obj_desc->package.node = parent->common.node;
- obj_desc->package.count = package_length;
- /* Count the number of items in the package list */
+ /* Count the *actual* number of items in the package list */
arg = op->common.value.arg;
arg = arg->common.next;
- * The package length (number of elements) will be the greater
- * of the specified length and the length of the initializer list
+ * The number of elements in the package will be the lesser of the
+ * specified element count and the length of the initializer list.
+ *
+ * Even though the ASL compilers do not allow this to happen (for the
+ * fixed length package opcode), some BIOS code modifies the AML on the
+ * fly to adjust the package length, and this code compensates for that.
+ * This also provides compatibility with other AML interpreters.
- if (package_list_length > package_length) {
- obj_desc->package.count = package_list_length;
+ obj_desc->package.count = package_length;
+ if (package_list_length != package_length) {
+ "Package length mismatch, using lesser of %X(Length Arg) and %X(AML Length)\n",
+ package_length, package_list_length));
+ if (package_list_length < package_length) {
+ obj_desc->package.count = package_list_length;
+ }
arg = op->common.value.arg;
arg = arg->common.next;
- for (i = 0; arg; i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < obj_desc->package.count; i++) {
if (arg->common.aml_opcode == AML_INT_RETURN_VALUE_OP) {
/* Object (package or buffer) is already built */