--- /dev/null
+import gtk
+import gtk.gdk as gdk
+import gobject
+import pango
+class HSeparator (gtk.HBox):
+ def __init__ (self):
+ gtk.HBox.__init__ (self)
+ self.pack_start (gtk.HSeparator (), True, True, 4)
+class VSeparator (gtk.VBox):
+ def __init__ (self):
+ gtk.VBox.__init__ (self)
+ self.pack_start (gtk.VSeparator (), True, True, 4)
+class CandidatePanel (gtk.VBox):
+ __gproperties__ = {
+ 'orientation' : (gtk.Orientation, # type
+ 'orientation of candidates', # nick name
+ 'the orientation of candidates list', # description
+ 0,
+ gobject.PARAM_READWRITE) # flags
+ }
+ def __init__ (self):
+ gtk.VBox.__init__ (self)
+ self._tooltips = gtk.Tooltips ()
+ self._orientation = gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL
+ self._orientation = gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL
+ self._show_preedit_string = True
+ self._preedit_string = "preedit string"
+ self._preedit_attrs = pango.AttrList ()
+ self._aux_string = "aux string"
+ self._aux_attrs = pango.AttrList ()
+ self._lookup_table = None
+ self._recreate_ui ()
+ def _recreate_ui (self):
+ for w in self:
+ self.remove (w)
+ w.destroy ()
+ # create preedit label
+ self._preedit_label = gtk.Label (self._preedit_string)
+ self._preedit_label.set_attributes (self._preedit_attrs)
+ self._preedit_label.set_property ("xalign", 0.0)
+ self._preedit_label.set_property ("xpad", 8)
+ self._preedit_label.set_no_show_all (True)
+ if self._show_preedit_string:
+ self._preedit_label.show ()
+ # create aux label
+ self._aux_label = gtk.Label (self._aux_string)
+ self._aux_label.set_attributes (self._aux_attrs)
+ self._aux_label.set_property ("xalign", 0.0)
+ self._aux_label.set_property ("xpad", 8)
+ self._tooltips.set_tip (self._aux_label, "Aux string")
+ # create candidates area
+ self._candidates_area = gtk.HBox ()
+ self._candidates_area.pack_start (gtk.Label ("Candidates Area"))
+ # create state label
+ self._state_label = gtk.Label ()
+ # create buttons
+ self._prev_button = gtk.Button ()
+ self._prev_button.set_relief (gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ self._tooltips.set_tip (self._prev_button, "Previous candidate")
+ self._next_button = gtk.Button ()
+ self._next_button.set_relief (gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ self._tooltips.set_tip (self._next_button, "Next candidate")
+ self._pack_all_widgets ()
+ def _pack_all_widgets (self):
+ if self._orientation == gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL:
+ # package all widgets in vertical mode
+ image = gtk.Image ()
+ image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_GO_UP, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
+ self._prev_button.set_image (image)
+ image = gtk.Image ()
+ image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_GO_DOWN, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
+ self._next_button.set_image (image)
+ vbox = gtk.VBox ()
+ vbox.pack_start (self._preedit_label, False, False, 0)
+ vbox.pack_start (self._aux_label, False, False, 0)
+ self.pack_start (vbox, False, False, 4)
+ self.pack_start (HSeparator (), False, False)
+ self.pack_start (self._candidates_area, False, False, 4)
+ self.pack_start (HSeparator (), False, False)
+ hbox= gtk.HBox ()
+ hbox.pack_start (self._state_label, True, True)
+ hbox.pack_start (VSeparator (), False, False)
+ hbox.pack_start (self._prev_button, False, False, 2)
+ hbox.pack_start (self._next_button, False, False, 2)
+ self.pack_start (hbox, False, False)
+ else:
+ # package all widgets in HORIZONTAL mode
+ image = gtk.Image ()
+ image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
+ self._prev_button.set_image (image)
+ image = gtk.Image ()
+ image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
+ self._next_button.set_image (image)
+ vbox = gtk.VBox ()
+ vbox.pack_start (self._preedit_label, False, False, 0)
+ vbox.pack_start (self._aux_label, False, False, 0)
+ self.pack_start (vbox, False, False, 4)
+ self.pack_start (HSeparator (), False, False)
+ hbox= gtk.HBox ()
+ hbox.pack_start (self._candidates_area, True, True, 4)
+ hbox.pack_start (VSeparator (), False, False)
+ hbox.pack_start (self._prev_button, False, False, 2)
+ hbox.pack_start (self._next_button, False, False, 2)
+ self.pack_start (hbox, False, False)
+ self.hide_all ()
+ self.show_all ()
+ def show_preedit_string (self):
+ self._show_preedit_string = True
+ self._preedit_label.show ()
+ def hide_preedit_string (self):
+ self._hide_preedit_string = False
+ self._preedit_label.hide ()
+ def set_aux_string (self, text, attrs):
+ self._aux_string = text
+ self._aux_label.set_text (text)
+ if attrs == None:
+ attrs = pango.AttrList ()
+ self._aux_attrs = attrs
+ self._aux_label.set_attributes (attrs)
+ def set_preedit_string (self, text, attrs):
+ self._preedit_string = text
+ self._preedit_label.set_text (text)
+ if attrs == None:
+ attrs = pango.AttrList ()
+ self._preedit_attrs = attrs
+ self._preedit_label.set_attributes (attrs)
+ def set_lookup_table (self, lookup_table):
+ self._lookup_table = lookup_table
+ candidates = self._lookup_table.get_canidates_in_current_page ()
+ def set_orientation (self, orientation):
+ if self._orientation == orientation:
+ return
+ self._orientation = orientation
+ self._recreate_ui ()
+ def get_orientation (self):
+ return self._orientation
+ def do_set_property (self, property, value):
+ if property == 'orientation':
+ self.set_orientation (value)
+ else:
+ return gtk.DrawingArea.do_set_property (property, value)
+ def do_get_property (self, property):
+ if property == 'orientation':
+ return self._orientation
+ else:
+ return gtk.DrawingArea.do_get_property (property)
+ def do_expose_event (self, event):
+ self.style.paint_box (self.window,
+ gtk.SHADOW_IN,
+ event.area,
+ self,
+ "menu",
+ self.allocation.x, self.allocation.y,
+ self.allocation.width, self.allocation.height)
+ gtk.VBox.do_expose_event (self, event)
+gobject.type_register (CandidatePanel, "IBusCandidate")
import gtk.gdk as gdk
import gobject
import ibus
-class HSeparator (gtk.HBox):
- def __init__ (self):
- gtk.HBox.__init__ (self)
- self.pack_start (gtk.HSeparator (), True, True, 4)
-class VSeparator (gtk.VBox):
- def __init__ (self):
- gtk.VBox.__init__ (self)
- self.pack_start (gtk.VSeparator (), True, True, 4)
-class CandidatePanel (gtk.VBox):
- __gproperties__ = {
- 'orientation' : (gtk.Orientation, # type
- 'orientation of candidates', # nick name
- 'the orientation of candidates list', # description
- 0,
- gobject.PARAM_READWRITE) # flags
- }
- def __init__ (self):
- gtk.VBox.__init__ (self)
- self._tooltips = gtk.Tooltips ()
- self._orientation = gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL
- self._orientation = gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL
- self._show_preedit_string = False
- self._preedit_string = "preedit string"
- self._aux_string = "aux string"
- self._lookup_table = None
- self._recreate_ui ()
- def _recreate_ui (self):
- for w in self:
- self.remove (w)
- w.destroy ()
- # create preedit label
- self._preedit_label = gtk.Label (self._preedit_string)
- self._preedit_label.set_property ("xalign", 0.0)
- self._preedit_label.set_property ("xpad", 8)
- self._preedit_label.set_no_show_all (True)
- # create aux label
- self._aux_label = gtk.Label (self._aux_string)
- self._aux_label.set_property ("xalign", 0.0)
- self._aux_label.set_property ("xpad", 8)
- self._tooltips.set_tip (self._aux_label, "Aux string")
- # create candidates area
- self._candidates_area = gtk.HBox ()
- self._candidates_area.pack_start (gtk.Label ("Candidates Area"))
- # create state label
- self._state_label = gtk.Label ()
- # create buttons
- self._prev_button = gtk.Button ()
- self._prev_button.set_relief (gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
- self._tooltips.set_tip (self._prev_button, "Previous candidate")
- self._next_button = gtk.Button ()
- self._next_button.set_relief (gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
- self._tooltips.set_tip (self._next_button, "Next candidate")
- self.pack_all_widgets ()
- def pack_all_widgets (self):
- if self._orientation == gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL:
- # package all widgets in vertical mode
- image = gtk.Image ()
- image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_GO_UP, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
- self._prev_button.set_image (image)
- image = gtk.Image ()
- image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_GO_DOWN, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
- self._next_button.set_image (image)
- self.pack_start (self._preedit_label, False, False, 4)
- self.pack_start (self._aux_label, False, False, 4)
- self.pack_start (HSeparator (), False, False)
- self.pack_start (self._candidates_area, False, False, 4)
- self.pack_start (HSeparator (), False, False)
- hbox= gtk.HBox ()
- hbox.pack_start (self._state_label, True, True)
- hbox.pack_start (VSeparator (), False, False)
- hbox.pack_start (self._prev_button, False, False, 2)
- hbox.pack_start (self._next_button, False, False, 2)
- self.pack_start (hbox, False, False)
- else:
- # package all widgets in HORIZONTAL mode
- image = gtk.Image ()
- image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
- self._prev_button.set_image (image)
- image = gtk.Image ()
- image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
- self._next_button.set_image (image)
- self.pack_start (self._preedit_label, False, False, 4)
- self.pack_start (self._aux_label, False, False, 4)
- self.pack_start (HSeparator (), False, False)
- hbox= gtk.HBox ()
- hbox.pack_start (self._candidates_area, True, True, 4)
- hbox.pack_start (VSeparator (), False, False)
- hbox.pack_start (self._prev_button, False, False, 2)
- hbox.pack_start (self._next_button, False, False, 2)
- self.pack_start (hbox, False, False)
- self.hide_all ()
- self.show_all ()
- def show_preedit_string (self):
- self._show_preedit_string = True
- self._preedit_label.show ()
- def hide_preedit_string (self):
- self._hide_preedit_string = False
- self._preedit_label.hide ()
- def set_aux_string (self, text):
- self._aux_string = text
- self._aux_label.set_text (text)
- def set_preedit_string (self, text):
- self._preedit_string = text
- self._preedit_label.set_text (text)
- def set_lookup_table (self, lookup_table):
- self._lookup_table = lookup_table
- candidates = self._lookup_table.get_canidates_in_current_page ()
- candidate_layouts = []
- for text, attrs in candidates:
- candidate_layouts.append (self.create_pango_layout (text))
- self._candidate_layouts = candidate_layouts
- def set_orientation (self, orientation):
- if self._orientation == orientation:
- return
- self._orientation = orientation
- self._recreate_ui ()
- def get_orientation (self):
- return self._orientation
- def do_set_property (self, property, value):
- if property == 'orientation':
- self.set_orientation (value)
- else:
- return gtk.DrawingArea.do_set_property (property, value)
- def do_get_property (self, property):
- if property == 'orientation':
- return self._orientation
- else:
- return gtk.DrawingArea.do_get_property (property)
- def do_expose_event (self, event):
- self.style.paint_box (self.window,
- gtk.SHADOW_IN,
- event.area,
- self,
- "menu",
- self.allocation.x, self.allocation.y,
- self.allocation.width, self.allocation.height)
- gtk.VBox.do_expose_event (self, event)
-gobject.type_register (CandidatePanel, "IBusCandidate")
+from candidatepanel import CandidatePanel
class CandidateWindow (gtk.Window):
def __init__ (self):
- self.set_property ("border-width", 1)
self._candidate_panel = CandidatePanel ()
self._begin_move = False
self._candidate_panel.connect ("size-request", self._size_request_cb)
self.add (self._candidate_panel)
self.move (100, 100)
+ def set_preedit_string (self, text, attrs):
+ self._candidate_panel.set_preedit_string (text, attrs)
+ def show_preedit_string (self, text, attrs):
+ self._candidate_panel.show_preedit_string ()
+ def hide_preedit_string (self, text, attrs):
+ self._candidate_panel.hide_preedit_string ()
+ def set_aux_string (self, text, attrs):
+ self._candidate_panel.set_aux_string (text, attrs)
+ def set_lookup_table (self, lookup_table):
+ self._candidate_pabel.set_lookup_table (lookup_table)
def _size_request_cb (self, widget, size):
self.resize (max (size.width, 200), 1)
+ def _change_orientation (self):
+ if self._candidate_panel.get_orientation () == gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL:
+ self._candidate_panel.set_orientation (gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)
+ else:
+ self._candidate_panel.set_orientation (gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)
def do_button_press_event (self, event):
if event.button == 1:
self._begin_move = True
self._press_pos = event.x_root, event.y_root
self.window.set_cursor (gdk.Cursor (gdk.FLEUR))
return True
- if event.button == 3:
- if self._candidate_panel.get_orientation () == gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL:
- self._candidate_panel.set_orientation (gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)
- else:
- self._candidate_panel.set_orientation (gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)
+ if event.button == 3:
+ self._change_orientation ()
return True
return False
def do_button_release_event (self, event):
if event.button == 1:
del self._press_pos
self.window.set_cursor (gdk.Cursor (gdk.LEFT_PTR))
return True
return False
def do_motion_notify_event (self, event):
if self._begin_move != True:
return False