// Check which ASTContext this declaration originally came from.
DeclOrigin origin = m_master.GetDeclOrigin(From);
+ // Prevent infinite recursion when the origin tracking contains a cycle.
+ assert(origin.decl != From && "Origin points to itself?");
// If it originally came from the target ASTContext then we can just
// pretend that the original is the one we imported. This can happen for
// example when inspecting a persistent declaration from the scratch
DeclOrigin origin = from_context_md->getOrigin(from);
if (origin.Valid()) {
- if (!to_context_md->hasOrigin(to) || user_id != LLDB_INVALID_UID)
- if (origin.ctx != &to->getASTContext())
+ if (origin.ctx != &to->getASTContext()) {
+ if (!to_context_md->hasOrigin(to) || user_id != LLDB_INVALID_UID)
to_context_md->setOrigin(to, origin);
- ImporterDelegateSP direct_completer =
- m_master.GetDelegate(&to->getASTContext(), origin.ctx);
+ ImporterDelegateSP direct_completer =
+ m_master.GetDelegate(&to->getASTContext(), origin.ctx);
- if (direct_completer.get() != this)
- direct_completer->ASTImporter::Imported(origin.decl, to);
+ if (direct_completer.get() != this)
+ direct_completer->ASTImporter::Imported(origin.decl, to);
- LLDB_LOG(log,
- " [ClangASTImporter] Propagated origin "
- "(Decl*){0}/(ASTContext*){1} from (ASTContext*){2} to "
- "(ASTContext*){3}",
- origin.decl, origin.ctx, &from->getASTContext(),
- &to->getASTContext());
+ LLDB_LOG(log,
+ " [ClangASTImporter] Propagated origin "
+ "(Decl*){0}/(ASTContext*){1} from (ASTContext*){2} to "
+ "(ASTContext*){3}",
+ origin.decl, origin.ctx, &from->getASTContext(),
+ &to->getASTContext());
+ }
} else {
if (m_new_decl_listener)
m_new_decl_listener->NewDeclImported(from, to);
#include "lldb/Host/FileSystem.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/CompilerDeclContext.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/LLDBAssert.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-types.h"
#include "Plugins/ExpressionParser/Clang/CxxModuleHandler.h"
DeclOrigin() : ctx(nullptr), decl(nullptr) {}
DeclOrigin(clang::ASTContext *_ctx, clang::Decl *_decl)
- : ctx(_ctx), decl(_decl) {}
+ : ctx(_ctx), decl(_decl) {
+ // The decl has to be in its associated ASTContext.
+ assert(_decl == nullptr || &_decl->getASTContext() == _ctx);
+ }
DeclOrigin(const DeclOrigin &rhs) {
ctx = rhs.ctx;
: clang::ASTImporter(*target_ctx, master.m_file_manager, *source_ctx,
master.m_file_manager, true /*minimal*/),
m_master(master), m_source_ctx(source_ctx) {
+ // Target and source ASTContext shouldn't be identical. Importing AST
+ // nodes within the same AST doesn't make any sense as the whole idea
+ // is to import them to a different AST.
+ lldbassert(target_ctx != source_ctx && "Can't import into itself");
/// Sets the DeclOrigin for the given Decl and overwrites any existing
/// DeclOrigin.
void setOrigin(const clang::Decl *decl, DeclOrigin origin) {
+ // Setting the origin of any decl to itself (or to a different decl
+ // in the same ASTContext) doesn't make any sense. It will also cause
+ // ASTImporterDelegate::ImportImpl to infinite recurse when trying to find
+ // the 'original' Decl when importing code.
+ assert(&decl->getASTContext() != origin.ctx &&
+ "Trying to set decl origin to its own ASTContext?");
+ assert(decl != origin.decl && "Trying to set decl origin to itself?");
m_origins[decl] = origin;