* @param[in] border_undefined True if the border mode is undefined. False if it's replicate or constant.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input_x, const ICLTensor *input_y, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input_x, const ICLTensor *input_y, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined);
// Inherited methods overridden:
void run(const Window &window, cl::CommandQueue &queue) override;
* @param[in] input Source tensor. Data types supported: QASYMM8/F16/F32
* @param[out] output Destination tensor. Data types supported: same as @p input
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLLogits1DMaxKernel
* @param[in] input Source tensor. Data types supported: QASYMM8/F16/F32
* @param[out] sum Sum of 1D logits tensor. Data types supported: S32 for QASYMM8 @p input, or same as @p input
* @param[in] beta (Optional) A scaling factor for the exponent. Defaults to 1.0
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *max, ICLTensor *output, ICLTensor *sum, float beta = 1.0f);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *max, ICLTensor *output, ICLTensor *sum, float beta = 1.0f);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLLogits1DShiftExpSumKernel
* @param[in] input Source tensor. Data types supported: QASYMM8/F16/F32
* @param[out] sum Sum of 1D logits tensor. Data types supported: same as @p input
* @param[in] info Contains information consumed by kernels for softmax described in @ref SoftmaxKernelInfo.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *max, ICLTensor *output, ICLTensor *sum, const SoftmaxKernelInfo &info);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *max, ICLTensor *output, ICLTensor *sum, const SoftmaxKernelInfo &info);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLLogits1DMaxShiftExpSumKernel
* @param[in] input Source tensor. Data types supported: F16/F32
* @param[out] output Destination tensor. Data types supported: QASYMM8 for S32 @p input, or same as @p input
* @param[in] info Contains information consumed by kernels for softmax described in @ref SoftmaxKernelInfo.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *sum, ICLTensor *output, const SoftmaxKernelInfo &info);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *sum, ICLTensor *output, const SoftmaxKernelInfo &info);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLLogits1DNormKernel
* @param[in] input Source tensor. Data types supported: S32/F16/F32
* @param[in] paddings 2-D tensor with shape [2, M]. Data types supported: S32
* @param[out] output Tensor output. Data types supported: same as @p input
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *block_shape, const ICLTensor *paddings, ICLTensor *output);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *block_shape, const ICLTensor *paddings, ICLTensor *output);
/** Initialise the kernel's input and output. (Static block shape and paddings)
* @param[in] input Tensor input. Supported tensor rank: 4. Data types supported: All.
* @param[in] padding_right The right padding of the output tensor.
* @param[out] output Tensor output. Data types supported: same as @p input
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const int block_shape_x, const int block_shape_y, const Size2D &padding_left, const Size2D &padding_right, ICLTensor *output);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const int block_shape_x, const int block_shape_y, const Size2D &padding_left, const Size2D &padding_right, ICLTensor *output);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLSpaceToBatchLayerKernel
* @param[in] input Tensor input. Supported tensor rank: 4. Data types supported: All.
* @param[out] output Tensor output. Data types supported: same as @p input
* @param[in] block_shape Block shape value.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, int32_t block_shape);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, int32_t block_shape);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLSpaceToDepthLayerKernel.
* @param[in] input Tensor input info. Supported tensor rank: 4. Data types supported: All.
* @param[out] output Output tensor. Data types supported: Same as @p input.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, unsigned int axis, unsigned int idx_input, unsigned int num_tensors, ICLTensor *output);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, unsigned int axis, unsigned int idx_input, unsigned int num_tensors, ICLTensor *output);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLStackLayerKernel
* @note Supported input tensor rank: up to 4
* @param[in] shrink_axis_mask If the ith bit of shrink_axis_mask is set, it implies that the ith specification shrinks the dimensionality by 1.
* A slice of size 1 starting from starts[i] in the dimension must be preserved.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output,
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output,
const Coordinates &starts, const Coordinates &ends, const BiStrides &strides,
int32_t begin_mask, int32_t end_mask, int32_t shrink_axis_mask);
* @param[in] lut The input LUT. Data types supported: U8, S16.
* @param[out] output The output tensor. Data types supported: U8, S16.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLLut *lut, ICLTensor *output);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLLut *lut, ICLTensor *output);
} // namespace arm_compute
* @param[in] type Thresholding type. Either RANGE or BINARY.
* @param[in] upper Upper threshold. Only used when the thresholding type is RANGE.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, uint8_t threshold,
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, uint8_t threshold,
uint8_t false_value, uint8_t true_value, ThresholdType type, uint8_t upper);
} // namespace arm_compute
* @param[out] output Destination tensor. Same as @p input
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const Multiples &multiples);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const Multiples &multiples);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLTileKernel
* @param[in] input Source tensor info. Data type supported: All.
* @param[in] input Input tensor. Data types supported: All.
* @param[out] output Output tensor. Data type supported: Same as @p input
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLTransposeKernel
* @param[in] input Input tensor. Data types supported: All.
* @param[in] info Contains stride information described in @ref Size2D.
* @param[in] upsampling_policy Defines the policy to fill the intermediate pixels.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const Size2D &info, const InterpolationPolicy upsampling_policy);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const Size2D &info, const InterpolationPolicy upsampling_policy);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLUpsampleLayerKernel
* @param[in] input Source tensor info. Data types supported: QASYMM8/QASYMM8_SIGNED/F16/F32.
* The matrix argument requires 9 values, the last 3 values are ignored.
* @param[in] policy The interpolation type.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const std::array<float, 9> &matrix, InterpolationPolicy policy);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const std::array<float, 9> &matrix, InterpolationPolicy policy);
// Inherited methods overridden:
BorderSize border_size() const override;
* @param[in] matrix The perspective matrix. Must be 3x3 of type float.
* @param[in] policy The interpolation type.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const std::array<float, 9> &matrix, InterpolationPolicy policy);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const std::array<float, 9> &matrix, InterpolationPolicy policy);
// Inherited methods overridden:
BorderSize border_size() const override;
* @param[in] num_groups (Optional) Number of groups when performing a grouped convolution. num_groups != 1 is only supported for NCHW data layout
* Number of groups greater than one are only supported for NCHW data layout, and the number of weights must be a multiple of it.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *biases, ICLTensor *output, unsigned int num_groups = 1);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *biases, ICLTensor *output, unsigned int num_groups = 1);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLWeightsReshapeKernel
* @param[in] input The input tensor to convert. Weights are 4D tensor with dimensions [kernel_x, kernel_y, IFM, OFM] if shared,
* @param[in] input2 Second input tensor. Data types supported: same as @p input1
* @param[out] output Output tensor. Data types supported: Same as @p input1.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input1, const ICLTensor *input2, ICLTensor *output);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input1, const ICLTensor *input2, ICLTensor *output);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLWidthConcatenate2TensorsKernel
* @param[in] input1 First tensor info. Data types supported: All.
* @param[in] input4 Fourth input tensor. Data types supported: same as @p input1
* @param[out] output Output tensor. Data types supported: Same as @p input1.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input1, const ICLTensor *input2, const ICLTensor *input3, const ICLTensor *input4, ICLTensor *output);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input1, const ICLTensor *input2, const ICLTensor *input3, const ICLTensor *input4, ICLTensor *output);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLWidthConcatenate4TensorsKernel
* @param[in] input1 First tensor info. Data types supported: All.
* @param[in,out] output Output tensor. Data types supported: Same as @p input.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, unsigned int width_offset, ICLTensor *output);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, unsigned int width_offset, ICLTensor *output);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLWidthConcatenateLayerKernel
* @param[in] input Input tensor info. Data types supported: All.
* @param[out] output The output tensor. The shape for this tensor can be calculated using the utility function @p compute_winograd_filter_transform_shape. Data types supported: Same as @p input
* @param[in] winograd_info Contains Winograd's information described in @ref WinogradInfo
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const WinogradInfo &winograd_info);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const WinogradInfo &winograd_info);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLWinogradFilterTransformKernel
* @note Winograd filter transform supports the following configurations for NCWH data layout
* @param[in] output The output tensor. The shape for this tensor can be calculated using the utility function @p compute_winograd_input_transform_shape. Data types supported: Same as @p input
* @param[in] winograd_info Contains Winograd's information described in @ref WinogradInfo.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const WinogradInfo &winograd_info);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const WinogradInfo &winograd_info);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLWinogradInputTransformKernel
* @note Winograd input transform supports the following configurations for NCWH data layout
* @param[in] winograd_info Contains Winograd's information described in @ref WinogradInfo
* @param[in] act_info (Optional) Activation layer information in case of a fused activation.
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *bias, ICLTensor *output, const WinogradInfo &winograd_info,
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *bias, ICLTensor *output, const WinogradInfo &winograd_info,
const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info = ActivationLayerInfo());
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLWinogradOutputTransformKernel
* @param[in] act_info Activation layer information.
* @param[in] num_classes Number of classes to activate (must be submultiple of @p input channels)
- void configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info, int32_t num_classes);
+ void configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info, int32_t num_classes);
/** Static function to check if given info will lead to a valid configuration of @ref CLYOLOLayerKernel
* @param[in] input Source tensor info. In case of @p output tensor info = nullptr, this tensor will store the result
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, rois, output, pool_info);
-void CLROIPoolingLayerKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *rois, ICLTensor *output, const ROIPoolingLayerInfo &pool_info)
+void CLROIPoolingLayerKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *rois, ICLTensor *output, const ROIPoolingLayerInfo &pool_info)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(input, rois, output);
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), output, start, end, step);
-void CLRangeKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, ICLTensor *output, const float start, const float end, const float step)
+void CLRangeKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, ICLTensor *output, const float start, const float end, const float step)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output, axis, op, width);
-void CLReductionOperationKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, unsigned int axis, ReductionOperation op, unsigned int width)
+void CLReductionOperationKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, unsigned int axis, ReductionOperation op, unsigned int width)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, map_x, map_y, output, policy, border_undefined);
-void CLRemapKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *map_x, const ICLTensor *map_y, ICLTensor *output, InterpolationPolicy policy,
+void CLRemapKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *map_x, const ICLTensor *map_y, ICLTensor *output, InterpolationPolicy policy,
bool border_undefined)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output, stride);
-void CLReorgLayerKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, int32_t stride)
+void CLReorgLayerKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, int32_t stride)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_THROW_ON(validate_arguments(input->info(), output->info(), stride));
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output);
-void CLReshapeLayerKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output)
+void CLReshapeLayerKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_THROW_ON(validate_arguments(input->info(), output->info()));
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output, axis);
-void CLReverseKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const ICLTensor *axis)
+void CLReverseKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const ICLTensor *axis)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(input, output, axis);
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output, policy, border_mode, sampling_policy, align_corners);
-void CLScaleKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, InterpolationPolicy policy, BorderMode border_mode, SamplingPolicy sampling_policy,
+void CLScaleKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, InterpolationPolicy policy, BorderMode border_mode, SamplingPolicy sampling_policy,
bool align_corners)
_align_corners = policy == InterpolationPolicy::BILINEAR
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output_x, output_y, border_undefined);
-void CLScharr3x3Kernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined)
+void CLScharr3x3Kernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON((output_x == nullptr) && (output_y == nullptr));
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), c, x, y, output);
-void CLSelectKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *c, const ICLTensor *x, const ICLTensor *y, ICLTensor *output)
+void CLSelectKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *c, const ICLTensor *x, const ICLTensor *y, ICLTensor *output)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_THROW_ON(validate_arguments(c->info(), x->info(), y->info(), output->info()));
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output_x, output_y, border_undefined);
-void CLSobel3x3Kernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined)
+void CLSobel3x3Kernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON((output_x == nullptr) && (output_y == nullptr));
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output_x, output_y, border_undefined);
-void CLSobel5x5HorKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined)
+void CLSobel5x5HorKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON((output_x == nullptr) && (output_y == nullptr));
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input_x, input_y, output_x, output_y, border_undefined);
-void CLSobel5x5VertKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input_x, const ICLTensor *input_y, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined)
+void CLSobel5x5VertKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input_x, const ICLTensor *input_y, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON((output_x == nullptr) && (output_y == nullptr));
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output_x, output_y, border_undefined);
-void CLSobel7x7HorKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined)
+void CLSobel7x7HorKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON((output_x == nullptr) && (output_y == nullptr));
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input_x, input_y, output_x, output_y, border_undefined);
-void CLSobel7x7VertKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input_x, const ICLTensor *input_y, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined)
+void CLSobel7x7VertKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input_x, const ICLTensor *input_y, ICLTensor *output_x, ICLTensor *output_y, bool border_undefined)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON((output_x == nullptr) && (output_y == nullptr));
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, max, output, sum, info);
-void CLLogits1DMaxShiftExpSumKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *max, ICLTensor *output, ICLTensor *sum, const SoftmaxKernelInfo &info)
+void CLLogits1DMaxShiftExpSumKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *max, ICLTensor *output, ICLTensor *sum, const SoftmaxKernelInfo &info)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(input, max, sum, output);
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, sum, output, info);
-void CLLogits1DNormKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *sum, ICLTensor *output, const SoftmaxKernelInfo &info)
+void CLLogits1DNormKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *sum, ICLTensor *output, const SoftmaxKernelInfo &info)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(input, sum, output);
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, block_shape, paddings, output);
-void CLSpaceToBatchLayerKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *block_shape, const ICLTensor *paddings, ICLTensor *output)
+void CLSpaceToBatchLayerKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *block_shape, const ICLTensor *paddings, ICLTensor *output)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_THROW_ON(validate_arguments(input->info(), block_shape->info(), paddings->info(), output->info()));
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, block_shape_x, block_shape_y, padding_left, padding_right, output);
-void CLSpaceToBatchLayerKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const int block_shape_x, const int block_shape_y, const Size2D &padding_left,
+void CLSpaceToBatchLayerKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const int block_shape_x, const int block_shape_y, const Size2D &padding_left,
const Size2D &padding_right,
ICLTensor *output)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output, block_shape);
-void CLSpaceToDepthLayerKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, int32_t block_shape)
+void CLSpaceToDepthLayerKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, int32_t block_shape)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, axis, idx_input, num_tensors, output);
-void CLStackLayerKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, unsigned int axis, unsigned int idx_input, unsigned int num_tensors, ICLTensor *output)
+void CLStackLayerKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, unsigned int axis, unsigned int idx_input, unsigned int num_tensors, ICLTensor *output)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_THROW_ON(validate_arguments(input->info(), axis, idx_input, num_tensors, output->info()));
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output, starts, ends, strides, begin_mask, end_mask, shrink_axis_mask);
-void CLStridedSliceKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output,
+void CLStridedSliceKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output,
const Coordinates &starts, const Coordinates &ends, const BiStrides &strides,
int32_t begin_mask, int32_t end_mask, int32_t shrink_axis_mask)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, lut, output);
-void CLTableLookupKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLLut *lut, ICLTensor *output)
+void CLTableLookupKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLLut *lut, ICLTensor *output)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_DATA_TYPE_CHANNEL_NOT_IN(output, 1, DataType::U8, DataType::S16);
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output, threshold, false_value, true_value, type, upper);
-void CLThresholdKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, uint8_t threshold,
+void CLThresholdKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, uint8_t threshold,
uint8_t false_value, uint8_t true_value, ThresholdType type, uint8_t upper)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output, multiples);
-void CLTileKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const Multiples &multiples)
+void CLTileKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const Multiples &multiples)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output);
-void CLTransposeKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output)
+void CLTransposeKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output, info, upsampling_policy);
-void CLUpsampleLayerKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const Size2D &info, const InterpolationPolicy upsampling_policy)
+void CLUpsampleLayerKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const Size2D &info, const InterpolationPolicy upsampling_policy)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output, matrix, policy);
-void CLWarpAffineKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const std::array<float, 9> &matrix, InterpolationPolicy policy)
+void CLWarpAffineKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const std::array<float, 9> &matrix, InterpolationPolicy policy)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output, matrix, policy);
-void CLWarpPerspectiveKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const std::array<float, 9> &matrix, InterpolationPolicy policy)
+void CLWarpPerspectiveKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const std::array<float, 9> &matrix, InterpolationPolicy policy)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, biases, output, num_groups);
-void CLWeightsReshapeKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *biases, ICLTensor *output, unsigned int num_groups)
+void CLWeightsReshapeKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *biases, ICLTensor *output, unsigned int num_groups)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input1, input2, output);
-void CLWidthConcatenate2TensorsKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input1, const ICLTensor *input2, ICLTensor *output)
+void CLWidthConcatenate2TensorsKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input1, const ICLTensor *input2, ICLTensor *output)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(input1, input2, output);
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_THROW_ON(validate_arguments(input1->info(), input2->info(), output->info()));
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input1, input2, input3, input4, output);
-void CLWidthConcatenate4TensorsKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input1, const ICLTensor *input2, const ICLTensor *input3, const ICLTensor *input4,
+void CLWidthConcatenate4TensorsKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input1, const ICLTensor *input2, const ICLTensor *input3, const ICLTensor *input4,
ICLTensor *output)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(input1, input2, input3, input4, output);
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, width_offset, output);
-void CLWidthConcatenateLayerKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, unsigned int width_offset, ICLTensor *output)
+void CLWidthConcatenateLayerKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, unsigned int width_offset, ICLTensor *output)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_THROW_ON(validate_arguments(input->info(), width_offset, output->info()));
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output, winograd_info);
-void CLWinogradFilterTransformKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const WinogradInfo &winograd_info)
+void CLWinogradFilterTransformKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const WinogradInfo &winograd_info)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output, winograd_info);
-void CLWinogradInputTransformKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const WinogradInfo &winograd_info)
+void CLWinogradInputTransformKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const WinogradInfo &winograd_info)
ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_THROW_ON(validate_arguments(input->info(), output->info(), winograd_info));
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, bias, output, winograd_info, act_info);
-void CLWinogradOutputTransformKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *bias, ICLTensor *output, const WinogradInfo &winograd_info,
+void CLWinogradOutputTransformKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, const ICLTensor *input, const ICLTensor *bias, ICLTensor *output, const WinogradInfo &winograd_info,
const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info)
configure(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_compile_context(), input, output, act_info, num_classes);
-void CLYOLOLayerKernel::configure(CLCompileContext &compile_context, ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info, int32_t num_classes)
+void CLYOLOLayerKernel::configure(const CLCompileContext &compile_context, ICLTensor *input, ICLTensor *output, const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info, int32_t num_classes)