// Declare the name.
var = declaration_scope->DeclareLocal(
name, mode, declaration->initialization(), proxy->interface());
- } else if ((mode != VAR || var->mode() != VAR) &&
- (!declaration_scope->is_global_scope() ||
- IsLexicalVariableMode(mode) ||
- IsLexicalVariableMode(var->mode()))) {
+ } else if (IsLexicalVariableMode(mode) || IsLexicalVariableMode(var->mode())
+ || ((mode == CONST_LEGACY || var->mode() == CONST_LEGACY) &&
+ !declaration_scope->is_global_scope())) {
// The name was declared in this scope before; check for conflicting
// re-declarations. We have a conflict if either of the declarations is
// not a var (in the global scope, we also have to ignore legacy const for
// compatibility). There is similar code in runtime.cc in the Declare
- // functions. The function CheckNonConflictingScope checks for conflicting
+ // functions. The function CheckConflictingVarDeclarations checks for
// var and let bindings from different scopes whereas this is a check for
// conflicting declarations within the same scope. This check also covers
// the special case
// Even if we're not at the top-level of the global or a function
// scope, we treat it as such and introduce the function with its
// initial value upon entering the corresponding scope.
- // In extended mode, a function behaves as a lexical binding, except in the
- // global scope.
+ // In ES6, a function behaves as a lexical binding, except in the
+ // global scope, or the initial scope of eval or another function.
VariableMode mode =
- allow_harmony_scoping() &&
- strict_mode() == STRICT && !scope_->is_global_scope() ? LET : VAR;
+ allow_harmony_scoping() && strict_mode() == STRICT &&
+ !(scope_->is_global_scope() || scope_->is_eval_scope() ||
+ scope_->is_function_scope()) ? LET : VAR;
VariableProxy* proxy = NewUnresolved(name, mode, Interface::NewValue());
Declaration* declaration =
factory()->NewFunctionDeclaration(proxy, mode, fun, scope_, pos);
// executed.
// Executing the variable declaration statement will always
- // guarantee to give the global object a "local" variable; a
- // variable defined in the global object and not in any
- // prototype. This way, global variable declarations can shadow
+ // guarantee to give the global object an own property.
+ // This way, global variable declarations can shadow
// properties in the prototype chain, but only after the variable
// declaration statement has been executed. This is important in
// browsers where the global object (window) has lots of
ast_properties = *factory()->visitor()->ast_properties();
dont_optimize_reason = factory()->visitor()->dont_optimize_reason();
- }
- if (allow_harmony_scoping() && strict_mode() == STRICT) {
- CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(scope, CHECK_OK);
+ if (allow_harmony_scoping() && strict_mode() == STRICT) {
+ CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(scope, CHECK_OK);
+ }
FunctionLiteral::IsGeneratorFlag generator = is_generator
+function TestGlobal(s,e) {
+ try {
+ return eval(s + e);
+ } catch (x) {
+ return CheckException(x);
+ }
function TestFunction(s,e) {
try {
- return eval("(function(){" + s + ";return " + e + "})")();
+ return eval("(function(){" + s + " return " + e + "})")();
} catch (x) {
return CheckException(x);
function TestBlock(s,e) {
try {
- return eval("(function(){ if (true) { " + s + "; }; return " + e + "})")();
+ return eval("(function(){ {" + s + "} return " + e + "})")();
} catch (x) {
return CheckException(x);
function TestAll(expected,s,opt_e) {
var e = "";
var msg = s;
- if (opt_e) { e = opt_e; msg += "; " + opt_e; }
- assertEquals(expected, TestFunction(s,e), "function:'" + msg + "'");
- assertEquals(expected, TestBlock(s,e), "block:'" + msg + "'");
+ if (opt_e) { e = opt_e; msg += opt_e; }
+ assertEquals(expected === 'LocalConflict' ? 'NoConflict' : expected,
+ TestGlobal(s,e), "global:'" + msg + "'");
+ assertEquals(expected === 'LocalConflict' ? 'NoConflict' : expected,
+ TestFunction(s,e), "function:'" + msg + "'");
+ assertEquals(expected === 'LocalConflict' ? 'Conflict' : expected,
+ TestBlock(s,e), "block:'" + msg + "'");
function TestConflict(s) {
TestAll('Conflict', s);
- TestAll('Conflict', 'eval("' + s + '")');
+ TestAll('Conflict', 'eval("' + s + '");');
function TestNoConflict(s) {
TestAll('NoConflict', s, "'NoConflict'");
- TestAll('NoConflict', 'eval("' + s + '")', "'NoConflict'");
+ TestAll('NoConflict', 'eval("' + s + '");', "'NoConflict'");
-var letbinds = [ "let x",
- "let x = 0",
- "let x = undefined",
- "function x() { }",
- "let x = function() {}",
- "let x, y",
- "let y, x",
- "const x = 0",
- "const x = undefined",
- "const x = function() {}",
- "const x = 2, y = 3",
- "const y = 4, x = 5",
+function TestLocalConflict(s) {
+ TestAll('LocalConflict', s, "'NoConflict'");
+ TestAll('NoConflict', 'eval("' + s + '");', "'NoConflict'");
+var letbinds = [ "let x;",
+ "let x = 0;",
+ "let x = undefined;",
+ "let x = function() {};",
+ "let x, y;",
+ "let y, x;",
+ "const x = 0;",
+ "const x = undefined;",
+ "const x = function() {};",
+ "const x = 2, y = 3;",
+ "const y = 4, x = 5;",
-var varbinds = [ "var x",
- "var x = 0",
- "var x = undefined",
- "var x = function() {}",
- "var x, y",
- "var y, x",
+var varbinds = [ "var x;",
+ "var x = 0;",
+ "var x = undefined;",
+ "var x = function() {};",
+ "var x, y;",
+ "var y, x;",
+var funbind = "function x() {}";
for (var l = 0; l < letbinds.length; ++l) {
// Test conflicting let/var bindings.
for (var v = 0; v < varbinds.length; ++v) {
// Same level.
- TestConflict(letbinds[l] +'; ' + varbinds[v]);
- TestConflict(varbinds[v] +'; ' + letbinds[l]);
+ TestConflict(letbinds[l] + varbinds[v]);
+ TestConflict(varbinds[v] + letbinds[l]);
// Different level.
- TestConflict(letbinds[l] +'; {' + varbinds[v] + '; }');
- TestConflict('{ ' + varbinds[v] +'; }' + letbinds[l]);
+ TestConflict(letbinds[l] + '{' + varbinds[v] + '}');
+ TestConflict('{' + varbinds[v] +'}' + letbinds[l]);
+ TestNoConflict(varbinds[v] + '{' + letbinds[l] + '}');
+ TestNoConflict('{' + letbinds[l] + '}' + varbinds[v]);
+ // For loop.
+ TestConflict('for (' + letbinds[l] + '0;) {' + varbinds[v] + '}');
+ TestNoConflict('for (' + varbinds[v] + '0;) {' + letbinds[l] + '}');
// Test conflicting let/let bindings.
for (var k = 0; k < letbinds.length; ++k) {
// Same level.
- TestConflict(letbinds[l] +'; ' + letbinds[k]);
- TestConflict(letbinds[k] +'; ' + letbinds[l]);
+ TestConflict(letbinds[l] + letbinds[k]);
+ TestConflict(letbinds[k] + letbinds[l]);
// Different level.
- TestNoConflict(letbinds[l] +'; { ' + letbinds[k] + '; }');
- TestNoConflict('{ ' + letbinds[k] +'; } ' + letbinds[l]);
+ TestNoConflict(letbinds[l] + '{ ' + letbinds[k] + '}');
+ TestNoConflict('{' + letbinds[k] +'} ' + letbinds[l]);
+ // For loop.
+ TestNoConflict('for (' + letbinds[l] + '0;) {' + letbinds[k] + '}');
+ TestNoConflict('for (' + letbinds[k] + '0;) {' + letbinds[l] + '}');
+ // Test conflicting function/let bindings.
+ // Same level.
+ TestConflict(letbinds[l] + funbind);
+ TestConflict(funbind + letbinds[l]);
+ // Different level.
+ TestNoConflict(letbinds[l] + '{' + funbind + '}');
+ TestNoConflict('{' + funbind + '}' + letbinds[l]);
+ TestNoConflict(funbind + '{' + letbinds[l] + '}');
+ TestNoConflict('{' + letbinds[l] + '}' + funbind);
+ // For loop.
+ TestNoConflict('for (' + letbinds[l] + '0;) {' + funbind + '}');
// Test conflicting parameter/let bindings.
- TestConflict('(function (x) { ' + letbinds[l] + '; })()');
+ TestConflict('(function(x) {' + letbinds[l] + '})();');
+// Test conflicting function/var bindings.
+for (var v = 0; v < varbinds.length; ++v) {
+ // Same level.
+ TestLocalConflict(varbinds[v] + funbind);
+ TestLocalConflict(funbind + varbinds[v]);
+ // Different level.
+ TestLocalConflict(funbind + '{' + varbinds[v] + '}');
+ TestLocalConflict('{' + varbinds[v] +'}' + funbind);
+ TestNoConflict(varbinds[v] + '{' + funbind + '}');
+ TestNoConflict('{' + funbind + '}' + varbinds[v]);
+ // For loop.
+ TestNoConflict('for (' + varbinds[v] + '0;) {' + funbind + '}');
// Test conflicting catch/var bindings.
for (var v = 0; v < varbinds.length; ++v) {
- TestConflict('try {} catch (x) { ' + varbinds[v] + '; }');
+ TestConflict('try {} catch(x) {' + varbinds[v] + '}');
// Test conflicting parameter/var bindings.
for (var v = 0; v < varbinds.length; ++v) {
- TestNoConflict('(function (x) { ' + varbinds[v] + '; })()');
+ TestNoConflict('(function (x) {' + varbinds[v] + '})();');
+// Test conflicting catch/function bindings.
+TestNoConflict('try {} catch(x) {' + funbind + '}');
+// Test conflicting parameter/function bindings.
+TestNoConflict('(function (x) {' + funbind + '})();');
// an exception in eval code during parsing, before even compiling or executing
// the code. Thus the generated function is not called here.
function TestLocalThrows(str, expect) {
- assertThrows("(function(){ 'use strict'; " + str + "})", expect);
+ assertThrows("(function(arg){ 'use strict'; " + str + "})", expect);
function TestLocalDoesNotThrow(str) {
- assertDoesNotThrow("(function(){ 'use strict'; " + str + "})()");
+ assertDoesNotThrow("(function(arg){ 'use strict'; " + str + "})()");
// Test let declarations in statement positions.
TestLocalDoesNotThrow("switch (true) { case true: var x; }");
TestLocalDoesNotThrow("switch (true) { default: var x; }");
+// Test that redeclarations of functions are only allowed in outermost scope.
+TestLocalThrows("{ let f; var f; }");
+TestLocalThrows("{ var f; let f; }");
+TestLocalThrows("{ function f() {} let f; }");
+TestLocalThrows("{ let f; function f() {} }");
+TestLocalThrows("{ function f() {} var f; }");
+TestLocalThrows("{ var f; function f() {} }");
+TestLocalThrows("{ function f() {} function f() {} }");
+TestLocalThrows("function f() {} let f;");
+TestLocalThrows("let f; function f() {}");
+TestLocalDoesNotThrow("function arg() {}");
+TestLocalDoesNotThrow("function f() {} var f;");
+TestLocalDoesNotThrow("var f; function f() {}");
+TestLocalDoesNotThrow("function f() {} function f() {}");
+function g(f) {
+ function f() { return 1 }
+ return f()
+assertEquals(1, g(function() { return 2 }))
// Test function declarations in source element and
// sloppy statement positions.
function f() {