This patch @fix this usage example:
0. image obj create
1. file_set(an animated gif)
2. animated_set(TRUE) + animated_play_set(TRUE) to make the gif play
3. file_set(a normal image)
... at this point elm_image is confused because it still think that the image is animated
4. file_set(an animated gif)
5. animated_set(TRUE) + animated_play_set(TRUE) to make the gif play
...this now do not work because elm think that the image is already animated
if (sd->remote) _elm_url_cancel(sd->remote);
sd->remote = NULL;
+ if (sd->anim)
+ {
+ ELM_SAFE_FREE(sd->anim_timer, ecore_timer_del);
+ sd->play = EINA_FALSE;
+ sd->anim = EINA_FALSE;
+ }
for (i = 0; i < sizeof (remote_uri) / sizeof (remote_uri[0]); ++i)
if (file && !strncmp(remote_uri[i], file, strlen(remote_uri[i])))