typedef QQmlRegisterType Type;
void setUndefined() { dataType = UndefinedType; }
+ void setNull() { dataType = NullType; }
void setNaN() { setqreal(qSNaN()); }
bool isUndefined() const { return dataType == UndefinedType; }
QML_V4_END_INSTR(MathPIReal, unaryop)
+ QML_V4_BEGIN_INSTR(LoadNull, null_value)
+ registers[instr->null_value.reg].setNull();
+ QML_V4_END_INSTR(LoadNull, null_value)
QML_V4_BEGIN_INSTR(LoadReal, real_value)
QML_V4_END_INSTR(LoadReal, real_value)
QML_V4_END_INSTR(StrictNotEqualString, binaryop)
+ QML_V4_BEGIN_INSTR(EqualObject, binaryop)
+ {
+ const Register &left = registers[instr->binaryop.left];
+ const Register &right = registers[instr->binaryop.right];
+ QObject *leftobj = (left.gettype() == NullType) ? 0 : left.getQObject();
+ QObject *rightobj = (right.gettype() == NullType) ? 0 : right.getQObject();
+ registers[instr->binaryop.output].setbool(leftobj == rightobj);
+ }
+ QML_V4_END_INSTR(EqualObject, binaryop)
+ QML_V4_BEGIN_INSTR(NotEqualObject, binaryop)
+ {
+ const Register &left = registers[instr->binaryop.left];
+ const Register &right = registers[instr->binaryop.right];
+ QObject *leftobj = (left.gettype() == NullType) ? 0 : left.getQObject();
+ QObject *rightobj = (right.gettype() == NullType) ? 0 : right.getQObject();
+ registers[instr->binaryop.output].setbool(leftobj != rightobj);
+ }
+ QML_V4_END_INSTR(NotEqualObject, binaryop)
+ QML_V4_BEGIN_INSTR(StrictEqualObject, binaryop)
+ {
+ const Register &left = registers[instr->binaryop.left];
+ const Register &right = registers[instr->binaryop.right];
+ QObject *leftobj = (left.gettype() == NullType) ? 0 : left.getQObject();
+ QObject *rightobj = (right.gettype() == NullType) ? 0 : right.getQObject();
+ registers[instr->binaryop.output].setbool(leftobj == rightobj);
+ }
+ QML_V4_END_INSTR(StrictEqualObject, binaryop)
+ QML_V4_BEGIN_INSTR(StrictNotEqualObject, binaryop)
+ {
+ const Register &left = registers[instr->binaryop.left];
+ const Register &right = registers[instr->binaryop.right];
+ QObject *leftobj = (left.gettype() == NullType) ? 0 : left.getQObject();
+ QObject *rightobj = (right.gettype() == NullType) ? 0 : right.getQObject();
+ registers[instr->binaryop.output].setbool(leftobj != rightobj);
+ }
+ QML_V4_END_INSTR(StrictNotEqualObject, binaryop)
QML_V4_BEGIN_INSTR(MathMaxReal, binaryop)
const Register &left = registers[instr->binaryop.left];
} break;
+ case IR::NullType: {
+ Instr::LoadNull i;
+ i.reg = currentReg;
+ gen(i);
+ } break;
if (qmlVerboseCompiler())
qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "unexpected type";
return V4Instr::LeReal;
case IR::OpEqual:
+ if (e->left->type == IR::ObjectType || e->right->type == IR::ObjectType)
+ return V4Instr::EqualObject;
if (e->left->type == IR::StringType)
return V4Instr::EqualString;
return V4Instr::EqualReal;
case IR::OpNotEqual:
+ if (e->left->type == IR::ObjectType || e->right->type == IR::ObjectType)
+ return V4Instr::NotEqualObject;
if (e->left->type == IR::StringType)
return V4Instr::NotEqualString;
return V4Instr::NotEqualReal;
case IR::OpStrictEqual:
+ if (e->left->type == IR::ObjectType || e->right->type == IR::ObjectType)
+ return V4Instr::StrictEqualObject;
if (e->left->type == IR::StringType)
return V4Instr::StrictEqualString;
return V4Instr::StrictEqualReal;
case IR::OpStrictNotEqual:
+ if (e->left->type == IR::ObjectType || e->right->type == IR::ObjectType)
+ return V4Instr::StrictNotEqualObject;
if (e->left->type == IR::StringType)
return V4Instr::StrictNotEqualString;
return V4Instr::StrictNotEqualReal;
case IR::OpNotEqual:
case IR::OpStrictEqual:
case IR::OpStrictNotEqual:
- if (e->left->type != IR::StringType) {
+ if (e->left->type >= IR::FirstNumberType) {
convertToReal(e->left, left);
convertToReal(e->right, right);
case V4Instr::MathPIReal:
INSTR_DUMP << "\t" << "MathPIReal" << "\t\t" << "Input_Reg(" << i->unaryop.src << ") -> Output_Reg(" << i->unaryop.output << ")";
+ case V4Instr::LoadNull:
+ INSTR_DUMP << "\t" << "LoadNull" << "\t\t" << "Constant(null) -> Output_Reg(" << i->null_value.reg << ")";
+ break;
case V4Instr::LoadReal:
INSTR_DUMP << "\t" << "LoadReal" << "\t\t" << "Constant(" << i->real_value.value << ") -> Output_Reg(" << i->real_value.reg << ")";
case V4Instr::StrictNotEqualString:
INSTR_DUMP << "\t" << "StrictNotEqualString" << "\t" << "Input_Reg(" << i->binaryop.left << ") Input_Reg(" << i->binaryop.right << ") -> Output_Reg(" << i->binaryop.output << ")";
+ case V4Instr::EqualObject:
+ INSTR_DUMP << "\t" << "EqualObject" << "\t\t" << "Input_Reg(" << i->binaryop.left << ") Input_Reg(" << i->binaryop.right << ") -> Output_Reg(" << i->binaryop.output << ")";
+ break;
+ case V4Instr::NotEqualObject:
+ INSTR_DUMP << "\t" << "NotEqualObject" << "\t\t" << "Input_Reg(" << i->binaryop.left << ") Input_Reg(" << i->binaryop.right << ") -> Output_Reg(" << i->binaryop.output << ")";
+ break;
+ case V4Instr::StrictEqualObject:
+ INSTR_DUMP << "\t" << "StrictEqualObject" << "\t" << "Input_Reg(" << i->binaryop.left << ") Input_Reg(" << i->binaryop.right << ") -> Output_Reg(" << i->binaryop.output << ")";
+ break;
+ case V4Instr::StrictNotEqualObject:
+ INSTR_DUMP << "\t" << "StrictNotEqualObject" << "\t" << "Input_Reg(" << i->binaryop.left << ") Input_Reg(" << i->binaryop.right << ") -> Output_Reg(" << i->binaryop.output << ")";
+ break;
case V4Instr::MathMaxReal:
INSTR_DUMP << "\t" << "MathMaxReal" << "\t" << "Input_Reg(" << i->binaryop.left << ") Input_Reg(" << i->binaryop.right << ") -> Output_Reg(" << i->binaryop.output << ")";
F(MathFloorReal, unaryop) \
F(MathCeilReal, unaryop) \
F(MathPIReal, unaryop) \
+ F(LoadNull, null_value) \
F(LoadReal, real_value) \
F(LoadInt, int_value) \
F(LoadBool, bool_value) \
F(NotEqualString, binaryop) \
F(StrictEqualString, binaryop) \
F(StrictNotEqualString, binaryop) \
+ F(EqualObject, binaryop) \
+ F(NotEqualObject, binaryop) \
+ F(StrictEqualObject, binaryop) \
+ F(StrictNotEqualObject, binaryop) \
F(MathMaxReal, binaryop) \
F(MathMinReal, binaryop) \
F(NewString, construct) \
qint8 reg;
+ struct instr_null_value {
+ qint8 reg;
+ };
struct instr_real_value {
qint8 reg;
instr_fetch fetch;
instr_copy copy;
instr_construct construct;
+ instr_null_value null_value;
instr_real_value real_value;
instr_int_value int_value;
instr_bool_value bool_value;
implicitCvt(left, t);
implicitCvt(right, t);
+ } else if ((left.type() != IR::ObjectType && left.type() != IR::NullType) ||
+ (right.type() != IR::ObjectType && right.type() != IR::NullType))
+ return;
- if (_expr.hint == ExprResult::cx) {
- _expr.format = ExprResult::cx;
- _block->CJUMP(_block->BINOP(IR::binaryOperator(ast->op), left, right), _expr.iftrue, _expr.iffalse);
- } else {
- _expr.code = _block->BINOP(IR::binaryOperator(ast->op), left, right);
- }
+ if (_expr.hint == ExprResult::cx) {
+ _expr.format = ExprResult::cx;
+ _block->CJUMP(_block->BINOP(IR::binaryOperator(ast->op), left, right), _expr.iftrue, _expr.iffalse);
+ } else {
+ _expr.code = _block->BINOP(IR::binaryOperator(ast->op), left, right);
implicitCvt(left, IR::RealType);
implicitCvt(right, IR::RealType);
binop(ast, left, right);
- } else if (left.type() == IR::BoolType || right.type() == IR::BoolType) {
- implicitCvt(left, IR::BoolType);
- implicitCvt(right, IR::BoolType);
} else if (left.isValid() && right.isValid()) {
binop(ast, left, right);
ExprResult right = expression(ast->right);
if (left.type() == right.type()) {
binop(ast, left, right);
- } else if (left.type() >= IR::BoolType && right.type() >= IR::BoolType) {
+ } else if (left.type() > IR::BoolType && right.type() > IR::BoolType) {
// left and right have numeric type (int or real)
binop(ast, left, right);
+ } else if ((left.type() == IR::ObjectType && right.type() == IR::NullType) ||
+ (right.type() == IR::ObjectType && left.type() == IR::NullType)) {
+ // comparing a qobject with null
+ binop(ast, left, right);
} else if (left.isValid() && right.isValid()) {
+ // left and right have different types
const bool isEq = ast->op == QSOperator::StrictEqual;
if (_expr.hint == ExprResult::cx) {
_expr.format = ExprResult::cx;
- _block->JUMP(isEq ? _expr.iftrue : _expr.iffalse);
+ _block->JUMP(isEq ? _expr.iffalse : _expr.iftrue);
} else {
- _expr.code = _block->CONST(IR::BoolType, isEq ? 1 : 0);
+ _expr.code = _block->CONST(IR::BoolType, isEq ? 0 : 1);
} break;
enum QQmlRegisterType {
+ NullType,
--- /dev/null
+import QtQuick 2.0
+QtObject {
+ property QtObject myprop1: null
+ property QtObject myprop2: QtObject {}
+ property real zero: 0
+ property bool falseProp: false
+ property bool test1: myprop1 == false
+ property bool test2: myprop1 == null
+ property bool test3: 5 == myprop1
+ property bool test4: null == myprop1
+ property bool test5: myprop1 != false
+ property bool test6: myprop1 != null
+ property bool test7: 5 != myprop1
+ property bool test8: null != myprop1
+ property bool test9: myprop2 == false
+ property bool test10: myprop2 == null
+ property bool test11: 5 == myprop2
+ property bool test12: null == myprop2
+ property bool test13: myprop2 != false
+ property bool test14: myprop2 != null
+ property bool test15: 5 != myprop2
+ property bool test16: null != myprop2
+ property bool test17: myprop1 == myprop1
+ property bool test18: myprop1 != myprop1
+ property bool test19: myprop1 == myprop2
+ property bool test20: myprop1 != myprop2
+ property bool test21: myprop2 == myprop2
+ property bool test22: myprop2 != myprop2
+ property bool test23: myprop1 == "hello"
+ property bool test24: myprop1 != "hello"
+ property bool test25: myprop2 == "hello"
+ property bool test26: myprop2 != "hello"
+ property bool test27: falseProp == zero
+ property bool test28: falseProp != zero
+ property bool test29: falseProp == 1
+ property bool test30: falseProp != 1
+ property bool test31: true == zero
+ property bool test32: true != zero
+ property bool test33: true == 1
+ property bool test34: true != 1
--- /dev/null
+import QtQuick 2.0
+QtObject {
+ property QtObject myprop1: null
+ property QtObject myprop2: QtObject {}
+ property real zero: 0
+ property bool falseProp: false
+ property bool test1: myprop1 === false
+ property bool test2: myprop1 === null
+ property bool test3: 5 === myprop1
+ property bool test4: null === myprop1
+ property bool test5: myprop1 !== false
+ property bool test6: myprop1 !== null
+ property bool test7: 5 !== myprop1
+ property bool test8: null !== myprop1
+ property bool test9: myprop2 === false
+ property bool test10: myprop2 === null
+ property bool test11: 5 === myprop2
+ property bool test12: null === myprop2
+ property bool test13: myprop2 !== false
+ property bool test14: myprop2 !== null
+ property bool test15: 5 !== myprop2
+ property bool test16: null !== myprop2
+ property bool test17: myprop1 === myprop1
+ property bool test18: myprop1 !== myprop1
+ property bool test19: myprop1 === myprop2
+ property bool test20: myprop1 !== myprop2
+ property bool test21: myprop2 === myprop2
+ property bool test22: myprop2 !== myprop2
+ property bool test23: myprop1 === "hello"
+ property bool test24: myprop1 !== "hello"
+ property bool test25: myprop2 === "hello"
+ property bool test26: myprop2 !== "hello"
+ property bool test27: falseProp === zero
+ property bool test28: falseProp !== zero
+ property bool test29: falseProp === 1
+ property bool test30: falseProp !== 1
+ property bool test31: true === zero
+ property bool test32: true !== zero
+ property bool test33: true === 1
+ property bool test34: true !== 1
+ QTest::newRow("equals") << "equals.qml";
+ QTest::newRow("strict equals") << "strictEquals.qml";
QTest::newRow("qreal -> int rounding") << "qrealToIntRounding.qml";
QTest::newRow("exception on fetch") << "fetchException.qml";
QTest::newRow("logical or") << "logicalOr.qml";