TSR for virtual INT 13h disk in high memory (under development.)
authorhpa <hpa>
Thu, 19 Apr 2001 04:57:57 +0000 (04:57 +0000)
committerhpa <hpa>
Thu, 19 Apr 2001 04:57:57 +0000 (04:57 +0000)
memdisk.asm [new file with mode: 0644]
memdisk/memdisk.asm [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/memdisk.asm b/memdisk.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..aa95f9e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+; -*- fundamental -*- (asm-mode sucks)
+; $Id$
+; ****************************************************************************
+;  memdisk.asm
+;  A program to emulate an INT 13h disk BIOS from a "disk" in extended
+;  memory.
+;   Copyright (C) 2001  H. Peter Anvin
+;  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge MA 02139,
+;  USA; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+;  version; incorporated herein by reference.
+; ****************************************************************************
+               org 0h
+MyStack                equ 1024
+               ; Parameter registers definition; this is the definition
+               ; of the stack frame.
+%define                P_EAX           dword [bp+28]
+%define                P_AX            word [bp+28]
+%define                P_AL            byte [bp+28]
+%define                P_AH            byte [bp+29]
+%define                P_ECX           dword [bp+24]
+%define                P_CX            word [bp+24]
+%define                P_CL            byte [bp+24]
+%define                P_CH            byte [bp+25]
+%define                P_EDX           dword [bp+20]
+%define                P_DX            word [bp+20]
+%define                P_DL            byte [bp+20]
+%define                P_DH            byte [bp+21]
+%define                P_EBX           dword [bp+16]
+%define                P_BX            word [bp+16]
+%define                P_BL            byte [bp+16]
+%define                P_BH            byte [bp+17]
+%define                P_EBP           dword [bp+8]
+%define                P_BP            word [bp+8]
+%define                P_ESI           dword [bp+4]
+%define                P_SI            word [bp+4]
+%define                P_EDI           dword [bp]
+%define                P_DI            word [bp]
+               section .text
+               ; See if DL points to our class of device (FD, HD)
+               push dx
+               xor dl,[cs:DriveNo]
+               pop dx
+               js .nomatch             ; If SF=0, we have a match here
+               cmp dl,[cs:DriveNo]
+               je .our_drive
+               jb .nomatch             ; Drive < Our drive
+               dec dl                  ; Drive > Our drive, adjust drive #
+               jmp far [OldInt13]
+               mov [cs:Stack],sp
+               mov [cs:SavedAX],ax
+               mov ax,ss
+               mov [cs:Stack+2],ax
+               mov ax,cs
+               mov ss,ax
+               mov sp,MyStack
+               push ds
+               push es
+               mov ds,ax
+               mov es,ax
+               mov ax,[SavedAX]
+               pushad
+               mov bp,sp
+               cmp ah,Int13FuncsMax
+               jae Invalid
+               xor al,al               ; AL = 0 is standard entry condition
+               mov di,ax
+               shr di,7
+               call [Int13Funcs+di]
+Done:          ; Standard routine for return
+               mov [LastStatus],ah
+               mov P_AX,ax
+               cmp ah,1
+               setnb al                ; AL <- (AH > 0) ? 1 : 0 (CF)
+               lds bx,[Stack]          ; DS:BX <- Old stack pointer
+               mov [bx+4],al           ; Low byte of old FLAGS -> arithmetric flags
+               popad
+               pop es
+               pop ds
+               lss sp,[cs:Stack]
+               iret
+               ; Reset affects multiple drives, so we need to pass it on
+               pop ax                  ; Drop return address
+               mov [LastStatus], byte 0
+               popad
+               pop es
+               pop ds
+               lss sp,[cs:Stack]
+               and dl,80h              ; Clear all but the type bit
+               jmp far [OldInt13]
+               mov ah,[LastStatus]     ; Copy last status
+               ret
+               xor ah,ah               ; Always successful
+               ret
+               mov ah,01h              ; Unsupported function
+               ret
+               section .data
+Int13Funcs     dw Reset                ; 00h - RESET
+               dw GetStatus            ; 01h - GET STATUS
+               dw Read                 ; 02h - READ
+               dw Write                ; 03h - WRITE
+               dw Verify               ; 04h - VERIFY
+               dw Format               ; 05h - FORMAT TRACK
+               dw Format               ; 06h - FORMAT TRACK AND SET BAD FLAGS
+               dw Format               ; 07h - FORMAT DRIVE AT TRACK
+               dw GetParms             ; 08h - GET PARAMETERS
+               dw InitWithParms        ; 09h - INITIALIZE CONTROLLER WITH DRIVE PARAMETERS
+               dw Invalid              ; 0Ah
+               dw Invalid              ; 0Bh
+               dw Seek                 ; 0Ch - SEEK TO CYLINDER
+               dw Reset                ; 0Dh - RESET HARD DISKS
+               dw Invalid              ; 0Eh
+               dw Invalid              ; 0Fh
+               dw CheckIfReady         ; 10h - CHECK IF READY
+               dw Recalibrate          ; 11h - RECALIBRATE
+               dw Invalid              ; 12h
+               dw Invalid              ; 13h
+               dw Invalid              ; 14h
+               dw GetDriveType         ; 15h - GET DRIVE TYPE
+               dw DetectChange         ; 16h - DETECT DRIVE CHANGE
+Int13FuncsEnd  equ $
+Int13FuncsMax  equ (Int13FuncsEnd-Int13Funcs) >> 1
+DriveNo                db 0                    ; Our drive number
+LastStatus     db 0                    ; Last return status
+               section .bss
+OldInt13       resd 1                  ; INT 13h in chain
+Stack          resd 1                  ; Saved SS:SP on invocation
+SavedAX                resw 1                  ; AX saved during initialization
diff --git a/memdisk/memdisk.asm b/memdisk/memdisk.asm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..aa95f9e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+; -*- fundamental -*- (asm-mode sucks)
+; $Id$
+; ****************************************************************************
+;  memdisk.asm
+;  A program to emulate an INT 13h disk BIOS from a "disk" in extended
+;  memory.
+;   Copyright (C) 2001  H. Peter Anvin
+;  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge MA 02139,
+;  USA; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+;  version; incorporated herein by reference.
+; ****************************************************************************
+               org 0h
+MyStack                equ 1024
+               ; Parameter registers definition; this is the definition
+               ; of the stack frame.
+%define                P_EAX           dword [bp+28]
+%define                P_AX            word [bp+28]
+%define                P_AL            byte [bp+28]
+%define                P_AH            byte [bp+29]
+%define                P_ECX           dword [bp+24]
+%define                P_CX            word [bp+24]
+%define                P_CL            byte [bp+24]
+%define                P_CH            byte [bp+25]
+%define                P_EDX           dword [bp+20]
+%define                P_DX            word [bp+20]
+%define                P_DL            byte [bp+20]
+%define                P_DH            byte [bp+21]
+%define                P_EBX           dword [bp+16]
+%define                P_BX            word [bp+16]
+%define                P_BL            byte [bp+16]
+%define                P_BH            byte [bp+17]
+%define                P_EBP           dword [bp+8]
+%define                P_BP            word [bp+8]
+%define                P_ESI           dword [bp+4]
+%define                P_SI            word [bp+4]
+%define                P_EDI           dword [bp]
+%define                P_DI            word [bp]
+               section .text
+               ; See if DL points to our class of device (FD, HD)
+               push dx
+               xor dl,[cs:DriveNo]
+               pop dx
+               js .nomatch             ; If SF=0, we have a match here
+               cmp dl,[cs:DriveNo]
+               je .our_drive
+               jb .nomatch             ; Drive < Our drive
+               dec dl                  ; Drive > Our drive, adjust drive #
+               jmp far [OldInt13]
+               mov [cs:Stack],sp
+               mov [cs:SavedAX],ax
+               mov ax,ss
+               mov [cs:Stack+2],ax
+               mov ax,cs
+               mov ss,ax
+               mov sp,MyStack
+               push ds
+               push es
+               mov ds,ax
+               mov es,ax
+               mov ax,[SavedAX]
+               pushad
+               mov bp,sp
+               cmp ah,Int13FuncsMax
+               jae Invalid
+               xor al,al               ; AL = 0 is standard entry condition
+               mov di,ax
+               shr di,7
+               call [Int13Funcs+di]
+Done:          ; Standard routine for return
+               mov [LastStatus],ah
+               mov P_AX,ax
+               cmp ah,1
+               setnb al                ; AL <- (AH > 0) ? 1 : 0 (CF)
+               lds bx,[Stack]          ; DS:BX <- Old stack pointer
+               mov [bx+4],al           ; Low byte of old FLAGS -> arithmetric flags
+               popad
+               pop es
+               pop ds
+               lss sp,[cs:Stack]
+               iret
+               ; Reset affects multiple drives, so we need to pass it on
+               pop ax                  ; Drop return address
+               mov [LastStatus], byte 0
+               popad
+               pop es
+               pop ds
+               lss sp,[cs:Stack]
+               and dl,80h              ; Clear all but the type bit
+               jmp far [OldInt13]
+               mov ah,[LastStatus]     ; Copy last status
+               ret
+               xor ah,ah               ; Always successful
+               ret
+               mov ah,01h              ; Unsupported function
+               ret
+               section .data
+Int13Funcs     dw Reset                ; 00h - RESET
+               dw GetStatus            ; 01h - GET STATUS
+               dw Read                 ; 02h - READ
+               dw Write                ; 03h - WRITE
+               dw Verify               ; 04h - VERIFY
+               dw Format               ; 05h - FORMAT TRACK
+               dw Format               ; 06h - FORMAT TRACK AND SET BAD FLAGS
+               dw Format               ; 07h - FORMAT DRIVE AT TRACK
+               dw GetParms             ; 08h - GET PARAMETERS
+               dw InitWithParms        ; 09h - INITIALIZE CONTROLLER WITH DRIVE PARAMETERS
+               dw Invalid              ; 0Ah
+               dw Invalid              ; 0Bh
+               dw Seek                 ; 0Ch - SEEK TO CYLINDER
+               dw Reset                ; 0Dh - RESET HARD DISKS
+               dw Invalid              ; 0Eh
+               dw Invalid              ; 0Fh
+               dw CheckIfReady         ; 10h - CHECK IF READY
+               dw Recalibrate          ; 11h - RECALIBRATE
+               dw Invalid              ; 12h
+               dw Invalid              ; 13h
+               dw Invalid              ; 14h
+               dw GetDriveType         ; 15h - GET DRIVE TYPE
+               dw DetectChange         ; 16h - DETECT DRIVE CHANGE
+Int13FuncsEnd  equ $
+Int13FuncsMax  equ (Int13FuncsEnd-Int13Funcs) >> 1
+DriveNo                db 0                    ; Our drive number
+LastStatus     db 0                    ; Last return status
+               section .bss
+OldInt13       resd 1                  ; INT 13h in chain
+Stack          resd 1                  ; Saved SS:SP on invocation
+SavedAX                resw 1                  ; AX saved during initialization