+void FastNewContextStub::InitializeInterfaceDescriptor(
+ Isolate* isolate,
+ CodeStubInterfaceDescriptor* descriptor) {
+ static Register registers[] = { a1 };
+ descriptor->register_param_count_ = 1;
+ descriptor->register_params_ = registers;
+ descriptor->deoptimization_handler_ = NULL;
void ToNumberStub::InitializeInterfaceDescriptor(
Isolate* isolate,
CodeStubInterfaceDescriptor* descriptor) {
-void FastNewContextStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
- // Try to allocate the context in new space.
- Label gc;
- int length = slots_ + Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS;
- // Attempt to allocate the context in new space.
- __ Allocate(FixedArray::SizeFor(length), v0, a1, a2, &gc, TAG_OBJECT);
- // Load the function from the stack.
- __ lw(a3, MemOperand(sp, 0));
- // Set up the object header.
- __ LoadRoot(a1, Heap::kFunctionContextMapRootIndex);
- __ li(a2, Operand(Smi::FromInt(length)));
- __ sw(a2, FieldMemOperand(v0, FixedArray::kLengthOffset));
- __ sw(a1, FieldMemOperand(v0, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
- // Set up the fixed slots, copy the global object from the previous context.
- __ lw(a2, MemOperand(cp, Context::SlotOffset(Context::GLOBAL_OBJECT_INDEX)));
- __ li(a1, Operand(Smi::FromInt(0)));
- __ sw(a3, MemOperand(v0, Context::SlotOffset(Context::CLOSURE_INDEX)));
- __ sw(cp, MemOperand(v0, Context::SlotOffset(Context::PREVIOUS_INDEX)));
- __ sw(a1, MemOperand(v0, Context::SlotOffset(Context::EXTENSION_INDEX)));
- __ sw(a2, MemOperand(v0, Context::SlotOffset(Context::GLOBAL_OBJECT_INDEX)));
- // Initialize the rest of the slots to undefined.
- __ LoadRoot(a1, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
- for (int i = Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS; i < length; i++) {
- __ sw(a1, MemOperand(v0, Context::SlotOffset(i)));
- }
- // Remove the on-stack argument and return.
- __ mov(cp, v0);
- __ DropAndRet(1);
- // Need to collect. Call into runtime system.
- __ bind(&gc);
- __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kNewFunctionContext, 1, 1);
void FastNewBlockContextStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Stack layout on entry:
if (heap_slots > 0) {
Comment cmnt(masm_, "[ Allocate context");
// Argument to NewContext is the function, which is still in a1.
- __ push(a1);
if (FLAG_harmony_scoping && info->scope()->is_global_scope()) {
+ __ push(a1);
__ Push(info->scope()->GetScopeInfo());
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNewGlobalContext, 2);
} else if (heap_slots <= FastNewContextStub::kMaximumSlots) {
FastNewContextStub stub(heap_slots);
__ CallStub(&stub);
} else {
+ __ push(a1);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNewFunctionContext, 1);
function_in_register = false;
- // Context is returned in both v0 and cp. It replaces the context
- // passed to us. It's saved in the stack and kept live in cp.
- __ sw(cp, MemOperand(fp, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset));
+ // Context is returned in v0. It replaces the context passed to us.
+ // It's saved in the stack and kept live in cp.
+ __ mov(cp, v0);
+ __ sw(v0, MemOperand(fp, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset));
// Copy any necessary parameters into the context.
int num_parameters = info->scope()->num_parameters();
for (int i = 0; i < num_parameters; i++) {
if (heap_slots > 0) {
Comment(";;; Allocate local context");
// Argument to NewContext is the function, which is in a1.
- __ push(a1);
if (heap_slots <= FastNewContextStub::kMaximumSlots) {
FastNewContextStub stub(heap_slots);
__ CallStub(&stub);
} else {
+ __ push(a1);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNewFunctionContext, 1);
- // Context is returned in both v0 and cp. It replaces the context
- // passed to us. It's saved in the stack and kept live in cp.
- __ sw(cp, MemOperand(fp, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset));
+ // Context is returned in both v0. It replaces the context passed to us.
+ // It's saved in the stack and kept live in cp.
+ __ mov(cp, v0);
+ __ sw(v0, MemOperand(fp, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset));
// Copy any necessary parameters into the context.
int num_parameters = scope()->num_parameters();
for (int i = 0; i < num_parameters; i++) {