--- /dev/null
+#include <boost/test/auto_unit_test.hpp>
+#include <set>
+#include "zypp/ContentType.h"
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+using zypp::ContentType;
+ ContentType v;
+ BOOST_CHECK( !v );
+ BOOST_CHECK( v.empty() );
+ BOOST_CHECK( v.emptyType() );
+ BOOST_CHECK( v.emptySubtype() );
+ ContentType w( "/" );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( v == w, true );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( v != w, false );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( v < w, false );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( v <= w, true );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( v > w, false );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( v >= w, true );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( v.asString(), "" );
+ BOOST_CHECK_THROW( ContentType( " " ), std::invalid_argument );
+ BOOST_CHECK_THROW( ContentType( "//" ), std::invalid_argument );
+ BOOST_CHECK_THROW( ContentType( "/ " ), std::invalid_argument );
+ BOOST_CHECK_THROW( ContentType( "/", "a" ), std::invalid_argument );
+ BOOST_CHECK_THROW( ContentType( "a", "/" ), std::invalid_argument );
+ BOOST_CHECK_THROW( ContentType( " ", "a" ), std::invalid_argument );
+ BOOST_CHECK_THROW( ContentType( "a", " " ), std::invalid_argument );
+ std::set<ContentType> c( {
+ ContentType( "" ),
+ ContentType( "/" ), // == ""
+ ContentType( "a" ),
+ ContentType( "a/" ), // == "a"
+ ContentType( "/a" ),
+ ContentType( "" , "a" ), // == "/a"
+ ContentType( "a/b" ),
+ ContentType( "b/b" ),
+ ContentType( "b/c" )
+ });
+ std::set<ContentType>::const_iterator i = c.begin();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *(i++), ContentType() );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *(i++), ContentType( "", "a" ) );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *(i++), ContentType( "a", "" ) );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *(i++), ContentType( "a", "b" ) );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *(i++), ContentType( "b", "b" ) );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *(i++), ContentType( "b", "c" ) );
+ BOOST_CHECK( i == c.end() );
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+| ____ _ __ __ ___ |
+| |__ / \ / / . \ . \ |
+| / / \ V /| _/ _/ |
+| / /__ | | | | | | |
+| /_____||_| |_| |_| |
+| |
+/** \file zypp/ContentType.h
+ */
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <string>
+namespace zypp
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// \class ContentType
+ /// \brief Mime type like \c 'type/subtype' classification of content
+ ///
+ /// Used e.g. in \ref callback::UserData to describe the kind of
+ /// user data passed as \c void* to a callback. Neither type nor
+ /// subtype may contain a '/'.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ class ContentType
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Default ctor: empty */
+ ContentType()
+ {}
+ /** Ctor taking <tt>"type[/subtype]"</tt>
+ * \throws std::invalid_argument if string is malformed
+ */
+ explicit ContentType( const std::string & type_r )
+ {
+ std::string::size_type pos = type_r.find( "/" );
+ if ( pos == std::string::npos )
+ {
+ testAndSet( _type, type_r );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ testAndSet( _type, type_r.substr( 0, pos ) );
+ testAndSet( _subtype, type_r.substr( pos+1 ) );
+ }
+ }
+ /** Ctor taking type and subtype
+ * \throws std::invalid_argument if string is malformed
+ */
+ ContentType( const std::string & type_r, const std::string & subtype_r )
+ {
+ testAndSet( _type, type_r );
+ testAndSet( _subtype, subtype_r );
+ }
+ public:
+ /** Get type */
+ const std::string & type() const
+ { return _type; }
+ /** Set type
+ * \throws std::invalid_argument if string is malformed
+ */
+ void type( const std::string & type_r )
+ { _type = type_r; }
+ /** Get subtype */
+ const std::string & subtype() const
+ { return _subtype; }
+ /** Set subtype
+ * \throws std::invalid_argument if string is malformed
+ */
+ void subtype( const std::string & subtype_r )
+ { _subtype = subtype_r; }
+ public:
+ /** Whether type and subtype are empty */
+ bool empty() const
+ { return emptyType() && emptySubtype(); }
+ /** Whether type is empty */
+ bool emptyType() const
+ { return _type.empty(); }
+ /** Whether subtype is empty */
+ bool emptySubtype() const
+ { return _subtype.empty(); }
+ /** Validate object in a boolean context: !empty */
+ explicit operator bool () const
+ { return !empty(); }
+ /** String representation <tt>"type[/subtype]"</tt> */
+ std::string asString() const
+ { std::string ret( type() ); if ( ! emptySubtype() ) { ret += "/"; ret += subtype(); } return ret; }
+ private:
+ void testAndSet( std::string & var_r, const std::string & val_r )
+ {
+ if ( val_r.find_first_of( "/ \t\r\n" ) != std::string::npos )
+ throw std::invalid_argument( "ContentType: illegal char in '" + val_r + "'" );
+ var_r = val_r;
+ }
+ private:
+ std::string _type;
+ std::string _subtype;
+ };
+ /** \relates ContentType Stream output */
+ inline std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const ContentType & obj )
+ { return str << obj.asString(); }
+ /** \relates ContentType */
+ inline bool operator==( const ContentType & lhs, const ContentType & rhs )
+ { return lhs.type() == rhs.type() && lhs.subtype() == rhs.subtype(); }
+ /** \relates ContentType */
+ inline bool operator!=( const ContentType & lhs, const ContentType & rhs )
+ { return !( lhs == rhs ); }
+ /** \relates ContentType */
+ inline bool operator<( const ContentType & lhs, const ContentType & rhs )
+ { int cmp = lhs.type().compare( rhs.type() ); return cmp < 0 || ( cmp == 0 && lhs.subtype() < rhs.subtype() ); }
+ /** \relates ContentType */
+ inline bool operator<=( const ContentType & lhs, const ContentType & rhs )
+ { return lhs < rhs || lhs == rhs; }
+ /** \relates ContentType */
+ inline bool operator>( const ContentType & lhs, const ContentType & rhs )
+ { return !( lhs <= rhs ); }
+ /** \relates ContentType */
+ inline bool operator>=( const ContentType & lhs, const ContentType & rhs )
+ { return !( lhs < rhs ); }
+} // namespace zypp