+typedef std::map <String, Ecore_File_Monitor *> OSPEmRepository;
// Declaration of internal functions.
static Ecore_X_Window _app_window = 0;
static Ecore_X_Window _control_window = 0;
-static Ecore_File_Monitor *_helper_ise_em = NULL;
-static Ecore_File_Monitor *_keyboard_ise_em = NULL;
+static Ecore_File_Monitor *_inh_helper_ise_em = NULL;
+static Ecore_File_Monitor *_inh_keyboard_ise_em = NULL;
+static Ecore_File_Monitor *_osp_helper_ise_em = NULL;
+static Ecore_File_Monitor *_osp_keyboard_ise_em = NULL;
+static OSPEmRepository _osp_bin_em;
+static OSPEmRepository _osp_info_em;
static bool hw_kbd_mode = false;
String strFile;
if (module_name.substr (0, 1) == String ("/")) {
- strFile = module_name + ".so";
+ strFile = module_name + String (".so");
if (access (strFile.c_str (), R_OK) == 0)
- return strFile.substr (0, strFile.find_last_of ('/') + 1);
+ return strFile;
/* Check inhouse path */
strFile = String (SCIM_MODULE_PATH) +
String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + type +
- String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + module_name + ".so";
+ String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + module_name + String (".so");
if (access (strFile.c_str (), R_OK) == 0)
- return strFile.substr (0, strFile.find_last_of ('/') + 1);
+ return strFile;
const char *module_path_env = getenv ("SCIM_MODULE_PATH");
if (module_path_env) {
strFile = String (module_path_env) +
String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + type +
- String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + module_name + ".so";
+ String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + module_name + String (".so");
if (access (strFile.c_str (), R_OK) == 0)
- return strFile.substr (0, strFile.find_last_of ('/') + 1);
+ return strFile;
return String ("");
+ * @brief Get module names for all 3rd party's IMEs.
+ * @param ops_module_names The list to store module names for all 3rd party's IMEs.
+ * @return module name list size
+ */
+static int osp_module_list_get (std::vector <String> &ops_module_names)
+ const char *module_path_env = getenv ("SCIM_MODULE_PATH");
+ if (module_path_env) {
+ String path = String (module_path_env) +
+ String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + String ("Helper");
+ ops_module_names.clear ();
+ DIR *dir = opendir (path.c_str ());
+ if (dir) {
+ struct dirent *file = readdir (dir);
+ while (file) {
+ struct stat filestat;
+ String absfn = path + String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + file->d_name;
+ stat (absfn.c_str (), &filestat);
+ if (S_ISREG (filestat.st_mode)) {
+ String link_name = String (file->d_name);
+ ops_module_names.push_back (link_name.substr (0, link_name.find_last_of ('.')));
+ }
+ file = readdir (dir);
+ }
+ closedir (dir);
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort (ops_module_names.begin (), ops_module_names.end ());
+ ops_module_names.erase (std::unique (ops_module_names.begin (), ops_module_names.end ()), ops_module_names.end ());
+ return ops_module_names.size ();
+static String osp_module_name_get (const String &path)
+ String pkg_id = path.substr (path.find_last_of (SCIM_PATH_DELIM) + 1);
+ String ise_name = String ("");
+ String bin_path = path + String ("/bin");
+ DIR *dir = opendir (bin_path.c_str ());
+ if (dir) {
+ struct dirent *file = readdir (dir);
+ while (file) {
+ struct stat filestat;
+ String absfn = bin_path + String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + file->d_name;
+ stat (absfn.c_str (), &filestat);
+ if (S_ISREG (filestat.st_mode)) {
+ String ext = absfn.substr (absfn.length () - 4);
+ if (ext == String (".exe")) {
+ int begin = absfn.find_last_of (SCIM_PATH_DELIM) + 1;
+ ise_name = absfn.substr (begin, absfn.find_last_of ('.') - begin);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ file = readdir (dir);
+ }
+ closedir (dir);
+ } else {
+ LOGD ("open (%s) is failed!!!", bin_path.c_str ());
+ }
+ String module_name = String ("");
+ if (ise_name.length () > 0)
+ module_name = pkg_id + String (".") + ise_name;
+ LOGD ("module name = %s", module_name.c_str ());
+ return module_name;
+static void osp_engine_dir_monitor_cb (void *data, Ecore_File_Monitor *em, Ecore_File_Event event, const char *path)
+ String em_path = String (ecore_file_monitor_path_get (em));
+ String manifest_file = em_path.substr (0, em_path.find_last_of (SCIM_PATH_DELIM)) + String ("/info/manifest.xml");
+ String ext = String (path).substr (String (path).length () - 4);
+ if (event == ECORE_FILE_EVENT_CLOSED) {
+ if (String (path) == manifest_file || ext == String (".exe")) {
+ LOGD ("path = %s, event = %d", path, event);
+ String pkg_path = em_path.substr (0, em_path.find_last_of (SCIM_PATH_DELIM));
+ String module_name = osp_module_name_get (pkg_path);
+ const char *module_path_env = getenv ("SCIM_MODULE_PATH");
+ if (module_path_env && module_name.length () > 0) {
+ String module_path = String (module_path_env) +
+ String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + String ("Helper") + String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + module_name + String (".so");
+ isf_update_ise_module (String (module_path), _config);
+ _panel_agent->update_ise_list (_uuids);
+ String uuid = scim_global_config_read (String (SCIM_GLOBAL_CONFIG_DEFAULT_ISE_UUID), _initial_ise_uuid);
+ int index = get_ise_index (uuid);
+ if (_modes[index] == TOOLBAR_HELPER_MODE) {
+ String active_module = get_module_file_path (_module_names[index], String ("Helper"));
+ if (String (module_path) == active_module) {
+ /* Restart helper ISE */
+ _panel_agent->hide_helper (uuid);
+ _panel_agent->stop_helper (uuid);
+ _panel_agent->start_helper (uuid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void add_monitor_for_osp_module (const String &module_name)
+ String rpath = String ("/opt/apps/") + module_name.substr (0, module_name.find_first_of ('.'));
+ String exe_path = rpath + String ("/bin");
+ String manifest_path = rpath + String ("/info");
+ if (_osp_bin_em.find (module_name) == _osp_bin_em.end () || _osp_bin_em[module_name] == NULL) {
+ _osp_bin_em[module_name] = ecore_file_monitor_add (exe_path.c_str (), osp_engine_dir_monitor_cb, NULL);
+ LOGD ("add %s", module_name.c_str ());
+ }
+ if (_osp_info_em.find (module_name) == _osp_info_em.end () || _osp_info_em[module_name] == NULL) {
+ _osp_info_em[module_name] = ecore_file_monitor_add (manifest_path.c_str (), osp_engine_dir_monitor_cb, NULL);
+ }
+ * @brief : add monitor for engine file and info file update of 3rd party's IMEs
+ */
+static void add_monitor_for_all_osp_modules (void)
+ std::vector<String> osp_module_list;
+ osp_module_list_get (osp_module_list);
+ if (osp_module_list.size () > 0) {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < osp_module_list.size (); i++)
+ add_monitor_for_osp_module (osp_module_list[i]);
+ }
* @brief Callback function for ISE file monitor.
static void ise_file_monitor_cb (void *data, Ecore_File_Monitor *em, Ecore_File_Event event, const char *path)
- SCIM_DEBUG_MAIN (3) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n";
+ SCIM_DEBUG_MAIN (3) << __FUNCTION__ << " path=" << path << "\n";
+ LOGD ("path = %s, event = %d", path, event);
+ String directory = String (path);
+ directory = directory.substr (0, 4);
+ (event == ECORE_FILE_EVENT_CREATED_FILE && directory == String ("/opt"))) {
+ String file_path = String (path);
+ String file_ext = file_path.substr (file_path.length () - 3);
+ if (file_ext != String (".so")) {
+ LOGD ("%s is not valid so file!!!", path);
+ return;
+ }
- int index = GPOINTER_TO_INT (data);
- String strFile = String (ecore_file_monitor_path_get (em)) +
- String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + _module_names[index] + String (".so");
- if (String (path) == strFile) {
- /* Update ISE list */
- std::vector<String> list;
- slot_get_ise_list (list);
- } else if (event == ECORE_FILE_EVENT_CLOSED) {
- if (_modes[index] == TOOLBAR_HELPER_MODE) {
- /* Restart helper ISE */
- _panel_agent->hide_helper (_uuids[index]);
- _panel_agent->stop_helper (_uuids[index]);
- _panel_agent->start_helper (_uuids[index]);
- }
+ int begin = String (path).find_last_of (SCIM_PATH_DELIM) + 1;
+ String module_name = String (path).substr (begin, String (path).find_last_of ('.') - begin);
+ /* Update ISE list */
+ std::vector<String> list;
+ slot_get_ise_list (list);
+ /* delete osp monitor */
+ OSPEmRepository::iterator iter = _osp_bin_em.find (module_name);
+ if (iter != _osp_bin_em.end ()) {
+ ecore_file_monitor_del (iter->second);
+ _osp_bin_em.erase (iter);
+ LOGD ("delete %s", module_name.c_str ());
+ }
+ iter = _osp_info_em.find (module_name);
+ if (iter != _osp_info_em.end ()) {
+ ecore_file_monitor_del (iter->second);
+ _osp_info_em.erase (iter);
+ }
+ isf_update_ise_module (String (path), _config);
+ _panel_agent->update_ise_list (_uuids);
+ String uuid = scim_global_config_read (String (SCIM_GLOBAL_CONFIG_DEFAULT_ISE_UUID), _initial_ise_uuid);
+ int index = get_ise_index (uuid);
+ String strFile = String (ecore_file_monitor_path_get (em)) +
+ String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + _module_names[index] + String (".so");
+ if (String (path) == strFile && _modes[index] == TOOLBAR_HELPER_MODE) {
+ /* Restart helper ISE */
+ _panel_agent->hide_helper (uuid);
+ _panel_agent->stop_helper (uuid);
+ _panel_agent->start_helper (uuid);
+ }
+ /* add osp monitor */
+ if (event == ECORE_FILE_EVENT_CREATED_FILE && directory == String ("/opt")) {
+ add_monitor_for_osp_module (module_name);
+ LOGD ("add %s", module_name.c_str ());
* @brief Delete keyboard ISE file monitor.
-static void delete_keyboard_ise_em (void) {
- if (_keyboard_ise_em) {
- ecore_file_monitor_del (_keyboard_ise_em);
- _keyboard_ise_em = NULL;
+static void delete_ise_directory_em (void) {
+ if (_inh_keyboard_ise_em) {
+ ecore_file_monitor_del (_inh_keyboard_ise_em);
+ _inh_keyboard_ise_em = NULL;
+ }
+ if (_inh_helper_ise_em) {
+ ecore_file_monitor_del (_inh_helper_ise_em);
+ _inh_helper_ise_em = NULL;
- * @brief Delete helper ISE file monitor.
- */
-static void delete_helper_ise_em (void) {
- if (_helper_ise_em) {
- ecore_file_monitor_del (_helper_ise_em);
- _helper_ise_em = NULL;
+ if (_osp_keyboard_ise_em) {
+ ecore_file_monitor_del (_osp_keyboard_ise_em);
+ _osp_keyboard_ise_em = NULL;
+ if (_osp_helper_ise_em) {
+ ecore_file_monitor_del (_osp_helper_ise_em);
+ _osp_helper_ise_em = NULL;
+ }
+ OSPEmRepository::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = _osp_bin_em.begin (); iter != _osp_bin_em.end (); iter++) {
+ if (iter->second) {
+ ecore_file_monitor_del (iter->second);
+ iter->second = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ for (iter = _osp_info_em.begin (); iter != _osp_info_em.end (); iter++) {
+ if (iter->second) {
+ ecore_file_monitor_del (iter->second);
+ iter->second = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ _osp_bin_em.clear ();
+ _osp_info_em.clear ();
- * @brief Add keyboard ISE file monitor.
- *
- * @param module_name The keyboard ISE's module name.
+ * @brief Add inhouse ISEs and OSP ISEs directory monitor.
-static void add_keyboard_ise_em (const String &uuid, const String &module_name) {
+static void add_ise_directory_em (void) {
SCIM_DEBUG_MAIN (3) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n";
- String path = get_module_file_path (module_name, "IMEngine");
- if (path.length () > 0 && access (path.c_str (), R_OK) == 0) {
- delete_keyboard_ise_em ();
- _keyboard_ise_em = ecore_file_monitor_add (path.c_str (), ise_file_monitor_cb, GINT_TO_POINTER(get_ise_index (uuid)));
+ // inhouse IMEngine path
+ String path = String (SCIM_MODULE_PATH) +
+ String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + String ("IMEngine");
+ if (_inh_keyboard_ise_em == NULL)
+ _inh_keyboard_ise_em = ecore_file_monitor_add (path.c_str (), ise_file_monitor_cb, NULL);
+ // inhouse Helper path
+ path = String (SCIM_MODULE_PATH) +
+ String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + String ("Helper");
+ if (_inh_helper_ise_em == NULL)
+ _inh_helper_ise_em = ecore_file_monitor_add (path.c_str (), ise_file_monitor_cb, NULL);
+ const char *module_path_env = getenv ("SCIM_MODULE_PATH");
+ if (module_path_env) {
+ // OSP IMEngine path
+ path = String (module_path_env) +
+ String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + String ("IMEngine");
+ if (access (path.c_str (), R_OK) == 0) {
+ if (_osp_keyboard_ise_em == NULL) {
+ _osp_keyboard_ise_em = ecore_file_monitor_add (path.c_str (), ise_file_monitor_cb, NULL);
+ LOGD ("ecore_file_monitor_add path=%s", path.c_str ());
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOGD ("access path=%s is failed!!!", path.c_str ());
+ }
+ // OSP Helper path
+ path = String (module_path_env) +
+ String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + String ("Helper");
+ if (access (path.c_str (), R_OK) == 0) {
+ if (_osp_helper_ise_em == NULL) {
+ _osp_helper_ise_em = ecore_file_monitor_add (path.c_str (), ise_file_monitor_cb, NULL);
+ LOGD ("ecore_file_monitor_add path=%s", path.c_str ());
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOGD ("access path=%s is failed!!!", path.c_str ());
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOGD ("getenv (\"SCIM_MODULE_PATH\") is failed!!!");
+ add_monitor_for_all_osp_modules ();
uint32 kbd_option = 0;
String kbd_uuid, kbd_name;
isf_get_keyboard_ise (_config, kbd_uuid, kbd_name, kbd_option);
- if (kbd_uuid == uuid) {
- if (_keyboard_ise_em == NULL) {
- add_keyboard_ise_em (uuid, module_name);
- delete_helper_ise_em ();
- }
+ if (kbd_uuid == uuid)
return false;
- }
_panel_agent->change_factory (uuid);
String language = String ("~other");/*scim_get_locale_language (scim_get_current_locale ());*/
_config->write (String (SCIM_CONFIG_DEFAULT_IMENGINE_FACTORY) + String ("/") + language, uuid);
- /* Add directory monitor for keyboard ISE */
- add_keyboard_ise_em (uuid, module_name);
- delete_helper_ise_em ();
return true;
String language = String ("~other");/*scim_get_locale_language (scim_get_current_locale ());*/
_config->write (String (SCIM_CONFIG_DEFAULT_IMENGINE_FACTORY) + String ("/") + language, kbd_uuid);
- delete_keyboard_ise_em ();
char buf[256] = {0};
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "time:%ld pid:%d %s %s Start helper(%s)\n",
_panel_agent->start_helper (uuid);
_config->write (String (SCIM_CONFIG_DEFAULT_HELPER_ISE), uuid);
- /* Add directory monitor for helper ISE */
- String path = get_module_file_path (module_name, "Helper");
- if (path.length () > 0 && access (path.c_str (), R_OK) == 0) {
- delete_helper_ise_em ();
- _helper_ise_em = ecore_file_monitor_add (path.c_str (), ise_file_monitor_cb, GINT_TO_POINTER(get_ise_index (uuid)));
- }
return true;
_panel_agent->change_factory (active_uuid);
_config->write (IMENGINE_KEY, active_uuid);
_config->flush ();
- delete_keyboard_ise_em ();
+ add_ise_directory_em ();
return ret;
uint32 ise_option = 0;
String ise_uuid, ise_name;
isf_get_keyboard_ise (_config, ise_uuid, ise_name, ise_option);
- if (ise_uuid == uuid) {
- if (_keyboard_ise_em == NULL) {
- add_keyboard_ise_em (uuid, _module_names[get_ise_index (uuid)]);
- }
+ if (ise_uuid == uuid)
- }
String language = String ("~other");/*scim_get_locale_language (scim_get_current_locale ());*/
_config->write (String (SCIM_CONFIG_DEFAULT_IMENGINE_FACTORY) + String ("/") + language, uuid);
_panel_agent->change_factory (uuid);
_panel_agent->reload_config ();
- /* Add directory monitor for keyboard ISE */
- if (_keyboard_ise_em == NULL) {
- add_keyboard_ise_em (uuid, _module_names[get_ise_index (uuid)]);
- }
check_hardware_keyboard ();
- * @brief Get module names for all 3rd party's IMEs.
- * @param ops_module_names The list to store module names for all 3rd party's IMEs.
- * @return module name list size
- */
-static int scim_get_osp_module_list (std::vector <String> &ops_module_names)
- char *path = "/opt/apps/scim/lib/scim-1.0/1.4.0/Helper";
- ops_module_names.clear ();
- DIR *dir = opendir (path);
- if (dir) {
- struct dirent *file = readdir (dir);
- while (file) {
- struct stat filestat;
- String absfn = String(path) + String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + file->d_name;
- stat (absfn.c_str (), &filestat);
- if (S_ISREG (filestat.st_mode)) {
- String link_name = String (file->d_name);
- ops_module_names.push_back (link_name.substr (0, link_name.find_last_of ('.')));
- }
- file = readdir (dir);
- }
- closedir (dir);
- }
- std::sort (ops_module_names.begin (), ops_module_names.end ());
- ops_module_names.erase (std::unique (ops_module_names.begin (), ops_module_names.end ()), ops_module_names.end ());
- return ops_module_names.size ();
-static void osp_engine_dir_monitor_cb (void *data, Ecore_File_Monitor *em, Ecore_File_Event event, const char *path)
- if (!data) return;
- char *osp_module_name = (char *)data;
- String rpath = String ("/opt/apps/") + String (osp_module_name).substr (0, String (osp_module_name).find_first_of ('.'));
- String osp_ime_name = String (osp_module_name).substr (String (osp_module_name).find_first_of ('.') + 1, String (osp_module_name).find_last_of ('.'));
- String exe_path = rpath + String ("/bin/") + osp_ime_name + String (".exe");
- if (event == ECORE_FILE_EVENT_CLOSED) {
- if (String (path) == exe_path) {
- LOGD ("%s", ecore_file_monitor_path_get (em));
- LOGD ("%s", osp_module_name);
- }
- }
-static void osp_info_dir_monitor_cb (void *data, Ecore_File_Monitor *em, Ecore_File_Event event, const char *path)
- if (!data) return;
- char *osp_module_name = (char *)data;
- String rpath = String ("/opt/apps/") + String (osp_module_name).substr (0, String (osp_module_name).find_first_of ('.'));
- String osp_ime_name = String (osp_module_name).substr (String (osp_module_name).find_first_of('.') + 1, String (osp_module_name).find_last_of('.'));
- String manifest_path = rpath + String ("/info/manifest.xml");
- if (event == ECORE_FILE_EVENT_CLOSED) {
- if (String (path) == manifest_path) {
- LOGD ("%s", ecore_file_monitor_path_get (em));
- LOGD ("%s", osp_module_name);
- }
- }
- * @brief : add monitor for engine file and info file update of 3rd party's IMEs
- */
-static void add_monitor_for_osp_modules ()
- LOGD ("");
- std::vector<String> osp_module_list;
- scim_get_osp_module_list (osp_module_list);
- if (osp_module_list.size () > 0) {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < osp_module_list.size (); i++) {
- LOGD ("%s", osp_module_list[i].c_str ());
- String rpath = String ("/opt/apps/") + osp_module_list[i].substr (0, osp_module_list[i].find_first_of ('.'));
- String exe_path = rpath + String ("/bin");
- String manifest_path = rpath + String ("/info");
- ecore_file_monitor_add (exe_path.c_str (), osp_engine_dir_monitor_cb, (void *)(strdup (osp_module_list[i].c_str ())));
- ecore_file_monitor_add (manifest_path.c_str (), osp_info_dir_monitor_cb, (void *)(strdup (osp_module_list[i].c_str ())));
- }
- }
* @brief : Launches default soft keyboard for performance enhancement (It's not mandatory)
ui_candidate_delete_check_size_timer ();
ui_candidate_delete_longpress_timer ();
ui_candidate_delete_destroy_timer ();
- delete_keyboard_ise_em ();
- delete_helper_ise_em ();
+ delete_ise_directory_em ();
ui_close_tts ();
if (!_config.null ())