Check out the [classification demo](!
-<!-- BVLC hosts a quick [classification demo]( using Caffe. -->
## Why Caffe?
Caffe aims to provide computer vision scientists and practitioners with a **clean and modifiable implementation** of state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms.
* [Image Classification \[notebook\]][imagenet_classification]: classify images with the pretrained ImageNet model by the Python interface.
* [Detection \[notebook\]][detection]: run a pretrained model as a detector in Python.
* [Visualizing Features and Filters \[notebook\]][visualizing_filters]: extracting features and visualizing trained filters with an example image, viewed layer-by-layer.
+* [Editing Model Parameters \[notebook\]][net_surgery]: how to do net surgery and manually change model parameters.
* [LeNet / MNIST Demo](/mnist.html): end-to-end training and testing of LeNet on MNIST.
* [CIFAR-10 Demo](/cifar10.html): training and testing on the CIFAR-10 data.
* [Training ImageNet](/imagenet_training.html): recipe for end-to-end training of an ImageNet classifier.
## Citing Caffe