python () {
if bb.data.inherits_class('rootfs_rpm', d):
rootfsdepends = d.getVarFlag("do_rootfs", "depends", True)
rootfsdepends = rootfsdepends.replace("rpmresolve-native:do_populate_sysroot", "")
d.setVarFlag("do_rootfs", "depends", rootfsdepends)
- if bb.data.inherits_class('image-live', d):
- bootimgdepends = d.getVarFlag("do_bootimg", "depends", True)
- bootimgdepends = bootimgdepends.replace(d.expand("${INITRD_IMAGE}:do_rootfs"), "")
- d.setVarFlag("do_bootimg", "depends", bootimgdepends)
- d.setVar("INITRD_IMAGE", "")
- d.setVar("INITRD", "")
# MANIFESTFILES_<pn> is the Tizen Smack .manifest file to be used for a binary .rpm.
# It must be part of the source tree (either at the root or in a sub-directory)
# or get created there during configure. Out-of-tree compilation is not supported.