* Selected link
- * Deprecated: Since 1.8. As atk_hyperlink_is_selected_link is
- * deprecated this property is deprecated as well. Please use
- * ATK_STATE_SELECTED to indicate when a hyperlink within a
- * Hypertext container is selected.
+ * Deprecated: Since 1.8. This property is deprecated since ATK
+ * version 1.8. Please use ATK_STATE_FOCUSABLE for all links, and
+ * ATK_STATE_FOCUSED for focused links.
+ *
g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
* Since: 1.4
* Deprecated: This method is deprecated since ATK version 1.8.
- * Please use ATK_STATE_SELECTED to indicate when a hyperlink within a
- * Hypertext container is selected.
+ * Please use ATK_STATE_FOCUSABLE for all links, and ATK_STATE_FOCUSED
+ * for focused links.
* Returns: True is the AtkHyperlink is selected, False otherwise