.. option:: -fprofile-generate[=<dirname>]
The ``-fprofile-generate`` and ``-fprofile-generate=`` flags will use
- an alterantive instrumentation method for profile generation. When
+ an alternative instrumentation method for profile generation. When
given a directory name, it generates the profile file
``default_%m.profraw`` in the directory named ``dirname`` if specified.
If ``dirname`` does not exist, it will be created at runtime. ``%m`` specifier
- will be substibuted with a unique id documented in step 2 above. In other words,
+ will be substituted with a unique id documented in step 2 above. In other words,
with ``-fprofile-generate[=<dirname>]`` option, the "raw" profile data automatic
merging is turned on by default, so there will no longer any risk of profile
clobbering from different running processes. For example,