-- or if it refers to an Etype that has an error posted on it, or if
-- it references an Entity that has an error posted on it.
+ procedure Output_JSON_Message (Error_Id : Error_Msg_Id);
+ -- Output error message Error_Id and any subsequent continuation message
+ -- using a JSON format similar to the one GCC uses when passed
+ -- -fdiagnostics-format=json.
procedure Output_Source_Line
(L : Physical_Line_Number;
Sfile : Source_File_Index;
end if;
end OK_Node;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Output_JSON_Message --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Output_JSON_Message (Error_Id : Error_Msg_Id) is
+ procedure Write_JSON_Escaped_String (Str : String_Ptr);
+ -- Write each character of Str, taking care of preceding each quote and
+ -- backslash with a backslash. Note that this escaping differs from what
+ -- GCC does.
+ --
+ -- Indeed, the JSON specification mandates encoding wide characters
+ -- either as their direct UTF-8 representation or as their escaped
+ -- UTF-16 surrogate pairs representation. GCC seems to prefer escaping -
+ -- we choose to use the UTF-8 representation instead.
+ procedure Write_JSON_Location (Sptr : Source_Ptr);
+ -- Write Sptr as a JSON location, an object containing a file attribute,
+ -- a line number and a column number.
+ procedure Write_JSON_Span (Span : Source_Span);
+ -- Write Span as a JSON span, an object containing a "caret" attribute
+ -- whose value is the JSON location of Span.Ptr. If Span.First and
+ -- Span.Last are different from Span.Ptr, they will be printed as JSON
+ -- locations under the names "start" and "finish".
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Write_JSON_Escaped_String --
+ -------------------------------
+ procedure Write_JSON_Escaped_String (Str : String_Ptr) is
+ begin
+ for C of Str.all loop
+ if C = '"' or else C = '\' then
+ Write_Char ('\');
+ end if;
+ Write_Char (C);
+ end loop;
+ end Write_JSON_Escaped_String;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Write_JSON_Location --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Write_JSON_Location (Sptr : Source_Ptr) is
+ begin
+ Write_Str ("{""file"":""");
+ Write_Name (Full_Ref_Name (Get_Source_File_Index (Sptr)));
+ Write_Str (""",""line"":");
+ Write_Int (Pos (Get_Physical_Line_Number (Sptr)));
+ Write_Str (", ""column"":");
+ Write_Int (Nat (Get_Column_Number (Sptr)));
+ Write_Str ("}");
+ end Write_JSON_Location;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Write_JSON_Span --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Write_JSON_Span (Span : Source_Span) is
+ begin
+ Write_Str ("{""caret"":");
+ Write_JSON_Location (Span.Ptr);
+ if Span.Ptr /= Span.First then
+ Write_Str (",""start"":");
+ Write_JSON_Location (Span.First);
+ end if;
+ if Span.Ptr /= Span.Last then
+ Write_Str (",""finish"":");
+ Write_JSON_Location (Span.Last);
+ end if;
+ Write_Str ("}");
+ end Write_JSON_Span;
+ -- Local Variables
+ E : Error_Msg_Id := Error_Id;
+ -- Start of processing for Output_JSON_Message
+ begin
+ -- Print message kind
+ Write_Str ("{""kind"":");
+ if Errors.Table (E).Warn and then not Errors.Table (E).Warn_Err then
+ Write_Str ("""warning""");
+ elsif Errors.Table (E).Info or else Errors.Table (E).Check then
+ Write_Str ("""note""");
+ else
+ Write_Str ("""error""");
+ end if;
+ -- Print message location
+ Write_Str (",""locations"":[");
+ Write_JSON_Span (Errors.Table (E).Sptr);
+ if Errors.Table (E).Optr /= Errors.Table (E).Sptr.Ptr then
+ Write_Str (",{""caret"":");
+ Write_JSON_Location (Errors.Table (E).Optr);
+ Write_Str ("}");
+ end if;
+ -- Print message content
+ Write_Str ("],""message"":""");
+ Write_JSON_Escaped_String (Errors.Table (E).Text);
+ -- Print message continuations if present
+ E := E + 1;
+ while E <= Last_Error_Msg and then Errors.Table (E).Msg_Cont loop
+ Write_Str (", ");
+ Write_JSON_Escaped_String (Errors.Table (E).Text);
+ E := E + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Write_Str ("""}");
+ end Output_JSON_Message;
-- Output_Messages --
Current_Error_Source_File := No_Source_File;
end if;
+ if Opt.JSON_Output then
+ Set_Standard_Error;
+ E := First_Error_Msg;
+ -- Find first printable message
+ while E /= No_Error_Msg and then Errors.Table (E).Deleted loop
+ E := Errors.Table (E).Next;
+ end loop;
+ Write_Char ('[');
+ if E /= No_Error_Msg then
+ Output_JSON_Message (E);
+ E := Errors.Table (E).Next;
+ -- Skip deleted messages.
+ -- Also skip continuation messages, as they have already been
+ -- printed along the message they're attached to.
+ while E /= No_Error_Msg
+ and then not Errors.Table (E).Deleted
+ and then not Errors.Table (E).Msg_Cont
+ loop
+ Write_Char (',');
+ Output_JSON_Message (E);
+ E := Errors.Table (E).Next;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Write_Char (']');
+ Set_Standard_Output;
-- Brief Error mode
- if Brief_Output or (not Full_List and not Verbose_Mode) then
+ elsif Brief_Output or (not Full_List and not Verbose_Mode) then
E := First_Error_Msg;
end if;
- Write_Max_Errors;
+ if not Opt.JSON_Output then
+ Write_Max_Errors;
+ end if;
-- Even though Warning_Info_Messages are a subclass of warnings, they
-- must not be treated as errors when -gnatwe is in effect.