GPIOP7 is used in the Rainier design to manage the state of a
microcontroller elsewhere in the system but its ball, Y23, is the
driver of the heartbeat LED on the ast2600-evb and the SoC defaults Y23
at power-on to the pulse-train behaviour used to drive the LED. This
causes much confusion for the micro in the Rainier system, so hog the
line as early as possible.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <>
Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley <>
/*AA0-AA7*/ "","","","","","","","",
/*AB0-AB7*/ "","","","","","","","",
/*AC0-AC7*/ "","","","","","","","";
+ pin_mclr_vpp {
+ gpio-hog;
+ output-high;
+ line-name = "mclr_vpp";
+ };
&emmc_controller {