There are three ways to configure Visual Studio to disable signature validation:
1. The [`DOTNET_ROOT` environment variable]( if Visual Studio is started from a command prompt where `DOTNET_ROOT` is set, it will ignore unsigned .NET runtime debugger libraries which are under the `DOTNET_ROOT` directory.
2. The `VSDebugger_ValidateDotnetDebugLibSignatures` environment variable: If you want to temporarily disable signature validation, run `set VSDebugger_ValidateDotnetDebugLibSignatures=0` in a command prompt, and start Visual Studio (devenv.exe) from this command prompt.
-3. Set the `ValidateDotnetDebugLibSignatures` registry key: To disable signature validation on a more permanent bases, you can set the VS registry key to turn it off. To do so, open a Developer Command Prompt, and run `Common7\IDE\VsRegEdit.exe set local HKCU Debugger\EngineSwitches ValidateDotnetDebugLibSignatures dword 0`
+3. Set the `ValidateDotnetDebugLibSignatures` registry key: To disable signature validation on a more permanent basis, you can set the VS registry key to turn it off. To do so, open a Developer Command Prompt, and run `Common7\IDE\VsRegEdit.exe set local HKCU Debugger\EngineSwitches ValidateDotnetDebugLibSignatures dword 0`