int dpm_password_set_quality(device_policy_manager_h handle, int quality);
+ * @partner
* @brief Gets password quality.
* @details An administrator can get the password restrictions it is imposing.
* @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @privlevel partner
+ * @privilege %
* @param[in] handle Device policy manager handle
* @param[out] quality Password quality type, values of #dpm_password_quality_e combined with bitwise 'or'
* @return #DPM_ERROR_NONE on success, otherwise a negative value
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_TIMED_OUT Time out
+ * @retval #DPM_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have
+ * the privilege to call this API
* @pre The handle must be created by dpm_manager_create().
* @see dpm_manager_create()
int dpm_password_set_minimum_length(device_policy_manager_h handle, int value);
+ * @partner
* @brief Gets password minimum length.
* @details Gets the minimum allowed password length.
* @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @privlevel partner
+ * @privilege %
* @param[in] handle Device policy manager handle
* @param[out] value Allowed minimum password length
* @return #DPM_ERROR_NONE on success, otherwise a negative value
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_TIMED_OUT Time out
+ * @retval #DPM_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have
+ * the privilege to call this API
* @pre The handle must be created by dpm_manager_create().
* @see dpm_manager_create()
int dpm_password_set_min_complex_chars(device_policy_manager_h handle, int value);
+ * @partner
* @brief Gets minimum complex char in password.
* @details Complex characters are all non-alphabetic characters;
* that is, numbers and symbols.
* @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @privlevel partner
+ * @privilege %
* @param[in] handle Device policy manager handle
* @param[out] value Number of minimum complex char in password.
* @return #DPM_ERROR_NONE on success, otherwise a negative value
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_TIMED_OUT Time out
+ * @retval #DPM_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have
+ * the privilege to call this API
* @pre The handle must be created by dpm_manager_create().
* @see dpm_manager_create()
int dpm_password_set_maximum_failed_attempts_for_wipe(device_policy_manager_h handle, int value);
+ * @partner
* @brief Gets maximum number of failed attempts before device is wiped.
* @details If user fails the last attempt, device will be wiped.
* @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @privlevel partner
+ * @privilege %
* @param[in] handle Device policy manager handle
* @param[out] value Maximum count for failed passwords.
* @return #DPM_ERROR_NONE on success, otherwise a negative value
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_TIMED_OUT Time out
+ * @retval #DPM_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have
+ * the privilege to call this API
* @pre The handle must be created by dpm_manager_create().
* @see dpm_manager_create()
int dpm_password_set_expires(device_policy_manager_h handle, int value);
+ * @partner
* @brief Gets the number of days password expires.
* @details An administrator can get the password age to force
* the user to enter a new password after every expiration period.
* @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @privlevel partner
+ * @privilege %
* @param[in] handle Device policy manager handle
* @param[out] value Number of days after which the password expires.
* @return #DPM_ERROR_NONE on success, otherwise a negative value
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_TIMED_OUT Time out
+ * @retval #DPM_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have
+ * the privilege to call this API
* @pre The handle must be created by dpm_manager_create().
* @see dpm_manager_create()
int dpm_password_set_history(device_policy_manager_h handle, int value);
+ * @partner
* @brief Gets the number of min password history to avoid previous password.
* @details An administrator can get the number of previous
* passwords which cannot be used when entering a new password.
* @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @privlevel partner
+ * @privilege %
* @param[in] handle Device policy manager handle
* @param[out] value Number of previous passwords which cannot be used when
* settings a new password.
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_TIMED_OUT Time out
+ * @retval #DPM_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have
+ * the privilege to call this API
* @pre The handle must be created by dpm_manager_create().
* @see dpm_manager_create()
int dpm_password_set_max_inactivity_time_device_lock(device_policy_manager_h handle, int value);
+ * @partner
* @brief Gets the maximum number of seconds of inactivity time
* before the screen timeout occurs.
* @details Called by an application that is managing the device to get
* the value of timeout period.
* @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @privlevel partner
+ * @privilege %
* @param[in] handle Device policy manager handle
* @param[out] value Pointer of Maximum inactivity time for device lock.
* @return #DPM_ERROR_NONE on success, otherwise a negative value
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_TIMED_OUT Time out
+ * @retval #DPM_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have
+ * the privilege to call this API
* @pre The handle must be created by dpm_manager_create().
* @see dpm_manager_create()
int dpm_password_delete_pattern(device_policy_manager_h handle);
+ * @partner
* @brief Gets password pattern.
* @details This API can be used for applying complexity on new password value.
* @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @privlevel partner
+ * @privilege %
* @remarks The @a pattern should be freed using free().
* @param[in] handle Device policy manager handle
* @param[out] pattern Password pattern
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_TIMED_OUT Time out
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory
+ * @retval #DPM_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have
+ * the privilege to call this API
* @pre The handle must be created by dpm_manager_create().
* @see dpm_manager_create()
int dpm_password_set_maximum_character_occurrences(device_policy_manager_h handle, int value);
+ * @partner
* @brief Gets the maximum number of times a character can occur in
* the device password.
* @details An administrator can retrieve the maximum number of times
* one admin has set this value then the least value will take
* preference.
* @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @privlevel partner
+ * @privilege %
* @param[in] handle Device policy manager handle
* @param[out] value Pointer of Maximum Character Occurrences
* @return #DPM_ERROR_NONE on success, otherwise a negative value
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_TIMED_OUT Time out
+ * @retval #DPM_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have
+ * the privilege to call this API
* @pre The handle must be created by dpm_manager_create().
* @see dpm_manager_create()
int dpm_password_set_maximum_numeric_sequence_length(device_policy_manager_h handle, int value);
+ * @partner
* @brief Gets the maximum numeric sequence length allowed in
* the device password.
* @details An administrator can retrieve the length of numeric sequences
* If more than one admin has set this value then the least value
* will take preference.
* @since_tizen 3.0
+ * @privlevel partner
+ * @privilege %
* @param[in] handle Device policy manager handle
* @param[out] value Pointer of maximum numeric sequence length
* @return #DPM_ERROR_NONE on success, otherwise a negative value
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_NONE Successful
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
* @retval #DPM_ERROR_TIMED_OUT Time out
+ * @retval #DPM_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED The application does not have
+ * the privilege to call this API
* @pre The handle must be created by dpm_manager_create().
* @see dpm_manager_create()
ctxt.registerParametricMethod(this, DPM_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, (int)(PasswordPolicy::setRecovery)(int));
ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, "", (int)(PasswordPolicy::getStatus));
- ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, "", (int)(PasswordPolicy::getQuality));
- ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, "", (int)(PasswordPolicy::getMinimumLength));
- ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, "", (int)(PasswordPolicy::getMinComplexChars));
- ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, "", (int)(PasswordPolicy::getMaximumFailedForWipe));
- ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, "", (int)(PasswordPolicy::getExpires)());
- ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, "", (int)(PasswordPolicy::getHistory)());
- ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, "", (int)(PasswordPolicy::getMaxInactivityTimeDeviceLock));
- ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, "", (std::string)(PasswordPolicy::getPattern));
- ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, "", (int)(PasswordPolicy::getMaximumCharacterOccurrences));
- ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, "", (int)(PasswordPolicy::getMaximumNumericSequenceLength));
- ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, "", (std::vector<std::string>)(PasswordPolicy::getForbiddenStrings));
+ ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, DPM_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, (int)(PasswordPolicy::getQuality));
+ ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, DPM_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, (int)(PasswordPolicy::getMinimumLength));
+ ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, DPM_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, (int)(PasswordPolicy::getMinComplexChars));
+ ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, DPM_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, (int)(PasswordPolicy::getMaximumFailedForWipe));
+ ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, DPM_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, (int)(PasswordPolicy::getExpires)());
+ ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, DPM_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, (int)(PasswordPolicy::getHistory)());
+ ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, DPM_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, (int)(PasswordPolicy::getMaxInactivityTimeDeviceLock));
+ ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, DPM_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, (std::string)(PasswordPolicy::getPattern));
+ ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, DPM_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, (int)(PasswordPolicy::getMaximumCharacterOccurrences));
+ ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, DPM_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, (int)(PasswordPolicy::getMaximumNumericSequenceLength));
+ ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, DPM_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, (std::vector<std::string>)(PasswordPolicy::getForbiddenStrings));
ctxt.registerNonparametricMethod(this, "", (int)(PasswordPolicy::getRecovery));