* SECTION:element-rtpdtmfmux
* @short_description: mixes RTP DTMF streams into other RTP streams
- *
* <refsect2>
* <para>
* The RTPDTMFMuxer mixes/muxes RTP DTMF stream(s) into other RTP
* streams. It does exactly what it's parent (RTPMuxer) does, except
* that it allows upstream peer elements to request exclusive access
- * to the stream, which is required by the RTP DTMF standards(see RFC
- * 2833 for details). The peer upstream element requests the
- * requisition and release of a stream lock beginning using custom
- * downstream gstreamer events. To request the requesition of the
- * lock, the peer element must send an event of type
+ * to the stream, which is required by the RTP DTMF standards (see RFC
+ * 2833, section 3.2, para 1 for details). The peer upstream element
+ * requests the acquisition and release of a stream lock beginning
+ * using custom downstream gstreamer events. To request the acquisition
+ * of the lock, the peer element must send an event of type
* structure of name "stream-lock" with only one boolean field:
* "lock". If this field is set to TRUE, the request is for the
- * requisition of the lock, otherwise it is for release of the lock.
+ * acquisition of the lock, otherwise it is for release of the lock.
* </para>
* <para>For example, the following code in an upstream peer element
- * requests the requisition of the stream lock:
+ * requests the acquisition of the stream lock:
* </para>
* <para>
* <programlisting>
* gst_pad_push_event (dtmfsrc->srcpad, event);
* </programlisting>
* </para>
- *
* </refsect2>