u64 res2 = 0; /* Reserved */
u64 magic = 0x5643534952; /* Magic number, little endian, "RISCV" */
u32 magic2 = 0x05435352; /* Magic number 2, little endian, "RSC\x05" */
- u32 res4; /* Reserved for PE COFF offset */
+ u32 res3; /* Reserved for PE COFF offset */
This header format is compliant with PE/COFF header and largely inspired from
ARM64 header. Thus, both ARM64 & RISC-V header can be combined into one common
- This header can also be reused to support EFI stub for RISC-V in future. EFI
specification needs PE/COFF image header in the beginning of the kernel image
in order to load it as an EFI application. In order to support EFI stub,
- code0 should be replaced with "MZ" magic string and res5(at offset 0x3c) should
+ code0 should be replaced with "MZ" magic string and res3(at offset 0x3c) should
point to the rest of the PE/COFF header.
- version field indicate header version number
* @res2: reserved
* @magic: Magic number (RISC-V specific; deprecated)
* @magic2: Magic number 2 (to match the ARM64 'magic' field pos)
- * @res4: reserved (will be used for PE COFF offset)
+ * @res3: reserved (will be used for PE COFF offset)
* The intention is for this header format to be shared between multiple
* architectures to avoid a proliferation of image header formats.
u64 res2;
u64 magic;
u32 magic2;
- u32 res4;
+ u32 res3;
#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
#endif /* _ASM_RISCV_IMAGE_H */