-TEMP=`getopt -o dhsSmf --long debug,help,failnorerun,serial,tct,modules -n 'execute.sh' -- "$@"`
+TEMP=`getopt -o dhsSmfq --long debug,help,failnorerun,quiet,serial,tct,modules -n 'execute.sh' -- "$@"`
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
function usage
- echo -e "Usage: execute.sh [-d][-s|-S|-r] [module|testcase]"
+ echo -e "Usage: execute.sh [-d][-s|-S|-r][-q] [module|testcase]"
echo -e " execute.sh\t\tExecute test cases from all modules in parallel"
echo -e " execute.sh -f \tExecute test cases from all modules in parallel without rerunning failed test cases"
echo -e " execute.sh -d <testcase>\tDebug testcase"
echo -e " execute.sh [module]\tExecute test cases from the given module in parallel"
echo -e " execute.sh -s [module]\t\tExecute test cases in serial using Testkit-Lite"
echo -e " execute.sh -S [module]\t\tExecute test cases in serial"
+ echo -e " execute.sh -q|--quiet ...\tExecute test cases, but don't write output"
echo -e " execute.sh <testcase>\tFind and execute the given test case"
exit 2
while true ; do
case "$1" in
-h|--help) usage ;;
-s|--tct) opt_tct=1 ; shift ;;
-f|--nofailedrerun) opt_noFailedRerun="-f" ; shift ;;
-S|--serial) opt_serial="-s" ; shift ;;
+ -q|--quiet) opt_quiet="-q" ; shift ;;
-m|--modules) opt_modules=1 ; shift ;;
--) shift; break;;
*) echo "Internal error $1!" ; exit 1 ;;
+function output_start
+ start=`date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S"`
+ cat > tct-${1}-core-tests.xml <<EOF
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="./style/testresult.xsl"?>
+<environment build_id="" device_id="localhost" device_model="" device_name="N/A" host="Ubuntu" manufacturer="" resolution="N/A" screen_size="N/A"><other /></environment>
+<summary test_plan_name="Empty test_plan_name"><start_at>$start</start_at><end_at>$start</end_at></summary>
+ <suite category="Core APIs" name="tct-$1-core-tests">
+ <set name="default" set_debug_msg="automated-tests.auto.suite_1_set_1.dlog">
+function output_end
+ cat >> tct-${1}-core-tests.xml <<EOF
+ </set>
+ </suite>
if [ $opt_modules == 1 ] ; then
modules= get_modules
echo $modules
rm -f tct*core-tests.xml
# Clean up old coverage data
-if [ -d ../build/tizen ] ; then
- rm -f ../build/tizen/dali/.libs/*.gcda
+[ -d ../build/tizen ] && rm -f ../build/tizen/dali/.libs/*.gcda
+[ -d ../build/tizen-cmake ] && find ../build/tizen-cmake/ -name \*.gcda -exec rm {} \;
find build \( -name "*.gcda" \) -exec rm '{}' \;
echo -e "$ASCII_BOLD"
echo -e "Executing $mod$ASCII_RESET"
- build/src/$mod/tct-$mod-core $opt_serial $opt_noFailedRerun
+ output_start $mod
+ dbus-launch build/src/$mod/tct-$mod-core $opt_serial $opt_noFailedRerun $opt_quiet
+ output_end $mod
- build/src/$module/tct-$module-core $opt_serial $opt_noFailedRerun $*
+ output_start ${module}
+ dbus-launch build/src/$module/tct-$module-core $opt_serial $opt_noFailedRerun $opt_quiet $*
+ output_end ${module}
if [ $ret -ne 6 ] ; then
if [ $opt_debug -ne 0 ] ; then
- gdb --args build/src/$mod/tct-$mod-core $1
+ dbus-launch gdb --args build/src/$mod/tct-$mod-core $1
echo $output
- * Copyright (c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <testcase.h>
-#include <time.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
+#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <fstream>
#include <map>
+#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
+using std::chrono::steady_clock;
+using std::chrono::system_clock;
namespace TestHarness
typedef std::map<int32_t, TestCase> RunningTestCases;
return slash;
-void SuppressLogOutput()
+std::vector<std::string> Split(const std::string& aString, char delimiter)
- // Close stdout and stderr to suppress the log output
- close(STDOUT_FILENO); // File descriptor number for stdout is 1
- close(STDERR_FILENO); // File descriptor number for stderr is 2
+ std::vector<std::string> tokens;
+ std::string token;
+ std::istringstream tokenStream(aString);
+ while(std::getline(tokenStream, token, delimiter))
+ {
+ tokens.push_back(token);
+ }
+ return tokens;
- // The POSIX specification requires that /dev/null must be provided,
- // The open function always chooses the lowest unused file descriptor
- // It is sufficient for stdout to be writable.
- open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); // Redirect file descriptor number 1 (i.e. stdout) to /dev/null
- // When stderr is opened it must be both readable and writable.
- open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); // Redirect file descriptor number 2 (i.e. stderr) to /dev/null
+std::string Join(const std::vector<std::string>& tokens, char delimiter)
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ unsigned int delimiterCount = 0;
+ for(auto& token : tokens)
+ {
+ oss << token;
+ if(delimiterCount < tokens.size() - 1)
+ {
+ oss << delimiter;
+ }
+ ++delimiterCount;
+ }
+ return oss.str();
+std::string ChildOutputFilename(int pid)
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "/tmp/tct-child." << pid;
+ return os.str();
+std::string TestModuleFilename(const char* processName)
+ auto pathComponents = Split(processName, '/');
+ auto aModule = pathComponents.back();
+ aModule += "-tests.xml";
+ return aModule;
+std::string TestModuleName(const char* processName)
+ auto pathComponents = Split(processName, '/');
+ auto aModule = pathComponents.back();
+ auto moduleComponents = Split(aModule, '-');
+ moduleComponents[1][0] = std::toupper(moduleComponents[1][0]);
+ moduleComponents[2][0] = std::toupper(moduleComponents[2][0]);
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ for(unsigned int i = 1; i < moduleComponents.size() - 1; ++i) // [0]=tct, [n-1]=core
+ {
+ oss << moduleComponents[i];
+ if(i > 1 && i < moduleComponents.size() - 2) // skip first and last delimiter
+ {
+ oss << '-';
+ }
+ }
+ return oss.str();
+std::string ReadAndEscape(std::string filename)
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ std::ifstream ifs;
+ ifs.open(filename, std::ifstream::in);
+ while(ifs.good())
+ {
+ std::string line;
+ std::getline(ifs, line);
+ for(auto c : line)
+ {
+ switch(c)
+ {
+ case '<':
+ os << "<";
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ os << ">";
+ break;
+ case '&':
+ os << "&";
+ break;
+ default:
+ os << c;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ os << "\\"
+ << "n";
+ }
+ ifs.close();
+ return os.str();
+void OutputTestResult(
+ std::ofstream& ofs,
+ const char* pathToExecutable,
+ std::string testSuiteName,
+ TestCase& testCase,
+ std::string startTime,
+ std::string endTime)
+ std::string outputFilename = ChildOutputFilename(testCase.childPid);
+ std::string testOutput = ReadAndEscape(outputFilename);
+ ofs << "<testcase component=\"CoreAPI/" << testSuiteName << "/default\" execution_type=\"auto\" id=\""
+ << testCase.name << "\" purpose=\"\" result=\"" << (testCase.result == 0 ? "PASS" : "FAIL") << "\">" << std::endl
+ << "<description><test_script_entry test_script_expected_result=\"0\">"
+ << pathToExecutable << testCase.name << "</test_script_entry>" << std::endl
+ << "</description>"
+ << "<result_info><actual_result>" << (testCase.result == 0 ? "PASS" : "FAIL") << "</actual_result>" << std::endl
+ << "<start>" << startTime << "</start>"
+ << "<end>" << endTime << "</end>"
+ << "<stdout><![CDATA[]]></stdout>"
+ << "<stderr><![CDATA[" << testOutput << "]]></stderr></result_info></testcase>" << std::endl;
+ unlink(outputFilename.c_str());
+void OutputTestResults(const char* processName, RunningTestCases& children)
+ std::ofstream ofs;
+ std::string filename = TestModuleFilename(processName);
+ std::string moduleName = TestModuleName(processName);
+ ofs.open(filename, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
+ // Sort completed cases by original test case id
+ std::vector<TestCase> childTestCases;
+ childTestCases.reserve(children.size());
+ for(auto& element : children) childTestCases.push_back(element.second);
+ std::sort(childTestCases.begin(), childTestCases.end(), [](const TestCase& a, const TestCase& b) {
+ return a.testCase < b.testCase;
+ });
+ const int BUFSIZE = 256;
+ char buffer[BUFSIZE];
+ for(auto& testCase : childTestCases)
+ {
+ auto tt = system_clock::to_time_t(testCase.startSystemTime);
+ strftime(buffer, BUFSIZE, "%c", localtime(&tt));
+ std::string startTime(buffer);
+ OutputTestResult(ofs, processName, moduleName, testCase, startTime, startTime);
+ }
+ ofs.close();
+void OutputStatistics(const char* processName, int32_t numPasses, int32_t numFailures)
+ FILE* fp = fopen("summary.xml", "a");
+ if(fp != NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(fp,
+ " <suite name=\"%s-tests\">\n"
+ " <total_case>%d</total_case>\n"
+ " <pass_case>%d</pass_case>\n"
+ " <pass_rate>%5.2f</pass_rate>\n"
+ " <fail_case>%d</fail_case>\n"
+ " <fail_rate>%5.2f</fail_rate>\n"
+ " <block_case>0</block_case>\n"
+ " <block_rate>0.00</block_rate>\n"
+ " <na_case>0</na_case>\n"
+ " <na_rate>0.00</na_rate>\n"
+ " </suite>\n",
+ basename(processName),
+ numPasses + numFailures,
+ numPasses,
+ (float)numPasses * 100.0f / (numPasses + numFailures),
+ numFailures,
+ (float)numFailures * 100.0f / (numPasses + numFailures));
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
int32_t RunTestCase(struct ::testcase_s& testCase)
return result;
-int32_t RunTestCaseInChildProcess(struct ::testcase_s& testCase, bool suppressOutput)
+int32_t RunTestCaseRedirectOutput(TestCase& testCase, bool suppressOutput)
+ // Executing in child process
+ // Close stdout and stderr to suppress the log output
+ close(STDOUT_FILENO); // File descriptor number for stdout is 1
+ // The POSIX specification requires that /dev/null must be provided,
+ // The open function always chooses the lowest unused file descriptor
+ // It is sufficient for stdout to be writable.
+ open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); // Redirect file descriptor number 1 (i.e. stdout) to /dev/null
+ fflush(stderr);
+ if(suppressOutput)
+ {
+ stderr = fopen("/dev/null", "w+"); // Redirect fd 2 to /dev/null
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // When stderr is opened it must be both readable and writable.
+ std::string childOutputFilename = ChildOutputFilename(getpid());
+ stderr = fopen(childOutputFilename.c_str(), "w+");
+ }
+ int32_t status = RunTestCase(*testCase.tctPtr);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ fclose(stderr);
+ return status;
+int32_t RunTestCaseInChildProcess(TestCase& testCase, bool redirect)
int32_t pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) // Child process
- if(suppressOutput)
+ if(redirect)
- SuppressLogOutput();
+ int status = RunTestCaseRedirectOutput(testCase, false);
+ exit(status);
- printf("\n");
- for(int32_t i = 0; i < 80; ++i) printf("#");
- printf("\nTC: %s\n", testCase.name);
- fflush(stdout);
+ int status = RunTestCase(*testCase.tctPtr);
+ exit(status);
- int32_t status = RunTestCase(testCase);
- if(!suppressOutput)
- {
- fflush(stdout);
- fflush(stderr);
- fclose(stdout);
- fclose(stderr);
- }
- exit(status);
else if(pid == -1)
else // Parent process
- int32_t status = 0;
- int32_t childPid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
+ int32_t status = 0;
+ int32_t childPid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
+ testCase.childPid = childPid;
if(childPid == -1)
return testResult;
-void OutputStatistics(const char* processName, int32_t numPasses, int32_t numFailures)
+int32_t RunAll(const char* processName, ::testcase tc_array[], bool quiet)
- FILE* fp = fopen("summary.xml", "a");
- if(fp != NULL)
+ int32_t numFailures = 0;
+ int32_t numPasses = 0;
+ std::ofstream ofs;
+ std::string filename = TestModuleFilename(processName);
+ std::string moduleName = TestModuleName(processName);
+ ofs.open(filename, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
+ const int BUFSIZE = 256;
+ char buffer[BUFSIZE];
+ // Run test cases in child process( to handle signals ), but run serially.
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; tc_array[i].name; i++)
- fprintf(fp,
- " <suite name=\"%s\">\n"
- " <total_case>%d</total_case>\n"
- " <pass_case>%d</pass_case>\n"
- " <pass_rate>%5.2f</pass_rate>\n"
- " <fail_case>%d</fail_case>\n"
- " <fail_rate>%5.2f</fail_rate>\n"
- " <block_case>0</block_case>\n"
- " <block_rate>0.00</block_rate>\n"
- " <na_case>0</na_case>\n"
- " <na_rate>0.00</na_rate>\n"
- " </suite>\n",
- basename(processName),
- numPasses + numFailures,
- numPasses,
- (float)numPasses / (numPasses + numFailures),
- numFailures,
- (float)numFailures / (numPasses + numFailures));
- fclose(fp);
- }
+ auto tt = system_clock::to_time_t(system_clock::now());
+ strftime(buffer, BUFSIZE, "%c", localtime(&tt));
+ std::string startTime(buffer);
-int32_t RunAll(const char* processName, ::testcase tc_array[])
- int32_t numFailures = 0;
- int32_t numPasses = 0;
+ TestCase testCase(i, &tc_array[i]);
+ testCase.result = RunTestCaseInChildProcess(testCase, quiet);
- // Run test cases in child process( to kill output/handle signals ), but run serially.
- for(uint32_t i = 0; tc_array[i].name; i++)
- {
- int32_t result = RunTestCaseInChildProcess(tc_array[i], false);
- if(result == 0)
+ tt = system_clock::to_time_t(system_clock::now());
+ strftime(buffer, BUFSIZE, "%c", localtime(&tt));
+ std::string endTime(buffer);
+ if(testCase.result == 0)
+ if(!quiet)
+ {
+ OutputTestResult(ofs, processName, moduleName, testCase, startTime, endTime);
+ }
+ ofs.close();
OutputStatistics(processName, numPasses, numFailures);
// Constantly runs up to MAX_NUM_CHILDREN processes
-int32_t RunAllInParallel(const char* processName, ::testcase tc_array[], bool reRunFailed)
+int32_t RunAllInParallel(const char* processName, ::testcase tc_array[], bool reRunFailed, bool quiet)
int32_t numFailures = 0;
int32_t numPasses = 0;
int32_t pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) // Child process
- SuppressLogOutput();
- exit(RunTestCase(tc_array[nextTestCase]));
+ TestCase testCase(nextTestCase, &tc_array[nextTestCase]);
+ int status = RunTestCaseRedirectOutput(testCase, quiet);
+ exit(status);
else if(pid == -1)
else // Parent process
TestCase tc(nextTestCase, tc_array[nextTestCase].name);
- tc.startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ tc.startTime = steady_clock::now();
+ tc.startSystemTime = system_clock::now();
+ tc.childPid = pid;
children[pid] = tc;
- int32_t testResult = WEXITSTATUS(status);
- if(testResult)
+ auto& testCase = children[childPid];
+ testCase.result = WEXITSTATUS(status);
+ if(testCase.result)
- printf("Test case %s failed: %d\n", children[childPid].testCaseName, testResult);
- failedTestCases.push_back(children[childPid].testCase);
+ printf("Test case %s failed: %d\n", testCase.name, testCase.result);
+ failedTestCases.push_back(testCase.testCase);
RunningTestCases::iterator iter = children.find(childPid);
if(iter != children.end())
- printf("Test case %s exited with signal %s\n", iter->second.testCaseName, strsignal(status));
+ printf("Test case %s exited with signal %s\n", iter->second.name, strsignal(status));
+ iter->second.result = 1;
+ if(!quiet)
+ {
+ OutputTestResults(processName, children);
+ }
OutputStatistics(processName, numPasses, numFailures);
- RunTestCaseInChildProcess(tc_array[failedTestCases[i]], false);
+ int index = failedTestCases[i];
+ TestCase testCase(index, &tc_array[index]);
+ RunTestCaseInChildProcess(testCase, false);
" %s <testcase name>\t\t Execute a test case\n"
" %s \t\t Execute all test cases in parallel\n"
" %s -r\t\t Execute all test cases in parallel, rerunning failed test cases\n"
- " %s -s\t\t Execute all test cases serially\n",
+ " %s -s\t\t Execute all test cases serially\n"
+ " %s -q\t\t Run without output\n",
+ program,
+int RunTests(int argc, char* const argv[], ::testcase tc_array[])
+ int result = TestHarness::EXIT_STATUS_BAD_ARGUMENT;
+ const char* optString = "sfq";
+ bool optRerunFailed(true);
+ bool optRunSerially(false);
+ bool optQuiet(false);
+ int nextOpt = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ nextOpt = getopt(argc, argv, optString);
+ switch(nextOpt)
+ {
+ case 'f':
+ optRerunFailed = false;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ optRunSerially = true;
+ break;
+ case 'q':
+ optQuiet = true;
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ TestHarness::Usage(argv[0]);
+ exit(TestHarness::EXIT_STATUS_BAD_ARGUMENT);
+ break;
+ }
+ } while(nextOpt != -1);
+ if(optind == argc) // no testcase name in argument list
+ {
+ if(optRunSerially)
+ {
+ result = TestHarness::RunAll(argv[0], tc_array, optQuiet);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = TestHarness::RunAllInParallel(argv[0], tc_array, optRerunFailed, optQuiet);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // optind is index of next argument - interpret as testcase name
+ result = TestHarness::FindAndRunTestCase(tc_array, argv[optind]);
+ }
+ return result;
} // namespace TestHarness