#include <linux/version.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
MULTI_DEBUG_CHANNEL(emulator, osutil);
g_strlcpy(bin_path, link_path, strlen(link_path) - strlen(file_name) + 1);
g_strlcat(bin_path, "/", PATH_MAX);
+ g_strlcpy(remote_bin_path, link_path, strlen(link_path) - strlen(file_name) - 2);
+ g_strlcat(remote_bin_path, "remote/bin/", PATH_MAX);
int get_number_of_processors(void)
+#define PID_MAX_COUNT 256
+const char *execution_file_websocket = "websockify.py";
+const char *execution_file_node = "node";
+const char *node_proc_name = "emulator-x86-web";
+void get_process_id(char const *process_name, char *first_param, int *pid, int *pscount)
+ char cmdline[2048], dir_name[255];
+ int total_len = 0, current_len = 0;
+ struct dirent *dir_entry_p;
+ DIR *dir_p;
+ FILE *fp;
+ char *mptr;
+ dir_p = opendir("/proc/");
+ while (NULL != (dir_entry_p = readdir(dir_p))) {
+ /* Checking for numbered directories */
+ if (strspn(dir_entry_p->d_name, "0123456789") == strlen(dir_entry_p->d_name)) {
+ strcpy(dir_name, "/proc/");
+ strcat(dir_name, dir_entry_p->d_name);
+ strcat(dir_name, "/cmdline");
+ fp = fopen(dir_name, "rb");
+ if (fp == NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ total_len = 0;
+ memset(cmdline, 0, sizeof(cmdline));
+ while (!feof(fp)) {
+ cmdline[total_len++] = fgetc(fp);
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ current_len = strlen(cmdline);
+ mptr = cmdline;
+ do {
+ if (strstr(mptr, process_name) != NULL) {
+ if (!first_param || strstr(&cmdline[current_len + 1], first_param) != NULL) {
+ if (sizeof(pid) < *pscount + 1) {
+ WARN("PID array size is not enough.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ pid[*pscount] = atoi(dir_entry_p->d_name);
+ INFO("get_process_id(%s %s) :Found. id = %d\n", process_name, first_param, pid[*pscount]);
+ (*pscount)++;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ mptr = &cmdline[current_len + 1];
+ current_len += strlen(mptr) + 1;
+ } while (current_len < total_len);
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(dir_p);
+ if (*pscount == 0) {
+ INFO("get_process_id(%s %s) : id = 0 (could not find process)\n", process_name, first_param);
+ }
+void execute_websocket(int port)
+ char const *remote_bin_dir = get_remote_bin_path();
+ char const *relative_path = "../websocket/";
+ char websocket_path[strlen(remote_bin_dir) + strlen(execution_file_websocket) + strlen(relative_path) + 1];
+ int ret = -1;
+ char local_port[32];
+ char websocket_port[16];
+ memset(websocket_port, 0, sizeof(websocket_port));
+ sprintf(websocket_port, "%d", port);
+ memset(local_port, 0, sizeof(local_port));
+ sprintf(local_port, "localhost:%d", get_emul_spice_port());
+ memset(websocket_path, 0, sizeof(websocket_path));
+ sprintf(websocket_path, "%s%s%s", remote_bin_dir, relative_path, execution_file_websocket);
+ INFO("Exec [%s %s %s]\n", websocket_path, websocket_port, local_port);
+ ret = execl(websocket_path, execution_file_websocket, websocket_port, local_port, (char *)0);
+ if (ret == 127) {
+ WARN("Can't execute websocket.\n");
+ } else if (ret == -1) {
+ WARN("Fork error!\n");
+ }
+void execute_nodejs(void)
+ char const *remote_bin_dir = get_remote_bin_path();
+ char const *relative_path = "../web-viewer/bin/emul";
+ char webviewer_script[strlen(remote_bin_dir) + strlen(relative_path) + 1];
+ char nodejs_path[strlen(remote_bin_dir) + strlen(execution_file_node) + 1];
+ int ret = -1;
+ memset(webviewer_script, 0, sizeof(webviewer_script));
+ sprintf(webviewer_script, "%s%s", remote_bin_dir, relative_path);
+ memset(nodejs_path, 0, sizeof(nodejs_path));
+ sprintf(nodejs_path, "%s%s", remote_bin_dir, execution_file_node);
+ INFO("Exec [%s %s]\n", nodejs_path, webviewer_script);
+ ret = execl(nodejs_path, execution_file_node, webviewer_script, (char *)0);
+ if (ret == 127) {
+ WARN("Can't execute node server.\n");
+ } else if (ret == -1) {
+ WARN("Fork error!\n");
+ }
+void clean_websocket_port(int signal)
+ char websocket_port[16];
+ memset(websocket_port, 0, sizeof(websocket_port));
+ sprintf(websocket_port, "%d", get_emul_websocket_port());
+ int pscount = 0, i = 0;
+ int pid[PID_MAX_COUNT];
+ memset(pid, 0, PID_MAX_COUNT);
+ get_process_id(execution_file_websocket, websocket_port, pid, &pscount);
+ if (pscount > 0) {
+ for (i = 0; i < pscount; i++) {
+ INFO("Will be killed PID: %d\n", pid[i]);
+ kill(pid[i], signal);
+ }
+ }
+static void websocket_notify_exit(Notifier *notifier, void *data)
+ clean_websocket_port(SIGTERM);
+static void nodejs_notify_exit(Notifier *notifier, void *data)
+ int pscount = 0, i = 0;
+ int pid[PID_MAX_COUNT];
+ memset(pid, 0, sizeof(pid));
+ get_process_id("spicevmc", NULL, pid, &pscount);
+ if (pscount == 1) {
+ INFO("Detected the last spice emulator.\n");
+ pid[0] = 0;
+ pscount = 0;
+ get_process_id(node_proc_name, NULL, pid, &pscount);
+ for (i = 0; i < pscount; i++) {
+ INFO("Will be killed %s, PID: %d\n", node_proc_name, pid[i]);
+ kill(pid[i], SIGTERM);
+ }
+ }
+static Notifier websocket_exit = { .notify = websocket_notify_exit };
+static Notifier nodejs_exit = { .notify = nodejs_notify_exit };
+void websocket_init(void)
+ int pscount = 0;
+ char websocket_port[16];
+ int pid[PID_MAX_COUNT];
+ memset(websocket_port, 0, sizeof(websocket_port));
+ sprintf(websocket_port, "%d", get_emul_websocket_port());
+ memset(pid, 0, sizeof(pid));
+ get_process_id(execution_file_websocket, websocket_port, pid, &pscount);
+ emulator_add_exit_notifier(&websocket_exit);
+ if (pscount == 0) {
+ int pid = fork();
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ setsid();
+ execute_websocket(get_emul_websocket_port());
+ }
+ } else {
+ INFO("Aleady running websokify %s localhost:%d\n", websocket_port, get_emul_spice_port());
+ }
+void nodejs_init(void)
+ int pscount = 0;
+ int pid[PID_MAX_COUNT];
+ memset(pid, 0, sizeof(pid));
+ get_process_id(node_proc_name, NULL, pid, &pscount);
+ emulator_add_exit_notifier(&nodejs_exit);
+ if (pscount == 0) {
+ int pid = fork();
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ setsid();
+ execute_nodejs();
+ }
+ } else {
+ INFO("Aleady running node server.\n");
+ }