let address = self.buffer.len();
for &b in xs.iter() {
self.buffer.push(b as u8);
- for _ in 0..width as u8 {
- self.buffer.push(0); // Well this seems wasteful.
- }
+ self.buffer.resize(self.buffer.len() + width as usize, 0);
self.values.push(Value::Reference {
fxb_type: FlexBufferType::VectorBool,
pub fn is_key(&self) -> bool {
- match self {
- Value::Key(_) => true,
- _ => false,
+ if let Value::Key(_) = self {
+ true
+ } else {
+ false
pub fn is_typed_vector_or_map(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns true if called on a map, vector, typed vector, or fixed length typed vector.
pub fn is_vector(self) -> bool {
let d = self as u8;
- 9 <= d && d < 25 || self == VectorBool
+ (9..25).contains(&d) || self == VectorBool
/// True iff the binary format stores the length.
/// This applies to Blob, String, Maps, and Vectors of variable length.
// Serializable structs are Pushable
// Serde with maps - field names and type names.
+// Until flat/flexbuffers is on Rust v1.42, we cannot use the previously unstable matches! macro.
extern crate bitflags;
extern crate byteorder;
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Default)]
pub struct Color(pub i8);
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Default)]
pub struct Equipment(pub u8);
-pub struct EquipmentUnionTableOffset {}
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for Equipment {
type Inner = Self;
impl flatbuffers::SimpleToVerifyInSlice for Equipment {}
+pub struct EquipmentUnionTableOffset {}
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub enum EquipmentT {
+ Weapon(Box<WeaponT>),
+impl Default for EquipmentT {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::NONE
+ }
+impl EquipmentT {
+ fn equipment_type(&self) -> Equipment {
+ match self {
+ Self::NONE => Equipment::NONE,
+ Self::Weapon(_) => Equipment::Weapon,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn pack(&self, fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder) -> Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::UnionWIPOffset>> {
+ match self {
+ Self::NONE => None,
+ Self::Weapon(v) => Some(v.pack(fbb).as_union_value()),
+ }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return the owned WeaponT, setting the union to NONE.
+ pub fn take_weapon(&mut self) -> Option<Box<WeaponT>> {
+ if let Self::Weapon(_) = self {
+ let v = std::mem::replace(self, Self::NONE);
+ if let Self::Weapon(w) = v {
+ Some(w)
+ } else {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a reference to the WeaponT.
+ pub fn as_weapon(&self) -> Option<&WeaponT> {
+ if let Self::Weapon(v) = self { Some(v.as_ref()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a mutable reference to the WeaponT.
+ pub fn as_weapon_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut WeaponT> {
+ if let Self::Weapon(v) = self { Some(v.as_mut()) } else { None }
+ }
// struct Vec3, aligned to 4
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default)]
pub struct Vec3(pub [u8; 12]);
impl std::fmt::Debug for Vec3 {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> Vec3T {
+ Vec3T {
+ x: self.x(),
+ y: self.y(),
+ z: self.z(),
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct Vec3T {
+ pub x: f32,
+ pub y: f32,
+ pub z: f32,
+impl Vec3T {
+ pub fn pack(&self) -> Vec3 {
+ Vec3::new(
+ self.x,
+ self.y,
+ self.z,
+ )
+ }
pub enum MonsterOffset {}
impl<'a> Monster<'a> {
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- Monster {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ Monster { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> MonsterT {
+ let pos = self.pos().map(|x| {
+ x.unpack()
+ });
+ let mana = self.mana();
+ let hp = self.hp();
+ let name = self.name().map(|x| {
+ x.to_string()
+ });
+ let inventory = self.inventory().map(|x| {
+ x.to_vec()
+ });
+ let color = self.color();
+ let weapons = self.weapons().map(|x| {
+ x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
+ });
+ let equipped = match self.equipped_type() {
+ Equipment::NONE => EquipmentT::NONE,
+ Equipment::Weapon => EquipmentT::Weapon(Box::new(
+ self.equipped_as_weapon()
+ .expect("Invalid union table, expected `Equipment::Weapon`.")
+ .unpack()
+ )),
+ _ => EquipmentT::NONE,
+ };
+ let path = self.path().map(|x| {
+ x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
+ });
+ MonsterT {
+ pos,
+ mana,
+ hp,
+ name,
+ inventory,
+ color,
+ weapons,
+ equipped,
+ path,
+ }
+ }
pub const VT_POS: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_MANA: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_HP: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct MonsterT {
+ pub pos: Option<Vec3T>,
+ pub mana: i16,
+ pub hp: i16,
+ pub name: Option<String>,
+ pub inventory: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ pub color: Color,
+ pub weapons: Option<Vec<WeaponT>>,
+ pub equipped: EquipmentT,
+ pub path: Option<Vec<Vec3T>>,
+impl MonsterT {
+ pub fn pack<'b>(
+ &self,
+ _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
+ ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Monster<'b>> {
+ let pos_tmp = self.pos.as_ref().map(|x| x.pack());
+ let pos = pos_tmp.as_ref();
+ let mana = self.mana;
+ let hp = self.hp;
+ let name = self.name.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_string(x)
+ });
+ let inventory = self.inventory.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_vector(x)
+ });
+ let color = self.color;
+ let weapons = self.weapons.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
+ });
+ let equipped_type = self.equipped.equipment_type();
+ let equipped = self.equipped.pack(_fbb);
+ let path = self.path.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack()).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
+ });
+ Monster::create(_fbb, &MonsterArgs{
+ pos,
+ mana,
+ hp,
+ name,
+ inventory,
+ color,
+ weapons,
+ equipped_type,
+ equipped,
+ path,
+ })
+ }
pub enum WeaponOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
impl<'a> Weapon<'a> {
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- Weapon {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ Weapon { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> WeaponT {
+ let name = self.name().map(|x| {
+ x.to_string()
+ });
+ let damage = self.damage();
+ WeaponT {
+ name,
+ damage,
+ }
+ }
pub const VT_NAME: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_DAMAGE: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct WeaponT {
+ pub name: Option<String>,
+ pub damage: i16,
+impl WeaponT {
+ pub fn pack<'b>(
+ &self,
+ _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
+ ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Weapon<'b>> {
+ let name = self.name.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_string(x)
+ });
+ let damage = self.damage;
+ Weapon::create(_fbb, &WeaponArgs{
+ name,
+ damage,
+ })
+ }
#[deprecated(since="2.0.0", note="Deprecated in favor of `root_as...` methods.")]
pub fn get_root_as_monster<'a>(buf: &'a [u8]) -> Monster<'a> {
// import the generated code
#[path = "./monster_generated.rs"]
+#[allow(clippy::approx_constant)] // We use low precision PI as a default value.
mod monster_generated;
pub use monster_generated::my_game::sample::{Color, Equipment,
Monster, MonsterArgs,
// Example how to use FlatBuffers to create and read binary buffers.
fn main() {
// Build up a serialized buffer algorithmically.
// Initialize it with a capacity of 1024 bytes.
// {"damage": 15, "name": "great axe"},
// {"damage": 5, "name": "hammer"}]
// }
fn main() {
// Create a new Flexbuffer builder.
let mut builder = Builder::default();
return enum_def.attributes.Lookup("bit_flags") != nullptr;
bool IsBitFlagsEnum(const FieldDef &field) {
- EnumDef* ed = field.value.type.enum_def;
+ EnumDef *ed = field.value.type.enum_def;
return ed && IsBitFlagsEnum(*ed);
: BaseGenerator(parser, path, file_name, "", "::", "rs"),
cur_name_space_(nullptr) {
const char *keywords[] = {
+ // clang-format off
// list taken from:
// https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/second-edition/appendix-01-keywords.html
// used by Enum constants
- };
+ }; // clang-format on
for (auto kw = keywords; *kw; kw++) keywords_.insert(*kw);
for (auto it = parser_.enums_.vec.begin(); it != parser_.enums_.vec.end();
++it) {
const auto &enum_def = **it;
- if (enum_def.defined_namespace != ns) { continue; }
- if (!enum_def.generated) {
+ if (enum_def.defined_namespace == ns && !enum_def.generated) {
for (auto it = parser_.structs_.vec.begin();
it != parser_.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &struct_def = **it;
- if (struct_def.defined_namespace != ns) { continue; }
- if (struct_def.fixed && !struct_def.generated) {
+ if (struct_def.defined_namespace == ns && struct_def.fixed &&
+ !struct_def.generated) {
for (auto it = parser_.structs_.vec.begin();
it != parser_.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &struct_def = **it;
- if (struct_def.defined_namespace != ns) { continue; }
- if (!struct_def.fixed && !struct_def.generated) {
+ if (struct_def.defined_namespace == ns && !struct_def.fixed &&
+ !struct_def.generated) {
+ if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
+ GenTableObject(struct_def);
+ }
std::string EscapeKeyword(const std::string &name) const {
return keywords_.find(name) == keywords_.end() ? name : name + "_";
+ std::string NamespacedNativeName(const Definition &def) {
+ return WrapInNameSpace(def.defined_namespace, NativeName(def));
+ }
+ std::string NativeName(const Definition &def) {
+ return parser_.opts.object_prefix + Name(def) + parser_.opts.object_suffix;
+ }
std::string Name(const Definition &def) const {
return EscapeKeyword(def.name);
std::string GetEnumValue(const EnumDef &enum_def,
- const EnumVal &enum_val) const {
+ const EnumVal &enum_val) const {
return Name(enum_def) + "::" + Name(enum_val);
// 1 suffix since old C++ can't figure out the overload.
void ForAllEnumValues1(const EnumDef &enum_def,
- std::function<void(const EnumVal&)> cb) {
+ std::function<void(const EnumVal &)> cb) {
for (auto it = enum_def.Vals().begin(); it != enum_def.Vals().end(); ++it) {
const auto &ev = **it;
code_.SetValue("VARIANT", Name(ev));
void ForAllEnumValues(const EnumDef &enum_def, std::function<void()> cb) {
- std::function<void(const EnumVal&)> wrapped = [&](const EnumVal& unused) {
- (void) unused;
- cb();
- };
- ForAllEnumValues1(enum_def, wrapped);
+ std::function<void(const EnumVal &)> wrapped = [&](const EnumVal &unused) {
+ (void)unused;
+ cb();
+ };
+ ForAllEnumValues1(enum_def, wrapped);
// Generate an enum declaration,
// an enum string lookup table,
code_.SetValue("ENUM_MAX_BASE_VALUE", enum_def.ToString(*maxv));
if (IsBitFlagsEnum(enum_def)) {
- // Defer to the convenient and canonical bitflags crate. We declare it in a
- // module to #allow camel case constants in a smaller scope. This matches
- // Flatbuffers c-modeled enums where variants are associated constants but
- // in camel case.
+ // Defer to the convenient and canonical bitflags crate. We declare it in
+ // a module to #allow camel case constants in a smaller scope. This
+ // matches Flatbuffers c-modeled enums where variants are associated
+ // constants but in camel case.
code_ += "#[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]";
code_ += "mod bitflags_{{ENUM_NAME_SNAKE}} {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::bitflags::bitflags! {";
GenComment(enum_def.doc_comment, " ");
+ code_ += " #[derive(Default)]";
code_ += " pub struct {{ENUM_NAME}}: {{BASE_TYPE}} {";
- ForAllEnumValues1(enum_def, [&](const EnumVal &ev){
+ ForAllEnumValues1(enum_def, [&](const EnumVal &ev) {
this->GenComment(ev.doc_comment, " ");
code_ += " const {{VARIANT}} = {{VALUE}};";
"#[deprecated(since = \"2.0.0\", note = \"Use associated constants"
" instead. This will no longer be generated in 2021.\")]";
code_ += deprecation_warning;
- code_ += "pub const ENUM_MIN_{{ENUM_NAME_CAPS}}: {{BASE_TYPE}}"
- " = {{ENUM_MIN_BASE_VALUE}};";
+ code_ +=
+ "pub const ENUM_MIN_{{ENUM_NAME_CAPS}}: {{BASE_TYPE}}"
+ " = {{ENUM_MIN_BASE_VALUE}};";
code_ += deprecation_warning;
- code_ += "pub const ENUM_MAX_{{ENUM_NAME_CAPS}}: {{BASE_TYPE}}"
- " = {{ENUM_MAX_BASE_VALUE}};";
+ code_ +=
+ "pub const ENUM_MAX_{{ENUM_NAME_CAPS}}: {{BASE_TYPE}}"
+ " = {{ENUM_MAX_BASE_VALUE}};";
auto num_fields = NumToString(enum_def.size());
code_ += deprecation_warning;
code_ += "#[allow(non_camel_case_types)]";
code_ += "pub const ENUM_VALUES_{{ENUM_NAME_CAPS}}: [{{ENUM_NAME}}; " +
num_fields + "] = [";
- ForAllEnumValues1(enum_def, [&](const EnumVal &ev){
+ ForAllEnumValues1(enum_def, [&](const EnumVal &ev) {
code_ += " " + GetEnumValue(enum_def, ev) + ",";
code_ += "];";
code_ += "";
+ // Derive Default to be 0. flatc enforces this when the enum
+ // is put into a struct, though this isn't documented behavior, it is
+ // needed to derive defaults in struct objects.
code_ +=
- "#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]";
+ "#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, "
+ "Default)]";
code_ += "#[repr(transparent)]";
code_ += "pub struct {{ENUM_NAME}}(pub {{BASE_TYPE}});";
code_ += "#[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]";
code_ += "impl {{ENUM_NAME}} {";
- ForAllEnumValues1(enum_def, [&](const EnumVal &ev){
+ ForAllEnumValues1(enum_def, [&](const EnumVal &ev) {
this->GenComment(ev.doc_comment, " ");
code_ += " pub const {{VARIANT}}: Self = Self({{VALUE}});";
code_ += " pub const ENUM_MIN: {{BASE_TYPE}} = {{ENUM_MIN_BASE_VALUE}};";
code_ += " pub const ENUM_MAX: {{BASE_TYPE}} = {{ENUM_MAX_BASE_VALUE}};";
code_ += " pub const ENUM_VALUES: &'static [Self] = &[";
- ForAllEnumValues(enum_def, [&](){
- code_ += " Self::{{VARIANT}},";
- });
+ ForAllEnumValues(enum_def, [&]() { code_ += " Self::{{VARIANT}},"; });
code_ += " ];";
code_ += " /// Returns the variant's name or \"\" if unknown.";
code_ += " pub fn variant_name(self) -> Option<&'static str> {";
code_ += " match self {";
- ForAllEnumValues(enum_def, [&](){
+ ForAllEnumValues(enum_def, [&]() {
code_ += " Self::{{VARIANT}} => Some(\"{{VARIANT}}\"),";
code_ += " _ => None,";
// Generate Debug. Unknown variants are printed like "<UNKNOWN 42>".
code_ += "impl std::fmt::Debug for {{ENUM_NAME}} {";
- code_ += " fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) ->"
- " std::fmt::Result {";
+ code_ +=
+ " fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) ->"
+ " std::fmt::Result {";
code_ += " if let Some(name) = self.variant_name() {";
code_ += " f.write_str(name)";
code_ += " } else {";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
- if (enum_def.is_union) {
- // Generate tyoesafe offset(s) for unions
- code_.SetValue("NAME", Name(enum_def));
- code_.SetValue("UNION_OFFSET_NAME", Name(enum_def) + "UnionTableOffset");
- code_ += "pub struct {{UNION_OFFSET_NAME}} {}";
- }
code_.SetValue("FROM_BASE", "Self(b)");
code_.SetValue("INTO_BASE", "self.0");
code_ += " type Inner = Self;";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {";
- code_ += " let b = flatbuffers::read_scalar_at::<{{BASE_TYPE}}>(buf,"
- " loc);";
+ code_ +=
+ " let b = flatbuffers::read_scalar_at::<{{BASE_TYPE}}>(buf,"
+ " loc);";
code_ += " {{FROM_BASE}}";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += " type Output = {{ENUM_NAME}};";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += " fn push(&self, dst: &mut [u8], _rest: &[u8]) {";
- code_ += " flatbuffers::emplace_scalar::<{{BASE_TYPE}}>"
- "(dst, {{INTO_BASE}});";
+ code_ +=
+ " flatbuffers::emplace_scalar::<{{BASE_TYPE}}>"
+ "(dst, {{INTO_BASE}});";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
// Generate verifier - deferring to the base type.
code_ += "impl<'a> flatbuffers::Verifiable for {{ENUM_NAME}} {";
code_ += " #[inline]";
code_ += "";
// Enums are basically integers.
code_ += "impl flatbuffers::SimpleToVerifyInSlice for {{ENUM_NAME}} {}";
+ if (enum_def.is_union) {
+ // Generate tyoesafe offset(s) for unions
+ code_.SetValue("NAME", Name(enum_def));
+ code_.SetValue("UNION_OFFSET_NAME", Name(enum_def) + "UnionTableOffset");
+ code_ += "pub struct {{UNION_OFFSET_NAME}} {}";
+ code_ += "";
+ if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) { GenUnionObject(enum_def); }
+ }
+ }
+ // CASPER: dedup Object versions from non object versions.
+ void ForAllUnionObjectVariantsBesidesNone(const EnumDef &enum_def,
+ std::function<void()> cb) {
+ for (auto it = enum_def.Vals().begin(); it != enum_def.Vals().end(); ++it) {
+ auto &enum_val = **it;
+ if (enum_val.union_type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_NONE) continue;
+ code_.SetValue("VARIANT_NAME", Name(enum_val));
+ code_.SetValue("NATIVE_VARIANT", MakeCamel(Name(enum_val)));
+ code_.SetValue("U_ELEMENT_NAME", MakeSnakeCase(Name(enum_val)));
+ code_.SetValue("U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE",
+ NamespacedNativeName(*enum_val.union_type.struct_def));
+ cb();
+ }
+ }
+ void GenUnionObject(const EnumDef &enum_def) {
+ code_.SetValue("ENUM_NAME", Name(enum_def));
+ code_.SetValue("ENUM_NAME_SNAKE", MakeSnakeCase(Name(enum_def)));
+ code_.SetValue("NATIVE_NAME", NativeName(enum_def));
+ // Generate native union.
+ code_ += "#[non_exhaustive]";
+ code_ += "#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]";
+ code_ += "pub enum {{NATIVE_NAME}} {";
+ code_ += " NONE,";
+ ForAllUnionObjectVariantsBesidesNone(enum_def, [&] {
+ code_ += " {{NATIVE_VARIANT}}(Box<{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}>),";
+ });
+ code_ += "}";
+ // Generate Default (NONE).
+ code_ += "impl Default for {{NATIVE_NAME}} {";
+ code_ += " fn default() -> Self {";
+ code_ += " Self::NONE";
+ code_ += " }";
+ code_ += "}";
+ // Generate native union methods.
+ code_ += "impl {{NATIVE_NAME}} {";
+ // Get flatbuffers union key.
+ // CASPER: add docstrings?
+ code_ += " fn {{ENUM_NAME_SNAKE}}_type(&self) -> {{ENUM_NAME}} {";
+ code_ += " match self {";
+ code_ += " Self::NONE => {{ENUM_NAME}}::NONE,";
+ ForAllUnionObjectVariantsBesidesNone(enum_def, [&] {
+ code_ +=
+ " Self::{{NATIVE_VARIANT}}(_) => {{ENUM_NAME}}::"
+ "{{VARIANT_NAME}},";
+ });
+ code_ += " }";
+ code_ += " }";
+ // Pack flatbuffers union value
+ code_ +=
+ " pub fn pack(&self, fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder)"
+ " -> Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::UnionWIPOffset>>"
+ " {";
+ code_ += " match self {";
+ code_ += " Self::NONE => None,";
+ ForAllUnionObjectVariantsBesidesNone(enum_def, [&] {
+ code_ +=
+ " Self::{{NATIVE_VARIANT}}(v) => "
+ "Some(v.pack(fbb).as_union_value()),";
+ });
+ code_ += " }";
+ code_ += " }";
+ // Generate some accessors;
+ ForAllUnionObjectVariantsBesidesNone(enum_def, [&] {
+ // Move accessor.
+ code_ +=
+ " /// If the union variant matches, return the owned "
+ "{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}, setting the union to NONE.";
+ code_ +=
+ " pub fn take_{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}(&mut self) -> "
+ "Option<Box<{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}>> {";
+ code_ += " if let Self::{{NATIVE_VARIANT}}(_) = self {";
+ code_ += " let v = std::mem::replace(self, Self::NONE);";
+ code_ += " if let Self::{{NATIVE_VARIANT}}(w) = v {";
+ code_ += " Some(w)";
+ code_ += " } else {";
+ code_ += " unreachable!()";
+ code_ += " }";
+ code_ += " } else {";
+ code_ += " None";
+ code_ += " }";
+ code_ += " }";
+ // Immutable reference accessor.
+ code_ +=
+ " /// If the union variant matches, return a reference to the "
+ code_ +=
+ " pub fn as_{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}(&self) -> "
+ "Option<&{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}> {";
+ code_ +=
+ " if let Self::{{NATIVE_VARIANT}}(v) = self "
+ "{ Some(v.as_ref()) } else { None }";
+ code_ += " }";
+ // Mutable reference accessor.
+ code_ +=
+ " /// If the union variant matches, return a mutable reference"
+ " to the {{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}.";
+ code_ +=
+ " pub fn as_{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}_mut(&mut self) -> "
+ "Option<&mut {{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}> {";
+ code_ +=
+ " if let Self::{{NATIVE_VARIANT}}(v) = self "
+ "{ Some(v.as_mut()) } else { None }";
+ code_ += " }";
+ });
+ code_ += "}"; // End union methods impl.
std::string GetFieldOffsetName(const FieldDef &field) {
case ftUnionKey:
case ftEnumKey: {
- if (field.optional) {
- return "None";
- }
+ if (field.optional) { return "None"; }
auto ev = field.value.type.enum_def->FindByValue(field.value.constant);
- assert(ev);
+ if (!ev) return "Default::default()"; // Bitflags enum.
return WrapInNameSpace(field.value.type.enum_def->defined_namespace,
GetEnumValue(*field.value.type.enum_def, *ev));
return "INVALID_CODE_GENERATION"; // for return analysis
+ std::string ObjectFieldType(const FieldDef &field, bool in_a_table) {
+ const Type &type = field.value.type;
+ std::string ty;
+ switch (GetFullType(type)) {
+ case ftInteger:
+ case ftBool:
+ case ftFloat: {
+ ty = GetTypeBasic(type);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftString: {
+ ty = "String";
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftStruct: {
+ ty = NamespacedNativeName(*type.struct_def);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftTable: {
+ // Since Tables can contain themselves, Box is required to avoid
+ // infinite types.
+ ty = "Box<" + NamespacedNativeName(*type.struct_def) + ">";
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftUnionKey: {
+ // There is no native "UnionKey", natively, unions are rust enums with
+ // newtype-struct-variants.
+ }
+ case ftUnionValue: {
+ ty = NamespacedNativeName(*type.enum_def);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftEnumKey: {
+ ty = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Vectors are in tables and are optional
+ case ftVectorOfEnumKey: {
+ ty = "Vec<" + WrapInNameSpace(*type.VectorType().enum_def) + ">";
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftVectorOfInteger:
+ case ftVectorOfBool:
+ case ftVectorOfFloat: {
+ ty = "Vec<" + GetTypeBasic(type.VectorType()) + ">";
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftVectorOfString: {
+ ty = "Vec<String>";
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftVectorOfTable:
+ case ftVectorOfStruct: {
+ ty = NamespacedNativeName(*type.VectorType().struct_def);
+ ty = "Vec<" + ty + ">";
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
+ FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vectors of unions are not yet supported");
+ }
+ }
+ if (in_a_table && !IsUnion(type) &&
+ (IsScalar(type.base_type) ? field.optional : !field.required)) {
+ return "Option<" + ty + ">";
+ } else {
+ return ty;
+ }
+ }
std::string TableBuilderArgsAddFuncType(const FieldDef &field,
const std::string &lifetime) {
const Type &type = field.value.type;
", flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Table<" + lifetime +
- case ftEnumKey: {
+ case ftEnumKey:
+ case ftUnionKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
return typname;
case ftString: {
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&" + lifetime + " str>";
- case ftUnionKey: {
- const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
- return typname;
- }
case ftUnionValue: {
return "flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::UnionWIPOffset>";
case ftEnumKey:
case ftUnionKey: {
const auto underlying_typname = GetTypeBasic(type);
- return (field.optional ?
- "self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<" :
- "self.fbb_.push_slot::<") + underlying_typname + ">";
+ return (field.optional ? "self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<"
+ : "self.fbb_.push_slot::<") +
+ underlying_typname + ">";
case ftStruct: {
case ftUnionKey:
case ftEnumKey: {
- return WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
+ return WrapInNameSpace(*type.enum_def);
case ftTable: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
case ftVectorOfEnumKey: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.VectorType().enum_def);
return WrapForwardsUOffset(WrapVector(typname));
case ftVectorOfStruct: {
const auto typname = WrapInNameSpace(*type.struct_def);
return WrapForwardsUOffset(WrapVector(WrapForwardsUOffset(typname)));
case ftVectorOfString: {
- return WrapForwardsUOffset(WrapVector(WrapForwardsUOffset(
- "&" + lifetime + " str")));
+ return WrapForwardsUOffset(
+ WrapVector(WrapForwardsUOffset("&" + lifetime + " str")));
case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vectors of unions are not yet supported");
const std::string vt_offset = GetFieldOffsetName(field);
const std::string typname = FollowType(field.value.type, lifetime);
// Default-y fields (scalars so far) are neither optional nor required.
- const std::string default_value = !(field.optional || field.required) ?
- "Some(" + GetDefaultScalarValue(field) + ")" : "None";
+ const std::string default_value =
+ !(field.optional || field.required)
+ ? "Some(" + GetDefaultScalarValue(field) + ")"
+ : "None";
const std::string unwrap = field.optional ? "" : ".unwrap()";
const auto t = GetFullType(field.value.type);
// TODO(caspern): Shouldn't 1byte VectorOfEnumKey be slice too?
- const std::string safe_slice = (
- t == ftVectorOfStruct ||
- ((t == ftVectorOfBool || t == ftVectorOfFloat || t == ftVectorOfInteger)
- && IsOneByte(field.value.type.VectorType().base_type))
- ) ? ".map(|v| v.safe_slice())" : "";
- return "self._tab.get::<" + typname + ">({{STRUCT_NAME}}::" +
- vt_offset + ", " + default_value + ")" + safe_slice + unwrap;
+ const std::string safe_slice =
+ (t == ftVectorOfStruct ||
+ ((t == ftVectorOfBool || t == ftVectorOfFloat ||
+ t == ftVectorOfInteger) &&
+ IsOneByte(field.value.type.VectorType().base_type)))
+ ? ".map(|v| v.safe_slice())"
+ : "";
+ return "self._tab.get::<" + typname + ">({{STRUCT_NAME}}::" + vt_offset +
+ ", " + default_value + ")" + safe_slice + unwrap;
bool TableFieldReturnsOption(const FieldDef &field) {
void ForAllUnionVariantsBesidesNone(
- const EnumDef &def,
- std::function<void(const EnumVal &ev)> cb
- ) {
+ const EnumDef &def, std::function<void(const EnumVal &ev)> cb) {
for (auto it = def.Vals().begin(); it != def.Vals().end(); ++it) {
- const EnumVal & ev = **it;
+ const EnumVal &ev = **it;
// TODO(cneo): Can variants be deprecated, should we skip them?
if (ev.union_type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_NONE) { continue; }
WrapInNameSpace(def.defined_namespace, GetEnumValue(def, ev)));
- code_.SetValue("U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE",
+ code_.SetValue(
code_.SetValue("U_ELEMENT_NAME", MakeSnakeCase(Name(ev)));
- void ForAllTableFields(
- const StructDef &struct_def,
- std::function<void(const FieldDef&)> cb, bool reversed=false) {
+ void ForAllTableFields(const StructDef &struct_def,
+ std::function<void(const FieldDef &)> cb,
+ bool reversed = false) {
// TODO(cneo): Remove `reversed` overload. It's only here to minimize the
// diff when refactoring to the `ForAllX` helper functions.
- auto go = [&](const FieldDef& field) {
+ auto go = [&](const FieldDef &field) {
if (field.deprecated) return;
code_.SetValue("OFFSET_NAME", GetFieldOffsetName(field));
code_.SetValue("OFFSET_VALUE", NumToString(field.value.offset));
code_ +=
" pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> "
"Self {";
- code_ += " {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
- code_ += " _tab: table,";
- code_ += " }";
+ code_ += " {{STRUCT_NAME}} { _tab: table }";
code_ += " }";
// Generate a convenient create* function that uses the above builder
code_ += " let mut builder = {{STRUCT_NAME}}Builder::new(_fbb);";
for (size_t size = struct_def.sortbysize ? sizeof(largest_scalar_t) : 1;
size; size /= 2) {
- ForAllTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
- if (struct_def.sortbysize && size != SizeOf(field.value.type.base_type))
- return;
- if (TableFieldReturnsOption(field)) {
- code_ +=
- " if let Some(x) = args.{{FIELD_NAME}} "
- "{ builder.add_{{FIELD_NAME}}(x); }";
- } else {
- code_ += " builder.add_{{FIELD_NAME}}(args.{{FIELD_NAME}});";
- }
- }, /*reverse=*/true);
+ ForAllTableFields(
+ struct_def,
+ [&](const FieldDef &field) {
+ if (struct_def.sortbysize &&
+ size != SizeOf(field.value.type.base_type))
+ return;
+ if (TableFieldReturnsOption(field)) {
+ code_ +=
+ " if let Some(x) = args.{{FIELD_NAME}} "
+ "{ builder.add_{{FIELD_NAME}}(x); }";
+ } else {
+ code_ += " builder.add_{{FIELD_NAME}}(args.{{FIELD_NAME}});";
+ }
+ },
+ /*reverse=*/true);
code_ += " builder.finish()";
code_ += " }";
code_ += "";
+ // Generate Object API Packer function.
+ if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
+ // TODO(cneo): Replace more for loops with ForAllX stuff.
+ // TODO(cneo): Manage indentation with IncrementIdentLevel?
+ code_.SetValue("OBJECT_NAME", NativeName(struct_def));
+ code_ += " pub fn unpack(&self) -> {{OBJECT_NAME}} {";
+ ForAllObjectTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
+ const Type &type = field.value.type;
+ switch (GetFullType(type)) {
+ case ftInteger:
+ case ftBool:
+ case ftFloat:
+ case ftEnumKey: {
+ code_ += " let {{FIELD_NAME}} = self.{{FIELD_NAME}}();";
+ return;
+ }
+ case ftUnionKey: return;
+ case ftUnionValue: {
+ const auto &enum_def = *type.enum_def;
+ code_.SetValue("ENUM_NAME", Name(enum_def));
+ code_.SetValue("NATIVE_ENUM_NAME", NativeName(enum_def));
+ code_ +=
+ " let {{FIELD_NAME}} = match "
+ "self.{{FIELD_NAME}}_type() {";
+ code_ +=
+ " {{ENUM_NAME}}::NONE =>"
+ ForAllUnionObjectVariantsBesidesNone(enum_def, [&] {
+ code_ +=
+ " {{ENUM_NAME}}::{{VARIANT_NAME}} => "
+ code_ +=
+ " self.{{FIELD_NAME}}_as_"
+ "{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}()";
+ code_ +=
+ " .expect(\"Invalid union table, "
+ "expected `{{ENUM_NAME}}::{{VARIANT_NAME}}`.\")";
+ code_ += " .unpack()";
+ code_ += " )),";
+ });
+ // Maybe we shouldn't throw away unknown discriminants?
+ code_ += " _ => {{NATIVE_ENUM_NAME}}::NONE,";
+ code_ += " };";
+ return;
+ }
+ // The rest of the types need special handling based on if the field
+ // is optional or not.
+ case ftString: {
+ code_.SetValue("EXPR", "x.to_string()");
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftStruct: {
+ code_.SetValue("EXPR", "x.unpack()");
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftTable: {
+ code_.SetValue("EXPR", "Box::new(x.unpack())");
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftVectorOfInteger:
+ case ftVectorOfBool: {
+ if (IsOneByte(type.VectorType().base_type)) {
+ // 1 byte stuff is viewed w/ slice instead of flatbuffer::Vector
+ // and thus needs to be cloned out of the slice.
+ code_.SetValue("EXPR", "x.to_vec()");
+ break;
+ }
+ code_.SetValue("EXPR", "x.into_iter().collect()");
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftVectorOfFloat:
+ case ftVectorOfEnumKey: {
+ code_.SetValue("EXPR", "x.into_iter().collect()");
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftVectorOfString: {
+ code_.SetValue("EXPR", "x.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect()");
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftVectorOfStruct:
+ case ftVectorOfTable: {
+ code_.SetValue("EXPR", "x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()");
+ break;
+ }
+ case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
+ FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vectors of unions not yet supported");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (field.optional) {
+ code_ += " let {{FIELD_NAME}} = self.{{FIELD_NAME}}().map(|x| {";
+ code_ += " {{EXPR}}";
+ code_ += " });";
+ } else {
+ code_ += " let {{FIELD_NAME}} = {";
+ code_ += " let x = self.{{FIELD_NAME}}();";
+ code_ += " {{EXPR}}";
+ code_ += " };";
+ }
+ });
+ code_ += " {{OBJECT_NAME}} {";
+ ForAllObjectTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
+ if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UTYPE) return;
+ code_ += " {{FIELD_NAME}},";
+ });
+ code_ += " }";
+ code_ += " }";
+ }
// Generate field id constants.
- ForAllTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &unused){
- (void) unused;
- code_ += " pub const {{OFFSET_NAME}}: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = "
- "{{OFFSET_VALUE}};";
+ ForAllTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &unused) {
+ (void)unused;
+ code_ +=
+ " pub const {{OFFSET_NAME}}: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = "
+ "{{OFFSET_VALUE}};";
if (struct_def.fields.vec.size() > 0) code_ += "";
FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(nested_root); // Guaranteed to exist by parser.
code_.SetValue("NESTED", WrapInNameSpace(*nested_root));
- code_ +=
- " pub fn {{FIELD_NAME}}_nested_flatbuffer(&'a self) -> \\";
+ code_ += " pub fn {{FIELD_NAME}}_nested_flatbuffer(&'a self) -> \\";
if (field.required) {
code_ += "{{NESTED}}<'a> {";
code_ += " let data = self.{{FIELD_NAME}}();";
code_ += " use flatbuffers::Follow;";
- code_ += " <flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<{{NESTED}}<'a>>>"
- "::follow(data, 0)";
+ code_ +=
+ " <flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<{{NESTED}}<'a>>>"
+ "::follow(data, 0)";
} else {
code_ += "Option<{{NESTED}}<'a>> {";
code_ += " self.{{FIELD_NAME}}().map(|data| {";
code_ += " use flatbuffers::Follow;";
- code_ += " <flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<{{NESTED}}<'a>>>"
- "::follow(data, 0)";
+ code_ +=
+ " <flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<{{NESTED}}<'a>>>"
+ "::follow(data, 0)";
code_ += " })";
code_ += " }";
if (field.value.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_UNION) return;
code_.SetValue("FIELD_TYPE_FIELD_NAME", field.name);
- *field.value.type.enum_def, [&](const EnumVal &unused){
- (void) unused;
- code_ += " #[inline]";
- code_ += " #[allow(non_snake_case)]";
- code_ +=
- " pub fn {{FIELD_NAME}}_as_{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}(&self) -> "
- "Option<{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}<'a>> {";
- // If the user defined schemas name a field that clashes with a
- // language reserved word, flatc will try to escape the field name by
- // appending an underscore. This works well for most cases, except
- // one. When generating union accessors (and referring to them
- // internally within the code generated here), an extra underscore
- // will be appended to the name, causing build failures.
- //
- // This only happens when unions have members that overlap with
- // language reserved words.
- //
- // To avoid this problem the type field name is used unescaped here:
- code_ +=
- " if self.{{FIELD_TYPE_FIELD_NAME}}_type() == "
- // The following logic is not tested in the integration test,
- // as of April 10, 2020
- if (field.required) {
- code_ += " let u = self.{{FIELD_NAME}}();";
- code_ += " Some({{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}::init_from_table(u))";
- } else {
- code_ +=
- " self.{{FIELD_NAME}}().map("
- "{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}::init_from_table)";
- }
- code_ += " } else {";
- code_ += " None";
- code_ += " }";
- code_ += " }";
- code_ += "";
- });
+ *field.value.type.enum_def, [&](const EnumVal &unused) {
+ (void)unused;
+ code_ += " #[inline]";
+ code_ += " #[allow(non_snake_case)]";
+ code_ +=
+ " pub fn {{FIELD_NAME}}_as_{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}(&self) -> "
+ "Option<{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}<'a>> {";
+ // If the user defined schemas name a field that clashes with a
+ // language reserved word, flatc will try to escape the field name
+ // by appending an underscore. This works well for most cases,
+ // except one. When generating union accessors (and referring to
+ // them internally within the code generated here), an extra
+ // underscore will be appended to the name, causing build failures.
+ //
+ // This only happens when unions have members that overlap with
+ // language reserved words.
+ //
+ // To avoid this problem the type field name is used unescaped here:
+ code_ +=
+ " if self.{{FIELD_TYPE_FIELD_NAME}}_type() == "
+ // The following logic is not tested in the integration test,
+ // as of April 10, 2020
+ if (field.required) {
+ code_ += " let u = self.{{FIELD_NAME}}();";
+ code_ +=
+ " Some({{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}::init_from_table(u))";
+ } else {
+ code_ +=
+ " self.{{FIELD_NAME}}().map("
+ "{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}::init_from_table)";
+ }
+ code_ += " } else {";
+ code_ += " None";
+ code_ += " }";
+ code_ += " }";
+ code_ += "";
+ });
code_ += "}"; // End of table impl.
code_ += "";
if (GetFullType(field.value.type) != ftUnionValue) {
// All types besides unions.
code_.SetValue("TY", FollowType(field.value.type, "'_"));
- code_ += "\n .visit_field::<{{TY}}>(&\"{{FIELD_NAME}}\", "
- "Self::{{OFFSET_NAME}}, {{IS_REQ}})?\\";
- return;
+ code_ +=
+ "\n .visit_field::<{{TY}}>(&\"{{FIELD_NAME}}\", "
+ "Self::{{OFFSET_NAME}}, {{IS_REQ}})?\\";
+ return;
// Unions.
EnumDef &union_def = *field.value.type.enum_def;
code_.SetValue("UNION_TYPE", Name(union_def));
- code_ += "\n .visit_union::<{{UNION_TYPE}}, _>("
- "&\"{{FIELD_NAME}}_type\", Self::{{OFFSET_NAME}}_TYPE, "
- "&\"{{FIELD_NAME}}\", Self::{{OFFSET_NAME}}, {{IS_REQ}}, "
- "|key, v, pos| {";
+ code_ +=
+ "\n .visit_union::<{{UNION_TYPE}}, _>("
+ "&\"{{FIELD_NAME}}_type\", Self::{{OFFSET_NAME}}_TYPE, "
+ "&\"{{FIELD_NAME}}\", Self::{{OFFSET_NAME}}, {{IS_REQ}}, "
+ "|key, v, pos| {";
code_ += " match key {";
ForAllUnionVariantsBesidesNone(union_def, [&](const EnumVal &unused) {
- (void) unused;
- code_ += " {{U_ELEMENT_ENUM_TYPE}} => v.verify_union_variant::"
- "<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}>>("
- "\"{{U_ELEMENT_ENUM_TYPE}}\", pos),";
+ (void)unused;
+ code_ +=
+ " {{U_ELEMENT_ENUM_TYPE}} => v.verify_union_variant::"
+ "<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<{{U_ELEMENT_TABLE_TYPE}}>>("
+ "\"{{U_ELEMENT_ENUM_TYPE}}\", pos),";
code_ += " _ => Ok(()),";
code_ += " }";
code_.SetValue("FIELD_TYPE", TableBuilderArgsAddFuncType(field, "'b "));
code_.SetValue("FUNC_BODY", TableBuilderArgsAddFuncBody(field));
code_ += " #[inline]";
- code_ += " pub fn add_{{FIELD_NAME}}(&mut self, {{FIELD_NAME}}: "
- "{{FIELD_TYPE}}) {";
+ code_ +=
+ " pub fn add_{{FIELD_NAME}}(&mut self, {{FIELD_NAME}}: "
+ "{{FIELD_TYPE}}) {";
if (is_scalar && !field.optional) {
code_ +=
code_ += "";
code_ += "impl std::fmt::Debug for {{STRUCT_NAME}}<'_> {";
- code_ += " fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>"
- ") -> std::fmt::Result {";
+ code_ +=
+ " fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>"
+ ") -> std::fmt::Result {";
code_ += " let mut ds = f.debug_struct(\"{{STRUCT_NAME}}\");";
ForAllTableFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
if (GetFullType(field.value.type) == ftUnionValue) {
// Generate a match statement to handle unions properly.
code_.SetValue("KEY_TYPE", GenTableAccessorFuncReturnType(field, ""));
code_.SetValue("FIELD_TYPE_FIELD_NAME", field.name);
- code_.SetValue("UNION_ERR", "&\"InvalidFlatbuffer: Union discriminant"
- " does not match value.\"");
+ code_.SetValue("UNION_ERR",
+ "&\"InvalidFlatbuffer: Union discriminant"
+ " does not match value.\"");
code_ += " match self.{{FIELD_NAME}}_type() {";
- ForAllUnionVariantsBesidesNone(*field.value.type.enum_def,
- [&](const EnumVal &unused){
- (void) unused;
- code_ += " {{U_ELEMENT_ENUM_TYPE}} => {";
- code_ += " if let Some(x) = self.{{FIELD_TYPE_FIELD_NAME}}_as_"
- "{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}() {";
- code_ += " ds.field(\"{{FIELD_NAME}}\", &x)";
- code_ += " } else {";
- code_ += " ds.field(\"{{FIELD_NAME}}\", {{UNION_ERR}})";
- code_ += " }";
- code_ += " },";
- });
+ ForAllUnionVariantsBesidesNone(
+ *field.value.type.enum_def, [&](const EnumVal &unused) {
+ (void)unused;
+ code_ += " {{U_ELEMENT_ENUM_TYPE}} => {";
+ code_ +=
+ " if let Some(x) = "
+ "self.{{FIELD_TYPE_FIELD_NAME}}_as_"
+ "{{U_ELEMENT_NAME}}() {";
+ code_ += " ds.field(\"{{FIELD_NAME}}\", &x)";
+ code_ += " } else {";
+ code_ +=
+ " ds.field(\"{{FIELD_NAME}}\", {{UNION_ERR}})";
+ code_ += " }";
+ code_ += " },";
+ });
code_ += " _ => { ";
code_ += " let x: Option<()> = None;";
code_ += " ds.field(\"{{FIELD_NAME}}\", &x)";
code_ += "}";
+ void GenTableObject(const StructDef &table) {
+ code_.SetValue("OBJECT_NAME", NativeName(table));
+ code_.SetValue("STRUCT_NAME", Name(table));
+ // Generate the native object.
+ code_ += "#[non_exhaustive]";
+ code_ += "#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]";
+ code_ += "pub struct {{OBJECT_NAME}} {";
+ ForAllObjectTableFields(table, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
+ // Union objects combine both the union discriminant and value, so we
+ // skip making a field for the discriminant.
+ if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UTYPE) return;
+ code_ += " pub {{FIELD_NAME}}: {{FIELD_OBJECT_TYPE}},";
+ });
+ code_ += "}";
+ // TODO(cneo): Generate defaults for Native tables. However, since structs
+ // may be required, they, and therefore enums need defaults.
+ // Generate pack function.
+ code_ += "impl {{OBJECT_NAME}} {";
+ code_ += " pub fn pack<'b>(";
+ code_ += " &self,";
+ code_ += " _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>";
+ code_ += " ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<{{STRUCT_NAME}}<'b>> {";
+ // First we generate variables for each field and then later assemble them
+ // using "StructArgs" to more easily manage ownership of the builder.
+ ForAllObjectTableFields(table, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
+ const Type &type = field.value.type;
+ switch (GetFullType(type)) {
+ case ftInteger:
+ case ftBool:
+ case ftFloat:
+ case ftEnumKey: {
+ code_ += " let {{FIELD_NAME}} = self.{{FIELD_NAME}};";
+ return;
+ }
+ case ftUnionKey: return; // Generate union type with union value.
+ case ftUnionValue: {
+ code_.SetValue("SNAKE_CASE_ENUM_NAME",
+ MakeSnakeCase(Name(*field.value.type.enum_def)));
+ code_ +=
+ " let {{FIELD_NAME}}_type = "
+ "self.{{FIELD_NAME}}.{{SNAKE_CASE_ENUM_NAME}}_type();";
+ code_ += " let {{FIELD_NAME}} = self.{{FIELD_NAME}}.pack(_fbb);";
+ return;
+ }
+ // The rest of the types require special casing around optionalness
+ // due to "required" annotation.
+ case ftString: {
+ MapNativeTableField(field, "_fbb.create_string(x)");
+ return;
+ }
+ case ftStruct: {
+ // Hold the struct in a variable so we can reference it.
+ if (field.required) {
+ code_ +=
+ " let {{FIELD_NAME}}_tmp = "
+ "Some(self.{{FIELD_NAME}}.pack());";
+ } else {
+ code_ +=
+ " let {{FIELD_NAME}}_tmp = self.{{FIELD_NAME}}"
+ ".as_ref().map(|x| x.pack());";
+ }
+ code_ += " let {{FIELD_NAME}} = {{FIELD_NAME}}_tmp.as_ref();";
+ return;
+ }
+ case ftTable: {
+ MapNativeTableField(field, "x.pack(_fbb)");
+ return;
+ }
+ case ftVectorOfEnumKey:
+ case ftVectorOfInteger:
+ case ftVectorOfBool:
+ case ftVectorOfFloat: {
+ MapNativeTableField(field, "_fbb.create_vector(x)");
+ return;
+ }
+ case ftVectorOfStruct: {
+ MapNativeTableField(
+ field,
+ "let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack()).collect();"
+ "_fbb.create_vector(&w)");
+ return;
+ }
+ case ftVectorOfString: {
+ // TODO(cneo): create_vector* should be more generic to avoid
+ // allocations.
+ MapNativeTableField(
+ field,
+ "let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref()).collect();"
+ "_fbb.create_vector_of_strings(&w)");
+ return;
+ }
+ case ftVectorOfTable: {
+ MapNativeTableField(
+ field,
+ "let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();"
+ "_fbb.create_vector(&w)");
+ return;
+ }
+ case ftVectorOfUnionValue: {
+ FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(false && "vectors of unions not yet supported");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ code_ += " {{STRUCT_NAME}}::create(_fbb, &{{STRUCT_NAME}}Args{";
+ ForAllObjectTableFields(table, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
+ (void)field; // Unused.
+ code_ += " {{FIELD_NAME}},";
+ });
+ code_ += " })";
+ code_ += " }";
+ code_ += "}";
+ }
+ void ForAllObjectTableFields(const StructDef &table,
+ std::function<void(const FieldDef &)> cb) {
+ const std::vector<FieldDef *> &v = table.fields.vec;
+ for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {
+ const FieldDef &field = **it;
+ if (field.deprecated) continue;
+ code_.SetValue("FIELD_NAME", Name(field));
+ code_.SetValue("FIELD_OBJECT_TYPE", ObjectFieldType(field, true));
+ cb(field);
+ }
+ }
+ void MapNativeTableField(const FieldDef &field, const std::string &expr) {
+ if (field.required) {
+ // For some reason Args has optional types for required fields.
+ // TODO(cneo): Fix this... but its a breaking change?
+ code_ += " let {{FIELD_NAME}} = Some({";
+ code_ += " let x = &self.{{FIELD_NAME}};";
+ code_ += " " + expr;
+ code_ += " });";
+ } else {
+ code_ += " let {{FIELD_NAME}} = self.{{FIELD_NAME}}.as_ref().map(|x|{";
+ code_ += " " + expr;
+ code_ += " });";
+ }
+ }
// Generate functions to compare tables and structs by key. This function
// must only be called if the field key is defined.
void GenKeyFieldMethods(const FieldDef &field) {
// The root datatype accessors:
code_ += "#[inline]";
- code_ += "#[deprecated(since=\"2.0.0\", "
- "note=\"Deprecated in favor of `root_as...` methods.\")]";
+ code_ +=
+ "#[deprecated(since=\"2.0.0\", "
+ "note=\"Deprecated in favor of `root_as...` methods.\")]";
code_ +=
"pub fn get_root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}<'a>(buf: &'a [u8])"
" -> {{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a> {";
- code_ += " unsafe { flatbuffers::root_unchecked::<{{STRUCT_NAME}}"
- "<'a>>(buf) }";
+ code_ +=
+ " unsafe { flatbuffers::root_unchecked::<{{STRUCT_NAME}}"
+ "<'a>>(buf) }";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
code_ += "#[inline]";
- code_ += "#[deprecated(since=\"2.0.0\", "
- "note=\"Deprecated in favor of `root_as...` methods.\")]";
+ code_ +=
+ "#[deprecated(since=\"2.0.0\", "
+ "note=\"Deprecated in favor of `root_as...` methods.\")]";
code_ +=
"pub fn get_size_prefixed_root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}"
"<'a>(buf: &'a [u8]) -> {{STRUCT_NAME}}<'a> {";
code_ += "/// catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the";
code_ += "/// previous, unchecked, behavior use";
code_ += "/// `root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}_unchecked`.";
- code_ += "pub fn root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}(buf: &[u8]) "
- "-> Result<{{STRUCT_NAME}}, flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {";
+ code_ +=
+ "pub fn root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}(buf: &[u8]) "
+ "-> Result<{{STRUCT_NAME}}, flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::root::<{{STRUCT_NAME}}>(buf)";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "/// catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the";
code_ += "/// previous, unchecked, behavior use";
code_ += "/// `size_prefixed_root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}_unchecked`.";
- code_ += "pub fn size_prefixed_root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}"
- "(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<{{STRUCT_NAME}}, "
- "flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {";
+ code_ +=
+ "pub fn size_prefixed_root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}"
+ "(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<{{STRUCT_NAME}}, "
+ "flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::size_prefixed_root::<{{STRUCT_NAME}}>(buf)";
code_ += "}";
// Verifier with options root fns.
code_ += "pub fn root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}_with_opts<'b, 'o>(";
code_ += " opts: &'o flatbuffers::VerifierOptions,";
code_ += " buf: &'b [u8],";
- code_ += ") -> Result<{{STRUCT_NAME}}<'b>, flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer>"
- " {";
+ code_ +=
+ ") -> Result<{{STRUCT_NAME}}<'b>, flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer>"
+ " {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::root_with_opts::<{{STRUCT_NAME}}<'b>>(opts, buf)";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "#[inline]";
code_ += "/// catch every error, or be maximally performant. For the";
code_ += "/// previous, unchecked, behavior use";
code_ += "/// `root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}_unchecked`.";
- code_ += "pub fn size_prefixed_root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}_with_opts"
- "<'b, 'o>(";
+ code_ +=
+ "pub fn size_prefixed_root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}_with_opts"
+ "<'b, 'o>(";
code_ += " opts: &'o flatbuffers::VerifierOptions,";
code_ += " buf: &'b [u8],";
- code_ += ") -> Result<{{STRUCT_NAME}}<'b>, flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer>"
- " {";
- code_ += " flatbuffers::size_prefixed_root_with_opts::<{{STRUCT_NAME}}"
- "<'b>>(opts, buf)";
+ code_ +=
+ ") -> Result<{{STRUCT_NAME}}<'b>, flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer>"
+ " {";
+ code_ +=
+ " flatbuffers::size_prefixed_root_with_opts::<{{STRUCT_NAME}}"
+ "<'b>>(opts, buf)";
code_ += "}";
// Unchecked root fns.
code_ += "#[inline]";
- code_ += "/// Assumes, without verification, that a buffer of bytes "
- "contains a {{STRUCT_NAME}} and returns it.";
+ code_ +=
+ "/// Assumes, without verification, that a buffer of bytes "
+ "contains a {{STRUCT_NAME}} and returns it.";
code_ += "/// # Safety";
- code_ += "/// Callers must trust the given bytes do indeed contain a valid"
- " `{{STRUCT_NAME}}`.";
- code_ += "pub unsafe fn root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}_unchecked"
- "(buf: &[u8]) -> {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
+ code_ +=
+ "/// Callers must trust the given bytes do indeed contain a valid"
+ " `{{STRUCT_NAME}}`.";
+ code_ +=
+ "pub unsafe fn root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}_unchecked"
+ "(buf: &[u8]) -> {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
code_ += " flatbuffers::root_unchecked::<{{STRUCT_NAME}}>(buf)";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "#[inline]";
- code_ += "/// Assumes, without verification, that a buffer of bytes "
- "contains a size prefixed {{STRUCT_NAME}} and returns it.";
+ code_ +=
+ "/// Assumes, without verification, that a buffer of bytes "
+ "contains a size prefixed {{STRUCT_NAME}} and returns it.";
code_ += "/// # Safety";
- code_ += "/// Callers must trust the given bytes do indeed contain a valid"
- " size prefixed `{{STRUCT_NAME}}`.";
- code_ += "pub unsafe fn size_prefixed_root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}"
- "_unchecked(buf: &[u8]) -> {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
- code_ += " flatbuffers::size_prefixed_root_unchecked::<{{STRUCT_NAME}}>"
- "(buf)";
+ code_ +=
+ "/// Callers must trust the given bytes do indeed contain a valid"
+ " size prefixed `{{STRUCT_NAME}}`.";
+ code_ +=
+ "pub unsafe fn size_prefixed_root_as_{{STRUCT_NAME_SNAKECASE}}"
+ "_unchecked(buf: &[u8]) -> {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
+ code_ +=
+ " flatbuffers::size_prefixed_root_unchecked::<{{STRUCT_NAME}}>"
+ "(buf)";
code_ += "}";
if (parser_.file_identifier_.length()) {
// Declare the identifier
// (no lifetime needed as constants have static lifetimes by default)
*code_ptr += "padding" + NumToString((*id)++) + "__: 0,";
- void ForAllStructFields(
- const StructDef &struct_def,
- std::function<void(const FieldDef &field)> cb
- ) {
+ void ForAllStructFields(const StructDef &struct_def,
+ std::function<void(const FieldDef &field)> cb) {
size_t offset_to_field = 0;
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
code_.SetValue("FIELD_TYPE", GetTypeGet(field.value.type));
+ code_.SetValue("FIELD_OBJECT_TYPE", ObjectFieldType(field, false));
code_.SetValue("FIELD_NAME", Name(field));
code_.SetValue("FIELD_OFFSET", NumToString(offset_to_field));
code_.SetValue("REF", IsStruct(field.value.type) ? "&" : "");
// hold for PartialOrd/Ord.
code_ += "// struct {{STRUCT_NAME}}, aligned to {{ALIGN}}";
code_ += "#[repr(transparent)]";
- code_ += "#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]";
+ code_ += "#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default)]";
code_ += "pub struct {{STRUCT_NAME}}(pub [u8; {{STRUCT_SIZE}}]);";
// Debug for structs.
code_ += "impl std::fmt::Debug for {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
- code_ += " fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter"
- ") -> std::fmt::Result {";
+ code_ +=
+ " fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter"
+ ") -> std::fmt::Result {";
code_ += " f.debug_struct(\"{{STRUCT_NAME}}\")";
ForAllStructFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &unused) {
- (void) unused;
+ (void)unused;
code_ += " .field(\"{{FIELD_NAME}}\", &self.{{FIELD_NAME}}())";
code_ += " .finish()";
code_ += "}";
code_ += "";
// Generate impls for SafeSliceAccess (because all structs are endian-safe),
// Follow for the value type, Follow for the reference type, Push for the
// value type, and Push for the reference type.
// Generate a comparison function for this field if it is a key.
if (field.key) { GenKeyFieldMethods(field); }
- code_ += "}";
+ // Generate Object API unpack method.
+ if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
+ code_.SetValue("NATIVE_STRUCT_NAME", NativeName(struct_def));
+ code_ += " pub fn unpack(&self) -> {{NATIVE_STRUCT_NAME}} {";
+ code_ += " {{NATIVE_STRUCT_NAME}} {";
+ ForAllStructFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
+ std::string unpack = IsStruct(field.value.type) ? ".unpack()" : "";
+ code_ += " {{FIELD_NAME}}: self.{{FIELD_NAME}}()" + unpack + ",";
+ });
+ code_ += " }";
+ code_ += " }";
+ }
+ code_ += "}"; // End impl Struct methods.
code_ += "";
+ // Generate Struct Object.
+ if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
+ // Struct declaration
+ code_ += "#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]";
+ code_ += "pub struct {{NATIVE_STRUCT_NAME}} {";
+ ForAllStructFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
+ (void)field; // unused.
+ code_ += " pub {{FIELD_NAME}}: {{FIELD_OBJECT_TYPE}},";
+ });
+ code_ += "}";
+ // The `pack` method that turns the native struct into its Flatbuffers
+ // counterpart.
+ code_ += "impl {{NATIVE_STRUCT_NAME}} {";
+ code_ += " pub fn pack(&self) -> {{STRUCT_NAME}} {";
+ code_ += " {{STRUCT_NAME}}::new(";
+ ForAllStructFields(struct_def, [&](const FieldDef &field) {
+ if (IsStruct(field.value.type)) {
+ code_ += " &self.{{FIELD_NAME}}.pack(),";
+ } else {
+ code_ += " self.{{FIELD_NAME}},";
+ }
+ });
+ code_ += " )";
+ code_ += " }";
+ code_ += "}";
+ code_ += "";
+ }
void GenNamespaceImports(const int white_spaces) {
- if (white_spaces == 0) {
- code_ += "#![allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]";
- }
+ if (white_spaces == 0) { code_ += "#![allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]"; }
std::string indent = std::string(white_spaces, ' ');
code_ += "";
if (!parser_.opts.generate_all) {
code_ += indent + "use std::mem;";
code_ += indent + "use std::cmp::Ordering;";
code_ += "";
export CARGO_TARGET_MIPS_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_RUNNER="qemu-mips -L /usr/mips-linux-gnu"
+function check_test_result() {
+ if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
+ echo OK: $1 passed.
+ else
+ echo KO: $1 failed.
+ exit 1
+ fi
cd ./rust_usage_test
cargo test $TARGET_FLAG -- --quiet
-if [[ $TEST_RESULT == 0 ]]; then
- echo "OK: Rust tests passed."
- echo "KO: Rust tests failed."
- exit 1
+check_test_result "Rust tests"
cargo run $TARGET_FLAG --bin=flatbuffers_alloc_check
-if [[ $TEST_RESULT == 0 ]]; then
- echo "OK: Rust heap alloc test passed."
- echo "KO: Rust heap alloc test failed."
- exit 1
+check_test_result "Rust flatbuffers heap alloc test"
cargo run $TARGET_FLAG --bin=flexbuffers_alloc_check
-if [[ $TEST_RESULT == 0 ]]; then
- echo "OK: Rust heap alloc test passed."
- echo "KO: Rust heap alloc test failed."
- exit 1
+check_test_result "Rust flexbuffers heap alloc test"
+rustup component add clippy
+cargo clippy $TARGET_FLAG
+check_test_result "No Cargo clippy lints test"
cargo bench $TARGET_FLAG
..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --cpp %TEST_BASE_FLAGS% --cpp-ptr-type flatbuffers::unique_ptr native_type_test.fbs || goto FAIL
@rem Generate the optional scalar code for tests.
-..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --java --kotlin --rust --lobster --ts optional_scalars.fbs || goto FAIL
-..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --csharp --gen-object-api optional_scalars.fbs || goto FAIL
+..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --java --kotlin --lobster --ts optional_scalars.fbs || goto FAIL
+..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --csharp --rust --gen-object-api optional_scalars.fbs || goto FAIL
..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe %TEST_NOINCL_FLAGS% %TEST_CPP_FLAGS% --cpp optional_scalars.fbs || goto FAIL
@rem Generate the schema evolution tests
../flatc --dart monster_extra.fbs
# Generate optional scalar code for tests.
-../flatc --java --kotlin --rust --lobster --ts optional_scalars.fbs
-../flatc --csharp --gen-object-api optional_scalars.fbs
+../flatc --java --kotlin --lobster --ts optional_scalars.fbs
+../flatc --csharp --rust --gen-object-api optional_scalars.fbs
../flatc $TEST_NOINCL_FLAGS $TEST_CPP_FLAGS --cpp optional_scalars.fbs
# Generate the schema evolution tests
impl<'a> TableA<'a> {
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- TableA {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ TableA { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Default)]
pub struct FromInclude(pub i64);
impl flatbuffers::SimpleToVerifyInSlice for FromInclude {}
// struct Unused, aligned to 4
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default)]
pub struct Unused(pub [u8; 4]);
impl std::fmt::Debug for Unused {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl<'a> TableB<'a> {
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- TableB {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ TableB { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- InParentNamespace {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ InParentNamespace { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> InParentNamespaceT {
+ InParentNamespaceT {
+ }
+ }
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for InParentNamespace<'_> {
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct InParentNamespaceT {
+impl InParentNamespaceT {
+ pub fn pack<'b>(
+ &self,
+ _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
+ ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<InParentNamespace<'b>> {
+ InParentNamespace::create(_fbb, &InParentNamespaceArgs{
+ })
+ }
#[allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]
pub mod example_2 {
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- Monster {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ Monster { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> MonsterT {
+ MonsterT {
+ }
+ }
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for Monster<'_> {
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct MonsterT {
+impl MonsterT {
+ pub fn pack<'b>(
+ &self,
+ _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
+ ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Monster<'b>> {
+ Monster::create(_fbb, &MonsterArgs{
+ })
+ }
} // pub mod Example2
#[allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]
mod bitflags_color {
flatbuffers::bitflags::bitflags! {
/// Composite components of Monster color.
+ #[derive(Default)]
pub struct Color: u8 {
const Red = 1;
/// \brief color Green
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Default)]
pub struct Race(pub i8);
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Default)]
pub struct Any(pub u8);
-pub struct AnyUnionTableOffset {}
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for Any {
type Inner = Self;
impl flatbuffers::SimpleToVerifyInSlice for Any {}
+pub struct AnyUnionTableOffset {}
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub enum AnyT {
+ Monster(Box<MonsterT>),
+ TestSimpleTableWithEnum(Box<TestSimpleTableWithEnumT>),
+ MyGameExample2Monster(Box<super::example_2::MonsterT>),
+impl Default for AnyT {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::NONE
+ }
+impl AnyT {
+ fn any_type(&self) -> Any {
+ match self {
+ Self::NONE => Any::NONE,
+ Self::Monster(_) => Any::Monster,
+ Self::TestSimpleTableWithEnum(_) => Any::TestSimpleTableWithEnum,
+ Self::MyGameExample2Monster(_) => Any::MyGame_Example2_Monster,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn pack(&self, fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder) -> Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::UnionWIPOffset>> {
+ match self {
+ Self::NONE => None,
+ Self::Monster(v) => Some(v.pack(fbb).as_union_value()),
+ Self::TestSimpleTableWithEnum(v) => Some(v.pack(fbb).as_union_value()),
+ Self::MyGameExample2Monster(v) => Some(v.pack(fbb).as_union_value()),
+ }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return the owned MonsterT, setting the union to NONE.
+ pub fn take_monster(&mut self) -> Option<Box<MonsterT>> {
+ if let Self::Monster(_) = self {
+ let v = std::mem::replace(self, Self::NONE);
+ if let Self::Monster(w) = v {
+ Some(w)
+ } else {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a reference to the MonsterT.
+ pub fn as_monster(&self) -> Option<&MonsterT> {
+ if let Self::Monster(v) = self { Some(v.as_ref()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a mutable reference to the MonsterT.
+ pub fn as_monster_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut MonsterT> {
+ if let Self::Monster(v) = self { Some(v.as_mut()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return the owned TestSimpleTableWithEnumT, setting the union to NONE.
+ pub fn take_test_simple_table_with_enum(&mut self) -> Option<Box<TestSimpleTableWithEnumT>> {
+ if let Self::TestSimpleTableWithEnum(_) = self {
+ let v = std::mem::replace(self, Self::NONE);
+ if let Self::TestSimpleTableWithEnum(w) = v {
+ Some(w)
+ } else {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a reference to the TestSimpleTableWithEnumT.
+ pub fn as_test_simple_table_with_enum(&self) -> Option<&TestSimpleTableWithEnumT> {
+ if let Self::TestSimpleTableWithEnum(v) = self { Some(v.as_ref()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a mutable reference to the TestSimpleTableWithEnumT.
+ pub fn as_test_simple_table_with_enum_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut TestSimpleTableWithEnumT> {
+ if let Self::TestSimpleTableWithEnum(v) = self { Some(v.as_mut()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return the owned super::example_2::MonsterT, setting the union to NONE.
+ pub fn take_my_game_example_2_monster(&mut self) -> Option<Box<super::example_2::MonsterT>> {
+ if let Self::MyGameExample2Monster(_) = self {
+ let v = std::mem::replace(self, Self::NONE);
+ if let Self::MyGameExample2Monster(w) = v {
+ Some(w)
+ } else {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a reference to the super::example_2::MonsterT.
+ pub fn as_my_game_example_2_monster(&self) -> Option<&super::example_2::MonsterT> {
+ if let Self::MyGameExample2Monster(v) = self { Some(v.as_ref()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a mutable reference to the super::example_2::MonsterT.
+ pub fn as_my_game_example_2_monster_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut super::example_2::MonsterT> {
+ if let Self::MyGameExample2Monster(v) = self { Some(v.as_mut()) } else { None }
+ }
#[deprecated(since = "2.0.0", note = "Use associated constants instead. This will no longer be generated in 2021.")]
pub const ENUM_MIN_ANY_UNIQUE_ALIASES: u8 = 0;
#[deprecated(since = "2.0.0", note = "Use associated constants instead. This will no longer be generated in 2021.")]
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Default)]
pub struct AnyUniqueAliases(pub u8);
-pub struct AnyUniqueAliasesUnionTableOffset {}
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for AnyUniqueAliases {
type Inner = Self;
impl flatbuffers::SimpleToVerifyInSlice for AnyUniqueAliases {}
+pub struct AnyUniqueAliasesUnionTableOffset {}
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub enum AnyUniqueAliasesT {
+ M(Box<MonsterT>),
+ TS(Box<TestSimpleTableWithEnumT>),
+ M2(Box<super::example_2::MonsterT>),
+impl Default for AnyUniqueAliasesT {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::NONE
+ }
+impl AnyUniqueAliasesT {
+ fn any_unique_aliases_type(&self) -> AnyUniqueAliases {
+ match self {
+ Self::NONE => AnyUniqueAliases::NONE,
+ Self::M(_) => AnyUniqueAliases::M,
+ Self::TS(_) => AnyUniqueAliases::TS,
+ Self::M2(_) => AnyUniqueAliases::M2,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn pack(&self, fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder) -> Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::UnionWIPOffset>> {
+ match self {
+ Self::NONE => None,
+ Self::M(v) => Some(v.pack(fbb).as_union_value()),
+ Self::TS(v) => Some(v.pack(fbb).as_union_value()),
+ Self::M2(v) => Some(v.pack(fbb).as_union_value()),
+ }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return the owned MonsterT, setting the union to NONE.
+ pub fn take_m(&mut self) -> Option<Box<MonsterT>> {
+ if let Self::M(_) = self {
+ let v = std::mem::replace(self, Self::NONE);
+ if let Self::M(w) = v {
+ Some(w)
+ } else {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a reference to the MonsterT.
+ pub fn as_m(&self) -> Option<&MonsterT> {
+ if let Self::M(v) = self { Some(v.as_ref()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a mutable reference to the MonsterT.
+ pub fn as_m_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut MonsterT> {
+ if let Self::M(v) = self { Some(v.as_mut()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return the owned TestSimpleTableWithEnumT, setting the union to NONE.
+ pub fn take_ts(&mut self) -> Option<Box<TestSimpleTableWithEnumT>> {
+ if let Self::TS(_) = self {
+ let v = std::mem::replace(self, Self::NONE);
+ if let Self::TS(w) = v {
+ Some(w)
+ } else {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a reference to the TestSimpleTableWithEnumT.
+ pub fn as_ts(&self) -> Option<&TestSimpleTableWithEnumT> {
+ if let Self::TS(v) = self { Some(v.as_ref()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a mutable reference to the TestSimpleTableWithEnumT.
+ pub fn as_ts_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut TestSimpleTableWithEnumT> {
+ if let Self::TS(v) = self { Some(v.as_mut()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return the owned super::example_2::MonsterT, setting the union to NONE.
+ pub fn take_m2(&mut self) -> Option<Box<super::example_2::MonsterT>> {
+ if let Self::M2(_) = self {
+ let v = std::mem::replace(self, Self::NONE);
+ if let Self::M2(w) = v {
+ Some(w)
+ } else {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a reference to the super::example_2::MonsterT.
+ pub fn as_m2(&self) -> Option<&super::example_2::MonsterT> {
+ if let Self::M2(v) = self { Some(v.as_ref()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a mutable reference to the super::example_2::MonsterT.
+ pub fn as_m2_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut super::example_2::MonsterT> {
+ if let Self::M2(v) = self { Some(v.as_mut()) } else { None }
+ }
#[deprecated(since = "2.0.0", note = "Use associated constants instead. This will no longer be generated in 2021.")]
#[deprecated(since = "2.0.0", note = "Use associated constants instead. This will no longer be generated in 2021.")]
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Default)]
pub struct AnyAmbiguousAliases(pub u8);
-pub struct AnyAmbiguousAliasesUnionTableOffset {}
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for AnyAmbiguousAliases {
type Inner = Self;
impl flatbuffers::SimpleToVerifyInSlice for AnyAmbiguousAliases {}
+pub struct AnyAmbiguousAliasesUnionTableOffset {}
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub enum AnyAmbiguousAliasesT {
+ M1(Box<MonsterT>),
+ M2(Box<MonsterT>),
+ M3(Box<MonsterT>),
+impl Default for AnyAmbiguousAliasesT {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::NONE
+ }
+impl AnyAmbiguousAliasesT {
+ fn any_ambiguous_aliases_type(&self) -> AnyAmbiguousAliases {
+ match self {
+ Self::NONE => AnyAmbiguousAliases::NONE,
+ Self::M1(_) => AnyAmbiguousAliases::M1,
+ Self::M2(_) => AnyAmbiguousAliases::M2,
+ Self::M3(_) => AnyAmbiguousAliases::M3,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn pack(&self, fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder) -> Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::UnionWIPOffset>> {
+ match self {
+ Self::NONE => None,
+ Self::M1(v) => Some(v.pack(fbb).as_union_value()),
+ Self::M2(v) => Some(v.pack(fbb).as_union_value()),
+ Self::M3(v) => Some(v.pack(fbb).as_union_value()),
+ }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return the owned MonsterT, setting the union to NONE.
+ pub fn take_m1(&mut self) -> Option<Box<MonsterT>> {
+ if let Self::M1(_) = self {
+ let v = std::mem::replace(self, Self::NONE);
+ if let Self::M1(w) = v {
+ Some(w)
+ } else {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a reference to the MonsterT.
+ pub fn as_m1(&self) -> Option<&MonsterT> {
+ if let Self::M1(v) = self { Some(v.as_ref()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a mutable reference to the MonsterT.
+ pub fn as_m1_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut MonsterT> {
+ if let Self::M1(v) = self { Some(v.as_mut()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return the owned MonsterT, setting the union to NONE.
+ pub fn take_m2(&mut self) -> Option<Box<MonsterT>> {
+ if let Self::M2(_) = self {
+ let v = std::mem::replace(self, Self::NONE);
+ if let Self::M2(w) = v {
+ Some(w)
+ } else {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a reference to the MonsterT.
+ pub fn as_m2(&self) -> Option<&MonsterT> {
+ if let Self::M2(v) = self { Some(v.as_ref()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a mutable reference to the MonsterT.
+ pub fn as_m2_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut MonsterT> {
+ if let Self::M2(v) = self { Some(v.as_mut()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return the owned MonsterT, setting the union to NONE.
+ pub fn take_m3(&mut self) -> Option<Box<MonsterT>> {
+ if let Self::M3(_) = self {
+ let v = std::mem::replace(self, Self::NONE);
+ if let Self::M3(w) = v {
+ Some(w)
+ } else {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a reference to the MonsterT.
+ pub fn as_m3(&self) -> Option<&MonsterT> {
+ if let Self::M3(v) = self { Some(v.as_ref()) } else { None }
+ }
+ /// If the union variant matches, return a mutable reference to the MonsterT.
+ pub fn as_m3_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut MonsterT> {
+ if let Self::M3(v) = self { Some(v.as_mut()) } else { None }
+ }
// struct Test, aligned to 2
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default)]
pub struct Test(pub [u8; 4]);
impl std::fmt::Debug for Test {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> TestT {
+ TestT {
+ a: self.a(),
+ b: self.b(),
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct TestT {
+ pub a: i16,
+ pub b: i8,
+impl TestT {
+ pub fn pack(&self) -> Test {
+ Test::new(
+ self.a,
+ self.b,
+ )
+ }
// struct Vec3, aligned to 8
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default)]
pub struct Vec3(pub [u8; 32]);
impl std::fmt::Debug for Vec3 {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> Vec3T {
+ Vec3T {
+ x: self.x(),
+ y: self.y(),
+ z: self.z(),
+ test1: self.test1(),
+ test2: self.test2(),
+ test3: self.test3().unpack(),
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct Vec3T {
+ pub x: f32,
+ pub y: f32,
+ pub z: f32,
+ pub test1: f64,
+ pub test2: Color,
+ pub test3: TestT,
+impl Vec3T {
+ pub fn pack(&self) -> Vec3 {
+ Vec3::new(
+ self.x,
+ self.y,
+ self.z,
+ self.test1,
+ self.test2,
+ &self.test3.pack(),
+ )
+ }
// struct Ability, aligned to 4
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default)]
pub struct Ability(pub [u8; 8]);
impl std::fmt::Debug for Ability {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> AbilityT {
+ AbilityT {
+ id: self.id(),
+ distance: self.distance(),
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct AbilityT {
+ pub id: u32,
+ pub distance: u32,
+impl AbilityT {
+ pub fn pack(&self) -> Ability {
+ Ability::new(
+ self.id,
+ self.distance,
+ )
+ }
pub enum TestSimpleTableWithEnumOffset {}
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- TestSimpleTableWithEnum {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ TestSimpleTableWithEnum { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> TestSimpleTableWithEnumT {
+ let color = self.color();
+ TestSimpleTableWithEnumT {
+ color,
+ }
+ }
pub const VT_COLOR: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct TestSimpleTableWithEnumT {
+ pub color: Color,
+impl TestSimpleTableWithEnumT {
+ pub fn pack<'b>(
+ &self,
+ _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
+ ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<TestSimpleTableWithEnum<'b>> {
+ let color = self.color;
+ TestSimpleTableWithEnum::create(_fbb, &TestSimpleTableWithEnumArgs{
+ color,
+ })
+ }
pub enum StatOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- Stat {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ Stat { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> StatT {
+ let id = self.id().map(|x| {
+ x.to_string()
+ });
+ let val = self.val();
+ let count = self.count();
+ StatT {
+ id,
+ val,
+ count,
+ }
+ }
pub const VT_ID: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_VAL: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_COUNT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct StatT {
+ pub id: Option<String>,
+ pub val: i64,
+ pub count: u16,
+impl StatT {
+ pub fn pack<'b>(
+ &self,
+ _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
+ ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Stat<'b>> {
+ let id = self.id.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_string(x)
+ });
+ let val = self.val;
+ let count = self.count;
+ Stat::create(_fbb, &StatArgs{
+ id,
+ val,
+ count,
+ })
+ }
pub enum ReferrableOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- Referrable {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ Referrable { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> ReferrableT {
+ let id = self.id();
+ ReferrableT {
+ id,
+ }
+ }
pub const VT_ID: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct ReferrableT {
+ pub id: u64,
+impl ReferrableT {
+ pub fn pack<'b>(
+ &self,
+ _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
+ ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Referrable<'b>> {
+ let id = self.id;
+ Referrable::create(_fbb, &ReferrableArgs{
+ id,
+ })
+ }
pub enum MonsterOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- Monster {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ Monster { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> MonsterT {
+ let pos = self.pos().map(|x| {
+ x.unpack()
+ });
+ let mana = self.mana();
+ let hp = self.hp();
+ let name = {
+ let x = self.name();
+ x.to_string()
+ };
+ let inventory = self.inventory().map(|x| {
+ x.to_vec()
+ });
+ let color = self.color();
+ let test = match self.test_type() {
+ Any::NONE => AnyT::NONE,
+ Any::Monster => AnyT::Monster(Box::new(
+ self.test_as_monster()
+ .expect("Invalid union table, expected `Any::Monster`.")
+ .unpack()
+ )),
+ Any::TestSimpleTableWithEnum => AnyT::TestSimpleTableWithEnum(Box::new(
+ self.test_as_test_simple_table_with_enum()
+ .expect("Invalid union table, expected `Any::TestSimpleTableWithEnum`.")
+ .unpack()
+ )),
+ Any::MyGame_Example2_Monster => AnyT::MyGameExample2Monster(Box::new(
+ self.test_as_my_game_example_2_monster()
+ .expect("Invalid union table, expected `Any::MyGame_Example2_Monster`.")
+ .unpack()
+ )),
+ _ => AnyT::NONE,
+ };
+ let test4 = self.test4().map(|x| {
+ x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
+ });
+ let testarrayofstring = self.testarrayofstring().map(|x| {
+ x.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect()
+ });
+ let testarrayoftables = self.testarrayoftables().map(|x| {
+ x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
+ });
+ let enemy = self.enemy().map(|x| {
+ Box::new(x.unpack())
+ });
+ let testnestedflatbuffer = self.testnestedflatbuffer().map(|x| {
+ x.to_vec()
+ });
+ let testempty = self.testempty().map(|x| {
+ Box::new(x.unpack())
+ });
+ let testbool = self.testbool();
+ let testhashs32_fnv1 = self.testhashs32_fnv1();
+ let testhashu32_fnv1 = self.testhashu32_fnv1();
+ let testhashs64_fnv1 = self.testhashs64_fnv1();
+ let testhashu64_fnv1 = self.testhashu64_fnv1();
+ let testhashs32_fnv1a = self.testhashs32_fnv1a();
+ let testhashu32_fnv1a = self.testhashu32_fnv1a();
+ let testhashs64_fnv1a = self.testhashs64_fnv1a();
+ let testhashu64_fnv1a = self.testhashu64_fnv1a();
+ let testarrayofbools = self.testarrayofbools().map(|x| {
+ x.to_vec()
+ });
+ let testf = self.testf();
+ let testf2 = self.testf2();
+ let testf3 = self.testf3();
+ let testarrayofstring2 = self.testarrayofstring2().map(|x| {
+ x.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect()
+ });
+ let testarrayofsortedstruct = self.testarrayofsortedstruct().map(|x| {
+ x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
+ });
+ let flex = self.flex().map(|x| {
+ x.to_vec()
+ });
+ let test5 = self.test5().map(|x| {
+ x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
+ });
+ let vector_of_longs = self.vector_of_longs().map(|x| {
+ x.into_iter().collect()
+ });
+ let vector_of_doubles = self.vector_of_doubles().map(|x| {
+ x.into_iter().collect()
+ });
+ let parent_namespace_test = self.parent_namespace_test().map(|x| {
+ Box::new(x.unpack())
+ });
+ let vector_of_referrables = self.vector_of_referrables().map(|x| {
+ x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
+ });
+ let single_weak_reference = self.single_weak_reference();
+ let vector_of_weak_references = self.vector_of_weak_references().map(|x| {
+ x.into_iter().collect()
+ });
+ let vector_of_strong_referrables = self.vector_of_strong_referrables().map(|x| {
+ x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
+ });
+ let co_owning_reference = self.co_owning_reference();
+ let vector_of_co_owning_references = self.vector_of_co_owning_references().map(|x| {
+ x.into_iter().collect()
+ });
+ let non_owning_reference = self.non_owning_reference();
+ let vector_of_non_owning_references = self.vector_of_non_owning_references().map(|x| {
+ x.into_iter().collect()
+ });
+ let any_unique = match self.any_unique_type() {
+ AnyUniqueAliases::NONE => AnyUniqueAliasesT::NONE,
+ AnyUniqueAliases::M => AnyUniqueAliasesT::M(Box::new(
+ self.any_unique_as_m()
+ .expect("Invalid union table, expected `AnyUniqueAliases::M`.")
+ .unpack()
+ )),
+ AnyUniqueAliases::TS => AnyUniqueAliasesT::TS(Box::new(
+ self.any_unique_as_ts()
+ .expect("Invalid union table, expected `AnyUniqueAliases::TS`.")
+ .unpack()
+ )),
+ AnyUniqueAliases::M2 => AnyUniqueAliasesT::M2(Box::new(
+ self.any_unique_as_m2()
+ .expect("Invalid union table, expected `AnyUniqueAliases::M2`.")
+ .unpack()
+ )),
+ _ => AnyUniqueAliasesT::NONE,
+ };
+ let any_ambiguous = match self.any_ambiguous_type() {
+ AnyAmbiguousAliases::NONE => AnyAmbiguousAliasesT::NONE,
+ AnyAmbiguousAliases::M1 => AnyAmbiguousAliasesT::M1(Box::new(
+ self.any_ambiguous_as_m1()
+ .expect("Invalid union table, expected `AnyAmbiguousAliases::M1`.")
+ .unpack()
+ )),
+ AnyAmbiguousAliases::M2 => AnyAmbiguousAliasesT::M2(Box::new(
+ self.any_ambiguous_as_m2()
+ .expect("Invalid union table, expected `AnyAmbiguousAliases::M2`.")
+ .unpack()
+ )),
+ AnyAmbiguousAliases::M3 => AnyAmbiguousAliasesT::M3(Box::new(
+ self.any_ambiguous_as_m3()
+ .expect("Invalid union table, expected `AnyAmbiguousAliases::M3`.")
+ .unpack()
+ )),
+ _ => AnyAmbiguousAliasesT::NONE,
+ };
+ let vector_of_enums = self.vector_of_enums().map(|x| {
+ x.into_iter().collect()
+ });
+ let signed_enum = self.signed_enum();
+ let testrequirednestedflatbuffer = self.testrequirednestedflatbuffer().map(|x| {
+ x.to_vec()
+ });
+ let scalar_key_sorted_tables = self.scalar_key_sorted_tables().map(|x| {
+ x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
+ });
+ MonsterT {
+ pos,
+ mana,
+ hp,
+ name,
+ inventory,
+ color,
+ test,
+ test4,
+ testarrayofstring,
+ testarrayoftables,
+ enemy,
+ testnestedflatbuffer,
+ testempty,
+ testbool,
+ testhashs32_fnv1,
+ testhashu32_fnv1,
+ testhashs64_fnv1,
+ testhashu64_fnv1,
+ testhashs32_fnv1a,
+ testhashu32_fnv1a,
+ testhashs64_fnv1a,
+ testhashu64_fnv1a,
+ testarrayofbools,
+ testf,
+ testf2,
+ testf3,
+ testarrayofstring2,
+ testarrayofsortedstruct,
+ flex,
+ test5,
+ vector_of_longs,
+ vector_of_doubles,
+ parent_namespace_test,
+ vector_of_referrables,
+ single_weak_reference,
+ vector_of_weak_references,
+ vector_of_strong_referrables,
+ co_owning_reference,
+ vector_of_co_owning_references,
+ non_owning_reference,
+ vector_of_non_owning_references,
+ any_unique,
+ any_ambiguous,
+ vector_of_enums,
+ signed_enum,
+ testrequirednestedflatbuffer,
+ scalar_key_sorted_tables,
+ }
+ }
pub const VT_POS: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_MANA: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_HP: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct MonsterT {
+ pub pos: Option<Vec3T>,
+ pub mana: i16,
+ pub hp: i16,
+ pub name: String,
+ pub inventory: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ pub color: Color,
+ pub test: AnyT,
+ pub test4: Option<Vec<TestT>>,
+ pub testarrayofstring: Option<Vec<String>>,
+ pub testarrayoftables: Option<Vec<MonsterT>>,
+ pub enemy: Option<Box<MonsterT>>,
+ pub testnestedflatbuffer: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ pub testempty: Option<Box<StatT>>,
+ pub testbool: bool,
+ pub testhashs32_fnv1: i32,
+ pub testhashu32_fnv1: u32,
+ pub testhashs64_fnv1: i64,
+ pub testhashu64_fnv1: u64,
+ pub testhashs32_fnv1a: i32,
+ pub testhashu32_fnv1a: u32,
+ pub testhashs64_fnv1a: i64,
+ pub testhashu64_fnv1a: u64,
+ pub testarrayofbools: Option<Vec<bool>>,
+ pub testf: f32,
+ pub testf2: f32,
+ pub testf3: f32,
+ pub testarrayofstring2: Option<Vec<String>>,
+ pub testarrayofsortedstruct: Option<Vec<AbilityT>>,
+ pub flex: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ pub test5: Option<Vec<TestT>>,
+ pub vector_of_longs: Option<Vec<i64>>,
+ pub vector_of_doubles: Option<Vec<f64>>,
+ pub parent_namespace_test: Option<Box<super::InParentNamespaceT>>,
+ pub vector_of_referrables: Option<Vec<ReferrableT>>,
+ pub single_weak_reference: u64,
+ pub vector_of_weak_references: Option<Vec<u64>>,
+ pub vector_of_strong_referrables: Option<Vec<ReferrableT>>,
+ pub co_owning_reference: u64,
+ pub vector_of_co_owning_references: Option<Vec<u64>>,
+ pub non_owning_reference: u64,
+ pub vector_of_non_owning_references: Option<Vec<u64>>,
+ pub any_unique: AnyUniqueAliasesT,
+ pub any_ambiguous: AnyAmbiguousAliasesT,
+ pub vector_of_enums: Option<Vec<Color>>,
+ pub signed_enum: Race,
+ pub testrequirednestedflatbuffer: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ pub scalar_key_sorted_tables: Option<Vec<StatT>>,
+impl MonsterT {
+ pub fn pack<'b>(
+ &self,
+ _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
+ ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Monster<'b>> {
+ let pos_tmp = self.pos.as_ref().map(|x| x.pack());
+ let pos = pos_tmp.as_ref();
+ let mana = self.mana;
+ let hp = self.hp;
+ let name = Some({
+ let x = &self.name;
+ _fbb.create_string(x)
+ });
+ let inventory = self.inventory.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_vector(x)
+ });
+ let color = self.color;
+ let test_type = self.test.any_type();
+ let test = self.test.pack(_fbb);
+ let test4 = self.test4.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack()).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
+ });
+ let testarrayofstring = self.testarrayofstring.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref()).collect();_fbb.create_vector_of_strings(&w)
+ });
+ let testarrayoftables = self.testarrayoftables.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
+ });
+ let enemy = self.enemy.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ x.pack(_fbb)
+ });
+ let testnestedflatbuffer = self.testnestedflatbuffer.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_vector(x)
+ });
+ let testempty = self.testempty.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ x.pack(_fbb)
+ });
+ let testbool = self.testbool;
+ let testhashs32_fnv1 = self.testhashs32_fnv1;
+ let testhashu32_fnv1 = self.testhashu32_fnv1;
+ let testhashs64_fnv1 = self.testhashs64_fnv1;
+ let testhashu64_fnv1 = self.testhashu64_fnv1;
+ let testhashs32_fnv1a = self.testhashs32_fnv1a;
+ let testhashu32_fnv1a = self.testhashu32_fnv1a;
+ let testhashs64_fnv1a = self.testhashs64_fnv1a;
+ let testhashu64_fnv1a = self.testhashu64_fnv1a;
+ let testarrayofbools = self.testarrayofbools.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_vector(x)
+ });
+ let testf = self.testf;
+ let testf2 = self.testf2;
+ let testf3 = self.testf3;
+ let testarrayofstring2 = self.testarrayofstring2.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref()).collect();_fbb.create_vector_of_strings(&w)
+ });
+ let testarrayofsortedstruct = self.testarrayofsortedstruct.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack()).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
+ });
+ let flex = self.flex.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_vector(x)
+ });
+ let test5 = self.test5.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack()).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
+ });
+ let vector_of_longs = self.vector_of_longs.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_vector(x)
+ });
+ let vector_of_doubles = self.vector_of_doubles.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_vector(x)
+ });
+ let parent_namespace_test = self.parent_namespace_test.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ x.pack(_fbb)
+ });
+ let vector_of_referrables = self.vector_of_referrables.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
+ });
+ let single_weak_reference = self.single_weak_reference;
+ let vector_of_weak_references = self.vector_of_weak_references.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_vector(x)
+ });
+ let vector_of_strong_referrables = self.vector_of_strong_referrables.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
+ });
+ let co_owning_reference = self.co_owning_reference;
+ let vector_of_co_owning_references = self.vector_of_co_owning_references.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_vector(x)
+ });
+ let non_owning_reference = self.non_owning_reference;
+ let vector_of_non_owning_references = self.vector_of_non_owning_references.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_vector(x)
+ });
+ let any_unique_type = self.any_unique.any_unique_aliases_type();
+ let any_unique = self.any_unique.pack(_fbb);
+ let any_ambiguous_type = self.any_ambiguous.any_ambiguous_aliases_type();
+ let any_ambiguous = self.any_ambiguous.pack(_fbb);
+ let vector_of_enums = self.vector_of_enums.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_vector(x)
+ });
+ let signed_enum = self.signed_enum;
+ let testrequirednestedflatbuffer = self.testrequirednestedflatbuffer.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_vector(x)
+ });
+ let scalar_key_sorted_tables = self.scalar_key_sorted_tables.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
+ });
+ Monster::create(_fbb, &MonsterArgs{
+ pos,
+ mana,
+ hp,
+ name,
+ inventory,
+ color,
+ test_type,
+ test,
+ test4,
+ testarrayofstring,
+ testarrayoftables,
+ enemy,
+ testnestedflatbuffer,
+ testempty,
+ testbool,
+ testhashs32_fnv1,
+ testhashu32_fnv1,
+ testhashs64_fnv1,
+ testhashu64_fnv1,
+ testhashs32_fnv1a,
+ testhashu32_fnv1a,
+ testhashs64_fnv1a,
+ testhashu64_fnv1a,
+ testarrayofbools,
+ testf,
+ testf2,
+ testf3,
+ testarrayofstring2,
+ testarrayofsortedstruct,
+ flex,
+ test5,
+ vector_of_longs,
+ vector_of_doubles,
+ parent_namespace_test,
+ vector_of_referrables,
+ single_weak_reference,
+ vector_of_weak_references,
+ vector_of_strong_referrables,
+ co_owning_reference,
+ vector_of_co_owning_references,
+ non_owning_reference,
+ vector_of_non_owning_references,
+ any_unique_type,
+ any_unique,
+ any_ambiguous_type,
+ any_ambiguous,
+ vector_of_enums,
+ signed_enum,
+ testrequirednestedflatbuffer,
+ scalar_key_sorted_tables,
+ })
+ }
pub enum TypeAliasesOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- TypeAliases {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ TypeAliases { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> TypeAliasesT {
+ let i8_ = self.i8_();
+ let u8_ = self.u8_();
+ let i16_ = self.i16_();
+ let u16_ = self.u16_();
+ let i32_ = self.i32_();
+ let u32_ = self.u32_();
+ let i64_ = self.i64_();
+ let u64_ = self.u64_();
+ let f32_ = self.f32_();
+ let f64_ = self.f64_();
+ let v8 = self.v8().map(|x| {
+ x.to_vec()
+ });
+ let vf64 = self.vf64().map(|x| {
+ x.into_iter().collect()
+ });
+ TypeAliasesT {
+ i8_,
+ u8_,
+ i16_,
+ u16_,
+ i32_,
+ u32_,
+ i64_,
+ u64_,
+ f32_,
+ f64_,
+ v8,
+ vf64,
+ }
+ }
pub const VT_I8_: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_U8_: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_I16_: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct TypeAliasesT {
+ pub i8_: i8,
+ pub u8_: u8,
+ pub i16_: i16,
+ pub u16_: u16,
+ pub i32_: i32,
+ pub u32_: u32,
+ pub i64_: i64,
+ pub u64_: u64,
+ pub f32_: f32,
+ pub f64_: f64,
+ pub v8: Option<Vec<i8>>,
+ pub vf64: Option<Vec<f64>>,
+impl TypeAliasesT {
+ pub fn pack<'b>(
+ &self,
+ _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
+ ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<TypeAliases<'b>> {
+ let i8_ = self.i8_;
+ let u8_ = self.u8_;
+ let i16_ = self.i16_;
+ let u16_ = self.u16_;
+ let i32_ = self.i32_;
+ let u32_ = self.u32_;
+ let i64_ = self.i64_;
+ let u64_ = self.u64_;
+ let f32_ = self.f32_;
+ let f64_ = self.f64_;
+ let v8 = self.v8.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_vector(x)
+ });
+ let vf64 = self.vf64.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ _fbb.create_vector(x)
+ });
+ TypeAliases::create(_fbb, &TypeAliasesArgs{
+ i8_,
+ u8_,
+ i16_,
+ u16_,
+ i32_,
+ u32_,
+ i64_,
+ u64_,
+ f32_,
+ f64_,
+ v8,
+ vf64,
+ })
+ }
#[deprecated(since="2.0.0", note="Deprecated in favor of `root_as...` methods.")]
pub fn get_root_as_monster<'a>(buf: &'a [u8]) -> Monster<'a> {
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Default)]
pub struct EnumInNestedNS(pub i8);
impl flatbuffers::SimpleToVerifyInSlice for EnumInNestedNS {}
// struct StructInNestedNS, aligned to 4
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default)]
pub struct StructInNestedNS(pub [u8; 8]);
impl std::fmt::Debug for StructInNestedNS {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> StructInNestedNST {
+ StructInNestedNST {
+ a: self.a(),
+ b: self.b(),
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct StructInNestedNST {
+ pub a: i32,
+ pub b: i32,
+impl StructInNestedNST {
+ pub fn pack(&self) -> StructInNestedNS {
+ StructInNestedNS::new(
+ self.a,
+ self.b,
+ )
+ }
pub enum TableInNestedNSOffset {}
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- TableInNestedNS {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ TableInNestedNS { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> TableInNestedNST {
+ let foo = self.foo();
+ TableInNestedNST {
+ foo,
+ }
+ }
pub const VT_FOO: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct TableInNestedNST {
+ pub foo: i32,
+impl TableInNestedNST {
+ pub fn pack<'b>(
+ &self,
+ _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
+ ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<TableInNestedNS<'b>> {
+ let foo = self.foo;
+ TableInNestedNS::create(_fbb, &TableInNestedNSArgs{
+ foo,
+ })
+ }
} // pub mod NamespaceB
} // pub mod NamespaceA
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- TableInFirstNS {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ TableInFirstNS { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> TableInFirstNST {
+ let foo_table = self.foo_table().map(|x| {
+ Box::new(x.unpack())
+ });
+ let foo_enum = self.foo_enum();
+ let foo_struct = self.foo_struct().map(|x| {
+ x.unpack()
+ });
+ TableInFirstNST {
+ foo_table,
+ foo_enum,
+ foo_struct,
+ }
+ }
pub const VT_FOO_TABLE: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_FOO_ENUM: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_FOO_STRUCT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct TableInFirstNST {
+ pub foo_table: Option<Box<namespace_b::TableInNestedNST>>,
+ pub foo_enum: namespace_b::EnumInNestedNS,
+ pub foo_struct: Option<namespace_b::StructInNestedNST>,
+impl TableInFirstNST {
+ pub fn pack<'b>(
+ &self,
+ _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
+ ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<TableInFirstNS<'b>> {
+ let foo_table = self.foo_table.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ x.pack(_fbb)
+ });
+ let foo_enum = self.foo_enum;
+ let foo_struct_tmp = self.foo_struct.as_ref().map(|x| x.pack());
+ let foo_struct = foo_struct_tmp.as_ref();
+ TableInFirstNS::create(_fbb, &TableInFirstNSArgs{
+ foo_table,
+ foo_enum,
+ foo_struct,
+ })
+ }
pub enum SecondTableInAOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- SecondTableInA {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ SecondTableInA { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> SecondTableInAT {
+ let refer_to_c = self.refer_to_c().map(|x| {
+ Box::new(x.unpack())
+ });
+ SecondTableInAT {
+ refer_to_c,
+ }
+ }
pub const VT_REFER_TO_C: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct SecondTableInAT {
+ pub refer_to_c: Option<Box<super::namespace_c::TableInCT>>,
+impl SecondTableInAT {
+ pub fn pack<'b>(
+ &self,
+ _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
+ ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<SecondTableInA<'b>> {
+ let refer_to_c = self.refer_to_c.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ x.pack(_fbb)
+ });
+ SecondTableInA::create(_fbb, &SecondTableInAArgs{
+ refer_to_c,
+ })
+ }
} // pub mod NamespaceA
#[allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- TableInC {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ TableInC { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> TableInCT {
+ let refer_to_a1 = self.refer_to_a1().map(|x| {
+ Box::new(x.unpack())
+ });
+ let refer_to_a2 = self.refer_to_a2().map(|x| {
+ Box::new(x.unpack())
+ });
+ TableInCT {
+ refer_to_a1,
+ refer_to_a2,
+ }
+ }
pub const VT_REFER_TO_A1: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_REFER_TO_A2: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct TableInCT {
+ pub refer_to_a1: Option<Box<super::namespace_a::TableInFirstNST>>,
+ pub refer_to_a2: Option<Box<super::namespace_a::SecondTableInAT>>,
+impl TableInCT {
+ pub fn pack<'b>(
+ &self,
+ _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
+ ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<TableInC<'b>> {
+ let refer_to_a1 = self.refer_to_a1.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ x.pack(_fbb)
+ });
+ let refer_to_a2 = self.refer_to_a2.as_ref().map(|x|{
+ x.pack(_fbb)
+ });
+ TableInC::create(_fbb, &TableInCArgs{
+ refer_to_a1,
+ refer_to_a2,
+ })
+ }
} // pub mod NamespaceC
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Default)]
pub struct OptionalByte(pub i8);
impl<'a> ScalarStuff<'a> {
pub fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
- ScalarStuff {
- _tab: table,
- }
+ ScalarStuff { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
+ pub fn unpack(&self) -> ScalarStuffT {
+ let just_i8 = self.just_i8();
+ let maybe_i8 = self.maybe_i8();
+ let default_i8 = self.default_i8();
+ let just_u8 = self.just_u8();
+ let maybe_u8 = self.maybe_u8();
+ let default_u8 = self.default_u8();
+ let just_i16 = self.just_i16();
+ let maybe_i16 = self.maybe_i16();
+ let default_i16 = self.default_i16();
+ let just_u16 = self.just_u16();
+ let maybe_u16 = self.maybe_u16();
+ let default_u16 = self.default_u16();
+ let just_i32 = self.just_i32();
+ let maybe_i32 = self.maybe_i32();
+ let default_i32 = self.default_i32();
+ let just_u32 = self.just_u32();
+ let maybe_u32 = self.maybe_u32();
+ let default_u32 = self.default_u32();
+ let just_i64 = self.just_i64();
+ let maybe_i64 = self.maybe_i64();
+ let default_i64 = self.default_i64();
+ let just_u64 = self.just_u64();
+ let maybe_u64 = self.maybe_u64();
+ let default_u64 = self.default_u64();
+ let just_f32 = self.just_f32();
+ let maybe_f32 = self.maybe_f32();
+ let default_f32 = self.default_f32();
+ let just_f64 = self.just_f64();
+ let maybe_f64 = self.maybe_f64();
+ let default_f64 = self.default_f64();
+ let just_bool = self.just_bool();
+ let maybe_bool = self.maybe_bool();
+ let default_bool = self.default_bool();
+ let just_enum = self.just_enum();
+ let maybe_enum = self.maybe_enum();
+ let default_enum = self.default_enum();
+ ScalarStuffT {
+ just_i8,
+ maybe_i8,
+ default_i8,
+ just_u8,
+ maybe_u8,
+ default_u8,
+ just_i16,
+ maybe_i16,
+ default_i16,
+ just_u16,
+ maybe_u16,
+ default_u16,
+ just_i32,
+ maybe_i32,
+ default_i32,
+ just_u32,
+ maybe_u32,
+ default_u32,
+ just_i64,
+ maybe_i64,
+ default_i64,
+ just_u64,
+ maybe_u64,
+ default_u64,
+ just_f32,
+ maybe_f32,
+ default_f32,
+ just_f64,
+ maybe_f64,
+ default_f64,
+ just_bool,
+ maybe_bool,
+ default_bool,
+ just_enum,
+ maybe_enum,
+ default_enum,
+ }
+ }
pub const VT_JUST_I8: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_MAYBE_I8: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_DEFAULT_I8: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct ScalarStuffT {
+ pub just_i8: i8,
+ pub maybe_i8: Option<i8>,
+ pub default_i8: i8,
+ pub just_u8: u8,
+ pub maybe_u8: Option<u8>,
+ pub default_u8: u8,
+ pub just_i16: i16,
+ pub maybe_i16: Option<i16>,
+ pub default_i16: i16,
+ pub just_u16: u16,
+ pub maybe_u16: Option<u16>,
+ pub default_u16: u16,
+ pub just_i32: i32,
+ pub maybe_i32: Option<i32>,
+ pub default_i32: i32,
+ pub just_u32: u32,
+ pub maybe_u32: Option<u32>,
+ pub default_u32: u32,
+ pub just_i64: i64,
+ pub maybe_i64: Option<i64>,
+ pub default_i64: i64,
+ pub just_u64: u64,
+ pub maybe_u64: Option<u64>,
+ pub default_u64: u64,
+ pub just_f32: f32,
+ pub maybe_f32: Option<f32>,
+ pub default_f32: f32,
+ pub just_f64: f64,
+ pub maybe_f64: Option<f64>,
+ pub default_f64: f64,
+ pub just_bool: bool,
+ pub maybe_bool: Option<bool>,
+ pub default_bool: bool,
+ pub just_enum: OptionalByte,
+ pub maybe_enum: Option<OptionalByte>,
+ pub default_enum: OptionalByte,
+impl ScalarStuffT {
+ pub fn pack<'b>(
+ &self,
+ _fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
+ ) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ScalarStuff<'b>> {
+ let just_i8 = self.just_i8;
+ let maybe_i8 = self.maybe_i8;
+ let default_i8 = self.default_i8;
+ let just_u8 = self.just_u8;
+ let maybe_u8 = self.maybe_u8;
+ let default_u8 = self.default_u8;
+ let just_i16 = self.just_i16;
+ let maybe_i16 = self.maybe_i16;
+ let default_i16 = self.default_i16;
+ let just_u16 = self.just_u16;
+ let maybe_u16 = self.maybe_u16;
+ let default_u16 = self.default_u16;
+ let just_i32 = self.just_i32;
+ let maybe_i32 = self.maybe_i32;
+ let default_i32 = self.default_i32;
+ let just_u32 = self.just_u32;
+ let maybe_u32 = self.maybe_u32;
+ let default_u32 = self.default_u32;
+ let just_i64 = self.just_i64;
+ let maybe_i64 = self.maybe_i64;
+ let default_i64 = self.default_i64;
+ let just_u64 = self.just_u64;
+ let maybe_u64 = self.maybe_u64;
+ let default_u64 = self.default_u64;
+ let just_f32 = self.just_f32;
+ let maybe_f32 = self.maybe_f32;
+ let default_f32 = self.default_f32;
+ let just_f64 = self.just_f64;
+ let maybe_f64 = self.maybe_f64;
+ let default_f64 = self.default_f64;
+ let just_bool = self.just_bool;
+ let maybe_bool = self.maybe_bool;
+ let default_bool = self.default_bool;
+ let just_enum = self.just_enum;
+ let maybe_enum = self.maybe_enum;
+ let default_enum = self.default_enum;
+ ScalarStuff::create(_fbb, &ScalarStuffArgs{
+ just_i8,
+ maybe_i8,
+ default_i8,
+ just_u8,
+ maybe_u8,
+ default_u8,
+ just_i16,
+ maybe_i16,
+ default_i16,
+ just_u16,
+ maybe_u16,
+ default_u16,
+ just_i32,
+ maybe_i32,
+ default_i32,
+ just_u32,
+ maybe_u32,
+ default_u32,
+ just_i64,
+ maybe_i64,
+ default_i64,
+ just_u64,
+ maybe_u64,
+ default_u64,
+ just_f32,
+ maybe_f32,
+ default_f32,
+ just_f64,
+ maybe_f64,
+ default_f64,
+ just_bool,
+ maybe_bool,
+ default_bool,
+ just_enum,
+ maybe_enum,
+ default_enum,
+ })
+ }
#[deprecated(since="2.0.0", note="Deprecated in favor of `root_as...` methods.")]
pub fn get_root_as_scalar_stuff<'a>(buf: &'a [u8]) -> ScalarStuff<'a> {
#[path = "../../include_test/sub/include_test2_generated.rs"]
pub mod include_test2_generated;
-#[allow(dead_code, unused_imports)]
+#[allow(dead_code, unused_imports, clippy::approx_constant)]
#[path = "../../monster_test_generated.rs"]
mod monster_test_generated;
pub use monster_test_generated::my_game;
#[path = "../../include_test/sub/include_test2_generated.rs"]
pub mod include_test2_generated;
-#[allow(dead_code, unused_imports)]
+#[allow(dead_code, unused_imports, clippy::approx_constant)]
#[path = "../../monster_test_generated.rs"]
mod monster_test_generated;
pub use monster_test_generated::my_game;
+fn test_object_api_reads_correctly() -> Result<(), &'static str>{
+ let mut fbb = flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder::new();
+ create_serialized_example_with_library_code(&mut fbb);
+ let m = my_game::example::root_as_monster(fbb.finished_data()).unwrap().unpack();
+ check_eq!(m.hp, 80)?;
+ check_eq!(m.mana, 150)?;
+ check_eq!(m.name, "MyMonster")?;
+ let pos = m.pos.as_ref().unwrap();
+ check_eq!(pos.x, 1.0f32)?;
+ check_eq!(pos.y, 2.0f32)?;
+ check_eq!(pos.z, 3.0f32)?;
+ check_eq!(pos.test1, 3.0f64)?;
+ check_eq!(pos.test2, my_game::example::Color::Green)?;
+ let pos_test3 = &pos.test3;
+ check_eq!(pos_test3.a, 5i16)?;
+ check_eq!(pos_test3.b, 6i8)?;
+ let monster2 = m.test.as_monster().unwrap();
+ check_eq!(monster2.name, "Fred")?;
+ let inv = m.inventory.as_ref().unwrap();
+ check_eq!(inv.len(), 5)?;
+ check_eq!(inv.iter().sum::<u8>(), 10u8)?;
+ check_eq!(inv.iter().rev().sum::<u8>(), 10u8)?;
+ let test4 = m.test4.as_ref().unwrap();
+ check_eq!(test4.len(), 2)?;
+ check_eq!(test4[0].a as i32 + test4[0].b as i32 +
+ test4[1].a as i32 + test4[1].b as i32, 100)?;
+ let testarrayofstring = m.testarrayofstring.as_ref().unwrap();
+ check_eq!(testarrayofstring.len(), 2)?;
+ check_eq!(testarrayofstring[0], "test1")?;
+ check_eq!(testarrayofstring[1], "test2")?;
+ Ok(())
// Disabled due to Windows CI limitations.
// #[test]
// fn builder_initializes_with_maximum_buffer_size() {
assert_eq!(s.$just(), $zero);
assert_eq!(s.$default(), $fortytwo);
assert_eq!(s.$maybe(), None);
+ // Same for object API
+ let s = flatbuffers::root::<ScalarStuff>(builder.finished_data()).unwrap().unpack();
+ assert_eq!(s.$just, $five);
+ assert_eq!(s.$default, $five);
+ assert_eq!(s.$maybe, Some($five));
+ let s = flatbuffers::root::<ScalarStuff>(&[0; 8]).unwrap().unpack();
+ assert_eq!(s.$just, $zero);
+ assert_eq!(s.$default, $fortytwo);
+ assert_eq!(s.$maybe, None);