+// emitAnyConst: Create a data section constant of arbitrary size.
+// Arguments:
+// cnsAddr - pointer to the data to be placed in the data section
+// cnsSize - size of the data
+// dblAlign - whether to align the data section to an 8 byte boundary
+// Return Value:
+// A field handle representing the data offset to access the constant.
CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE emitter::emitAnyConst(const void* cnsAddr, unsigned cnsSize, bool dblAlign)
UNATIVE_OFFSET cnum = emitDataConst(cnsAddr, cnsSize, dblAlign);
return emitComp->eeFindJitDataOffs(cnum);
-// Generates a float or double data section constant and returns field handle representing
-// the data offset to access the constant. This is called by emitInsBinary() in case
-// of contained float of double constants.
+// emitFltOrDblConst: Create a float or double data section constant.
+// Arguments:
+// constValue - constant value
+// attr - constant size
+// Return Value:
+// A field handle representing the data offset to access the constant.
+// Notes:
+// If attr is EA_4BYTE then the double value is converted to a float value.
+// If attr is EA_8BYTE then 8 byte alignment is automatically requested.
CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE emitter::emitFltOrDblConst(double constValue, emitAttr attr)
assert((attr == EA_4BYTE) || (attr == EA_8BYTE));