+++ /dev/null
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
-using System;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using Xunit;
-using Microsoft.Xunit.Performance;
-using Xunit.Abstractions;
-namespace System.Numerics.Tests
- public class PerformanceTests
- {
- private readonly Random _random;
- private readonly ITestOutputHelper _output;
- public PerformanceTests(ITestOutputHelper output)
- {
- _random = new Random(1138);
- _output = output;
- }
- [Benchmark] //PerformanceTest
- [InlineData(1000000, 16, 16)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 64, 64)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 256, 256)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 1024, 1024)]
- [InlineData(100000, 4096, 4096)]
- [InlineData(100000, 16384, 16384)]
- [InlineData(100000, 65536, 65536)]
- [ActiveIssue(18248)]
- public void Add(int count, int leftBits, int rightBits)
- {
- RunBenchmark(count, leftBits, rightBits, (l, r) => BigInteger.Add(l, r));
- }
- [Benchmark] //PerformanceTest
- [InlineData(1000000, 16, 16)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 64, 64)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 256, 256)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 1024, 1024)]
- [InlineData(100000, 4096, 4096)]
- [InlineData(100000, 16384, 16384)]
- [InlineData(100000, 65536, 65536)]
- [ActiveIssue(18248)]
- public void Subtract(int count, int leftBits, int rightBits)
- {
- RunBenchmark(count, leftBits, rightBits, (l, r) => BigInteger.Subtract(l, r));
- }
- [Benchmark] //PerformanceTest
- [InlineData(1000000, 16, 16)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 64, 64)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 256, 256)]
- [InlineData(100000, 1024, 1024)]
- [InlineData(10000, 4096, 4096)]
- [InlineData(1000, 16384, 16384)]
- [InlineData(100, 65536, 65536)]
- [ActiveIssue(18248)]
- public void Multiply(int count, int leftBits, int rightBits)
- {
- RunBenchmark(count, leftBits, rightBits, (l, r) => BigInteger.Multiply(l, r));
- }
- [Benchmark] //PerformanceTest
- [InlineData(1000000, 16)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 64)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 256)]
- [InlineData(100000, 1024)]
- [InlineData(10000, 4096)]
- [InlineData(1000, 16384)]
- [InlineData(100, 65536)]
- [ActiveIssue(18248)]
- public void Square(int count, int bits)
- {
- RunBenchmark(count, bits, v => BigInteger.Multiply(v, v));
- }
- [Benchmark] //PerformanceTest
- [InlineData(1000000, 16, 16)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 64, 16)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 256, 128)]
- [InlineData(100000, 1024, 512)]
- [InlineData(10000, 4096, 2048)]
- [InlineData(1000, 16384, 8192)]
- [InlineData(100, 65536, 32768)]
- [ActiveIssue(18248)]
- public void Divide(int count, int leftBits, int rightBits)
- {
- RunBenchmark(count, leftBits, rightBits, (l, r) => BigInteger.Divide(l, r));
- }
- [Benchmark] //PerformanceTest
- [InlineData(1000000, 16, 16)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 64, 16)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 256, 128)]
- [InlineData(100000, 1024, 512)]
- [InlineData(10000, 4096, 2048)]
- [InlineData(1000, 16384, 8192)]
- [InlineData(100, 65536, 32768)]
- [ActiveIssue(18248)]
- public void Remainder(int count, int leftBits, int rightBits)
- {
- RunBenchmark(count, leftBits, rightBits, (l, r) => BigInteger.Remainder(l, r));
- }
- [Benchmark] //PerformanceTest
- [InlineData(1000000, 16, 16)]
- [InlineData(1000000, 64, 64)]
- [InlineData(100000, 256, 256)]
- [InlineData(100000, 1024, 1024)]
- [InlineData(10000, 4096, 4096)]
- [InlineData(1000, 16384, 16384)]
- [InlineData(100, 65536, 65536)]
- [ActiveIssue(18248)]
- public void GreatestCommonDivisor(int count, int leftBits, int rightBits)
- {
- RunBenchmark(count, leftBits, rightBits, (l, r) => BigInteger.GreatestCommonDivisor(l, r));
- }
- [Benchmark] //PerformanceTest
- [InlineData(100000, 16, 16, 16)]
- [InlineData(10000, 64, 64, 64)]
- [InlineData(1000, 256, 256, 256)]
- [InlineData(100, 1024, 1024, 1024)]
- [InlineData(10, 4096, 4096, 4096)]
- [InlineData(1, 16384, 16384, 16384)]
- [ActiveIssue(18248)]
- public void ModPow(int count, int leftBits, int rightBits, int otherBits)
- {
- RunBenchmark(count, leftBits, rightBits, otherBits, (l, r, o) => BigInteger.ModPow(l, r, o));
- }
- private void RunBenchmark(int count, int bits, Action<BigInteger> operation)
- {
- BigInteger[] value = CreateIntegerSeed(count, bits);
- long result = RunBenchmark(count, i => operation(value[i]));
- _output.WriteLine("({1:N0}) : {2:N0} ms / {0:N0} ops", count, bits, result);
- }
- private void RunBenchmark(int count, int leftBits, int rightBits, Action<BigInteger, BigInteger> operation)
- {
- BigInteger[] left = CreateIntegerSeed(count, leftBits);
- BigInteger[] right = CreateIntegerSeed(count, rightBits);
- long result = RunBenchmark(count, i => operation(left[i], right[i]));
- _output.WriteLine("({1:N0}; {2:N0}) : {3:N0} ms / {0:N0} ops", count, leftBits, rightBits, result);
- }
- private void RunBenchmark(int count, int leftBits, int rightBits, int otherBits, Action<BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger> operation)
- {
- BigInteger[] left = CreateIntegerSeed(count, leftBits);
- BigInteger[] right = CreateIntegerSeed(count, rightBits);
- BigInteger[] other = CreateIntegerSeed(count, otherBits);
- long result = RunBenchmark(count, i => operation(left[i], right[i], other[i]));
- _output.WriteLine("({1:N0}; {2:N0}; {3:N0}) : {4:N0} ms / {0:N0} ops", count, leftBits, rightBits, otherBits, result);
- }
- private const int MAX_SEED = 10;
- private const int RUN_COUNT = 3;
- private long RunBenchmark(int count, Action<int> operation)
- {
- Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
- long result = long.MaxValue;
- operation(0);
- for (int j = 0; j < RUN_COUNT; j++)
- {
- watch.Restart();
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
- operation(i % MAX_SEED);
- watch.Stop();
- result = Math.Min(result, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
- }
- return result;
- }
- private BigInteger[] CreateIntegerSeed(int count, int bits)
- {
- BigInteger[] seed = new BigInteger[Math.Min(count, MAX_SEED)];
- for (int i = 0; i < seed.Length; i++)
- seed[i] = CreateRandomInteger(bits);
- return seed;
- }
- private BigInteger CreateRandomInteger(int bits)
- {
- byte[] value = new byte[(bits + 8) / 8];
- BigInteger result = BigInteger.Zero;
- while (result.IsZero)
- {
- _random.NextBytes(value);
- // ensure actual bit count (remaining bits not set)
- // ensure positive value (highest-order bit not set)
- value[value.Length - 1] &= (byte)(0xFF >> 8 - bits % 8);
- result = new BigInteger(value);
- }
- return result;
- }
- }