while (<$fh>) {
die unless m!^(\S+)!;
push @maybe, $1;
+ $maybe[$#maybe] .= '.com' if $^O eq 'VMS';
close $fh or die $!;
foreach (@maybe) {
if (/\.p[lm]$/) {
push @victims, $_;
- } elsif ($_ ne 'x2p/a2p') {
+ } elsif ($_ !~ m{^x2p/a2p}) {
# test_prep doesn't (yet) have a dependency on a2p, so it seems a bit
# silly adding one (and forcing it to be built) just so that we can open
# it and determine that it's *not* a perl program, and hence of no
# further interest to us.
open $fh, '<', $_ or die "Can't open '$_': $!";
my $line = <$fh>;
- if ($line =~ m{^#!(?:\S*|/usr/bin/env\s+)perl}) {
+ if ($line =~ m{^#!(?:\S*|/usr/bin/env\s+)perl}
+ || $^O eq 'VMS' && $line =~ m{^\$ perl}) {
push @victims, $_;
} else {
print "# $_ isn't a Perl script\n";
# Not clear to me *why* it needs the BEGIN block, given what it
# does, but not in an easy position to change it.
skip("$victim executes code in a BEGIN block which fails for empty \@ARGV")
- if $victim eq 'utils/cpanp-run-perl';
+ if $victim =~ m{^utils/cpanp-run-perl};
skip ("$victim uses $excuses{$victim}, so can't test with just core modules")
if $excuses{$victim};