describe('app.get/setLoginItemSettings API', function () {
if (process.platform === 'linux') return
+ const updateExe = path.resolve(path.dirname(process.execPath), '..', 'Update.exe')
+ const processStartArgs = [
+ '--processStart', `"${path.basename(process.execPath)}"`,
+ '--process-start-args', `"--hidden"`
+ ]
beforeEach(function () {
app.setLoginItemSettings({openAtLogin: false})
+ app.setLoginItemSettings({openAtLogin: false, path: updateExe, args: processStartArgs})
afterEach(function () {
app.setLoginItemSettings({openAtLogin: false})
+ app.setLoginItemSettings({openAtLogin: false, path: updateExe, args: processStartArgs})
it('returns the login item status of the app', function () {
it('allows you to pass a custom executable and arguments', () => {
if (process.platform !== 'win32') return
- const appFolder = path.dirname(process.execPath)
- const updateExe = path.resolve(appFolder, '..', 'Update.exe')
- const exeName = path.basename(process.execPath)
- const processStartArgs = [
- '--processStart', `"${exeName}"`,
- '--process-start-args', `"--hidden"`
- ]
app.setLoginItemSettings({openAtLogin: true, path: updateExe, args: processStartArgs})
assert.equal(app.getLoginItemSettings().openAtLogin, false)