using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
+using System.Threading;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
public class ProfileOptimizationTest : RemoteExecutorTestBase
- private readonly ITestOutputHelper _output;
- public ProfileOptimizationTest(ITestOutputHelper output) => _output = output;
public void ProfileOptimization_CheckFileExists()
- string tmpProfileFilePath = GetTestFileName();
- string tmpTestFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(tmpProfileFilePath), Path.GetRandomFileName());
+ string profileFile = GetTestFileName();
- _output.WriteLine($"We'll test write permission on path '{tmpTestFileName}'");
- RemoteInvoke((profileFilePath, testFileName) =>
+ RemoteInvoke((_profileFile) =>
- // after test fail tracked by
- // we suspect that the reason is something related to write permission to the location
- // to prove that we added a simple write to file in same location of profile file directory path
- // ProfileOptimization/Multi-Core JIT could fail silently
- File.WriteAllText(testFileName, "42");
+ // tracking down why test sporadically fails on RedHat69
+ // write to the file first to check permissions
+ // See
+ File.WriteAllText(_profileFile, "42");
+ // Verify this write succeeded
+ Assert.True(File.Exists(_profileFile), $"'{_profileFile}' does not exist");
+ Assert.True(new FileInfo(_profileFile).Length > 0, $"'{_profileFile}' is empty");
- ProfileOptimization.SetProfileRoot(Path.GetDirectoryName(profileFilePath));
- ProfileOptimization.StartProfile(Path.GetFileName(profileFilePath));
+ // Delete the file and verify the delete
+ File.Delete(_profileFile);
+ Assert.True(!File.Exists(_profileFile), $"'{_profileFile} ought to not exist now");
+ // Perform the test work
+ ProfileOptimization.SetProfileRoot(Path.GetDirectoryName(_profileFile));
+ ProfileOptimization.StartProfile(Path.GetFileName(_profileFile));
+ }, profileFile).Dispose();
+ // profileFile should deterministically exist now -- if not, wait 5 seconds
+ bool existed = File.Exists(profileFile);
+ if (!existed)
+ {
+ Thread.Sleep(5000);
+ }
- }, tmpProfileFilePath, tmpTestFileName).Dispose();
+ Assert.True(File.Exists(profileFile), $"'{profileFile}' does not exist");
+ Assert.True(new FileInfo(profileFile).Length > 0, $"'{profileFile}' is empty");
- FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(tmpProfileFilePath);
- Assert.True(fileInfo.Exists);
- Assert.True(fileInfo.Length > 0);
+ Assert.True(existed, $"'{profileFile}' did not immediately exist, but did exist 5 seconds later");