// fgMorphArgs will have created trees to pass the address in VirtualStubParam.reg.
// All we have to do here is add an indirection to generate the actual call target.
- GenTree* ind = Ind(call->gtCallAddr);
+ GenTree* ind;
+#ifdef _TARGET_ARM_
+ // For ARM, fgMorphTailCall has already made gtCallAddr a GT_IND for virtual stub tail calls.
+ // (When we eliminate LEGACY_BACKEND maybe we can eliminate this asymmetry?)
+ if (call->IsTailCallViaHelper())
+ {
+ ind = call->gtCallAddr;
+ assert(ind->gtOper == GT_IND);
+ }
+ else
+#endif // _TARGET_ARM_
+ {
+ ind = Ind(call->gtCallAddr);
+ BlockRange().InsertAfter(call->gtCallAddr, ind);
+ call->gtCallAddr = ind;
+ }
ind->gtFlags |= GTF_IND_REQ_ADDR_IN_REG;
- BlockRange().InsertAfter(call->gtCallAddr, ind);
- call->gtCallAddr = ind;