/// </summary>
private static void StartAssemblyLoad(ref Guid activityId, ref Guid relatedActivityId)
- ActivityTracker.Instance.OnStart(NativeRuntimeEventSource.Log.Name, AssemblyLoadName, 0, ref activityId, ref relatedActivityId, EventActivityOptions.Recursive);
+ // Make sure ActivityTracker is enabled
+ ActivityTracker.Instance.Enable();
+ // Don't use trace to TPL event source in ActivityTracker - that event source is a singleton and its instantiation may have triggered the load.
+ ActivityTracker.Instance.OnStart(NativeRuntimeEventSource.Log.Name, AssemblyLoadName, 0, ref activityId, ref relatedActivityId, EventActivityOptions.Recursive, useTplSource: false);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
private static void StopAssemblyLoad(ref Guid activityId)
- ActivityTracker.Instance.OnStop(NativeRuntimeEventSource.Log.Name, AssemblyLoadName, 0, ref activityId);
+ // Don't use trace to TPL event source in ActivityTracker - that event source is a singleton and its instantiation may have triggered the load.
+ ActivityTracker.Instance.OnStop(NativeRuntimeEventSource.Log.Name, AssemblyLoadName, 0, ref activityId, useTplSource: false);
args[ARGNUM_0] = PTR_TO_ARGHOLDER(activityId);
args[ARGNUM_0] = PTR_TO_ARGHOLDER(activityId);
+ request.RequestingAssemblyLoadContext,
- void FireAssemblyLoadStop(const BinderTracing::AssemblyBindOperation::BindRequest &request, bool success, const WCHAR *resultName, const WCHAR *resultPath, bool cached)
+ void FireAssemblyLoadStop(const BinderTracing::AssemblyBindOperation::BindRequest &request, PEAssembly *resultAssembly, bool cached)
if (!EventEnabledAssemblyLoadStop())
GUID activityId = GUID_NULL;
+ SString resultName;
+ SString resultPath;
+ bool success = resultAssembly != nullptr;
+ if (success)
+ {
+ resultPath = resultAssembly->GetPath();
+ resultAssembly->GetDisplayName(resultName);
+ }
+ request.RequestingAssemblyLoadContext,
+ void GetAssemblyLoadContextNameFromBindContext(ICLRPrivBinder *bindContext, AppDomain *domain, /*out*/ SString &alcName)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(bindContext != nullptr);
+ UINT_PTR binderID = 0;
+ HRESULT hr = bindContext->GetBinderID(&binderID);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return;
+ ICLRPrivBinder *binder = reinterpret_cast<ICLRPrivBinder *>(binderID);
+ if (AreSameBinderInstance(binder, domain->GetTPABinderContext()) || AreSameBinderInstance(binder, domain->GetWinRtBinder()))
+ if (AreSameBinderInstance(binder, domain->GetTPABinderContext()))
+ {
+ alcName.Set(W("Default"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ alcName.Set(W("Custom"));
+ CLRPrivBinderAssemblyLoadContext * alcBinder = static_cast<CLRPrivBinderAssemblyLoadContext *>(binder);
+ OBJECTREF *alc = reinterpret_cast<OBJECTREF *>(alcBinder->GetManagedAssemblyLoadContext());
+ struct _gc {
+ STRINGREF alcName;
+ } gc;
+ ZeroMemory(&gc, sizeof(gc));
+ gc.alcName->GetSString(alcName);
+ }
+ }
+ void GetAssemblyLoadContextNameFromSpec(AssemblySpec *spec, /*out*/ SString &alcName)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(spec != nullptr);
+ AppDomain *domain = spec->GetAppDomain();
+ ICLRPrivBinder* bindContext = spec->GetBindingContext();
+ if (bindContext == nullptr)
+ bindContext = spec->GetBindingContextFromParentAssembly(domain);
+ GetAssemblyLoadContextNameFromBindContext(bindContext, domain, alcName);
+ }
+ void PopulateBindRequest(/*inout*/ BinderTracing::AssemblyBindOperation::BindRequest &request)
+ {
+ AssemblySpec *spec = request.AssemblySpec;
+ _ASSERTE(spec != nullptr);
+ if (request.AssemblyPath.IsEmpty())
+ request.AssemblyPath = spec->GetCodeBase();
+ if (spec->GetName() != nullptr)
+ DomainAssembly *parentAssembly = spec->GetParentAssembly();
+ if (parentAssembly != nullptr)
+ {
+ PEAssembly *peAssembly = parentAssembly->GetFile();
+ _ASSERTE(peAssembly != nullptr);
+ peAssembly->GetDisplayName(request.RequestingAssembly);
+ AppDomain *domain = parentAssembly->GetAppDomain();
+ ICLRPrivBinder *bindContext = peAssembly->GetBindingContext();
+ if (bindContext == nullptr)
+ bindContext = domain->GetTPABinderContext(); // System.Private.CoreLib returns null
+ GetAssemblyLoadContextNameFromBindContext(bindContext, domain, request.RequestingAssemblyLoadContext);
+ }
+ GetAssemblyLoadContextNameFromSpec(spec, request.AssemblyLoadContext);
+ }
bool BinderTracing::IsEnabled()
namespace BinderTracing
- AssemblyBindOperation::AssemblyBindOperation(AssemblySpec *assemblySpec)
- : m_bindRequest { assemblySpec }
- , m_success { false }
+ AssemblyBindOperation::AssemblyBindOperation(AssemblySpec *assemblySpec, const WCHAR *assemblyPath)
+ : m_bindRequest { assemblySpec, nullptr, assemblyPath }
+ , m_populatedBindRequest { false }
+ , m_checkedIgnoreBind { false }
+ , m_ignoreBind { false }
+ , m_resultAssembly { nullptr }
, m_cached { false }
_ASSERTE(assemblySpec != nullptr);
- // ActivityTracker or EventSource may have triggered the system satellite load.
- // Don't track system satellite binding to avoid potential infinite recursion.
- m_trackingBind = BinderTracing::IsEnabled() && !m_bindRequest.AssemblySpec->IsMscorlibSatellite();
- if (m_trackingBind)
- {
- m_bindRequest.AssemblySpec->GetFileOrDisplayName(ASM_DISPLAYF_VERSION | ASM_DISPLAYF_CULTURE | ASM_DISPLAYF_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN, m_bindRequest.AssemblyName);
- FireAssemblyLoadStart(m_bindRequest);
- }
+ if (!BinderTracing::IsEnabled() || ShouldIgnoreBind())
+ return;
+ PopulateBindRequest(m_bindRequest);
+ m_populatedBindRequest = true;
+ FireAssemblyLoadStart(m_bindRequest);
- if (m_trackingBind)
- FireAssemblyLoadStop(m_bindRequest, m_success, m_resultName.GetUnicode(), m_resultPath.GetUnicode(), m_cached);
+ if (!BinderTracing::IsEnabled() || ShouldIgnoreBind())
+ return;
+ // Make sure the bind request is populated. Tracing may have been enabled mid-bind.
+ if (!m_populatedBindRequest)
+ PopulateBindRequest(m_bindRequest);
+ FireAssemblyLoadStop(m_bindRequest, m_resultAssembly, m_cached);
- void AssemblyBindOperation::SetResult(PEAssembly *assembly)
+ void AssemblyBindOperation::SetResult(PEAssembly *assembly, bool cached)
- m_success = assembly != nullptr;
+ _ASSERTE(m_resultAssembly == nullptr);
+ m_resultAssembly = assembly;
+ if (m_resultAssembly != nullptr)
+ m_resultAssembly->AddRef();
+ m_cached = cached;
\ No newline at end of file
+ bool AssemblyBindOperation::ShouldIgnoreBind()
+ {
+ if (m_checkedIgnoreBind)
+ return m_ignoreBind;
+ // ActivityTracker or EventSource may have triggered the system satellite load.
+ // Don't track system satellite binding to avoid potential infinite recursion.
+ m_ignoreBind = m_bindRequest.AssemblySpec->IsMscorlibSatellite();
+ m_checkedIgnoreBind = true;
+ return m_ignoreBind;
+ }
// This class assumes the assembly spec will have a longer lifetime than itself
- AssemblyBindOperation(AssemblySpec *assemblySpec);
+ AssemblyBindOperation(AssemblySpec *assemblySpec, const WCHAR *assemblyPath = nullptr);
- void SetResult(PEAssembly *assembly);
+ void SetResult(PEAssembly *assembly, bool cached = false);
struct BindRequest
SString AssemblyPath;
SString RequestingAssembly;
SString AssemblyLoadContext;
+ SString RequestingAssemblyLoadContext;
+ bool ShouldIgnoreBind();
+ private:
BindRequest m_bindRequest;
+ bool m_populatedBindRequest;
- bool m_trackingBind;
+ bool m_checkedIgnoreBind;
+ bool m_ignoreBind;
- bool m_success;
- SString m_resultName;
- SString m_resultPath;
+ ReleaseHolder<PEAssembly> m_resultAssembly;
bool m_cached;
<data name="AssemblyPath" inType="win:UnicodeString" />
<data name="RequestingAssembly" inType="win:UnicodeString" />
<data name="AssemblyLoadContext" inType="win:UnicodeString" />
+ <data name="RequestingAssemblyLoadContext" inType="win:UnicodeString" />
<AssemblyLoadStart xmlns="myNs">
<ClrInstanceID> %1 </ClrInstanceID>
<AssemblyPath> %3 </AssemblyPath>
<RequestingAssembly> %4 </RequestingAssembly>
<AssemblyLoadContext> %5 </AssemblyLoadContext>
+ <RequestingAssemblyLoadContext> %6 </RequestingAssemblyLoadContext>
<data name="AssemblyPath" inType="win:UnicodeString" />
<data name="RequestingAssembly" inType="win:UnicodeString" />
<data name="AssemblyLoadContext" inType="win:UnicodeString" />
+ <data name="RequestingAssemblyLoadContext" inType="win:UnicodeString" />
<data name="Success" inType="win:Boolean" />
<data name="ResultAssemblyName" inType="win:UnicodeString" />
<data name="ResultAssemblyPath" inType="win:UnicodeString" />
<AssemblyPath> %3 </AssemblyPath>
<RequestingAssembly> %4 </RequestingAssembly>
<AssemblyLoadContext> %5 </AssemblyLoadContext>
- <Success> %6 </Success>
- <ResultAssemblyName> %7 </ResultAssemblyName>
- <ResultAssemblyPath> %8 </ResultAssemblyPath>
- <Cached> %9 </Cached>
+ <RequestingAssemblyLoadContext> %6 </RequestingAssemblyLoadContext>
+ <Success> %7 </Success>
+ <ResultAssemblyName> %8 </ResultAssemblyName>
+ <ResultAssemblyPath> %9 </ResultAssemblyPath>
+ <Cached> %10 </Cached>
<string id="RuntimePublisher.AppDomainLoad_V1EventMessage" value="AppDomainID=%1;%nAppDomainFlags=%2;%nAppDomainName=%3;%nAppDomainIndex=%4;%nClrInstanceID=%5" />
<string id="RuntimePublisher.AppDomainUnloadEventMessage" value="AppDomainID=%1;%nAppDomainFlags=%2;%nAppDomainName=%3" />
<string id="RuntimePublisher.AppDomainUnload_V1EventMessage" value="AppDomainID=%1;%nAppDomainFlags=%2;%nAppDomainName=%3;%nAppDomainIndex=%4;%nClrInstanceID=%5" />
- <string id="RuntimePublisher.AssemblyLoadStartEventMessage" value="ClrInstanceID=%1;%nAssemblyName=%2;%nAssemblyPath=%3;%nRequestingAssembly=%4;%nAssemblyLoadContext=%5" />
- <string id="RuntimePublisher.AssemblyLoadStopEventMessage" value="ClrInstanceID=%1;%nAssemblyName=%2;%nAssemblyPath=%3;%nRequestingAssembly=%4;%nAssemblyLoadContext=%5;%nSuccess=%6;%nResultAssemblyName=%7;%nResultAssemblyPath=%8;%nCached=%9" />
+ <string id="RuntimePublisher.AssemblyLoadStartEventMessage" value="ClrInstanceID=%1;%nAssemblyName=%2;%nAssemblyPath=%3;%nRequestingAssembly=%4;%nAssemblyLoadContext=%5;%nRequestingAssemblyLoadContext=%6" />
+ <string id="RuntimePublisher.AssemblyLoadStopEventMessage" value="ClrInstanceID=%1;%nAssemblyName=%2;%nAssemblyPath=%3;%nRequestingAssembly=%4;%nAssemblyLoadContext=%5;%nRequestingAssemblyLoadContext=%6;%nSuccess=%7;%nResultAssemblyName=%8;%nResultAssemblyPath=%9;%nCached=%10" />
<string id="RuntimePublisher.StackEventMessage" value="ClrInstanceID=%1;%nReserved1=%2;%nReserved2=%3;%nFrameCount=%4;%nStack=%5" />
<string id="RuntimePublisher.AppDomainMemAllocatedEventMessage" value="AppDomainID=%1;%nAllocated=%2;%nClrInstanceID=%3" />
<string id="RuntimePublisher.AppDomainMemSurvivedEventMessage" value="AppDomainID=%1;%nSurvived=%2;%nProcessSurvived=%3;%nClrInstanceID=%4" />
HRESULT hrBindResult = S_OK;
PEAssemblyHolder result;
+ bool isCached = false;
- if (!IsCached(pSpec))
+ isCached = IsCached(pSpec);
+ if (!isCached)
- bindOperation.SetResult(result.GetValue());
+ bindOperation.SetResult(result.GetValue(), isCached);
return result.Extract();
spec.InitializeSpec(TokenFromRid(1, mdtAssembly), pImage->GetMDImport(), pCallersAssembly);
- BinderTracing::AssemblyBindOperation bindOperation(&spec);
+ BinderTracing::AssemblyBindOperation bindOperation(&spec, pImage->GetPath());
PTR_AppDomain pCurDomain = GetAppDomain();
#include "winrthelpers.h"
+#include "../binder/inc/bindertracing.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
// This debug-only wrapper for LookupAssembly is solely for the use of postconditions and
// assertions. The problem is that the real LookupAssembly can throw an OOM
if (pAssembly)
+ BinderTracing::AssemblyBindOperation bindOperation(this);
+ bindOperation.SetResult(pAssembly->GetFile(), true /*cached*/);
pDomain->LoadDomainFile(pAssembly, targetLevel);
RETURN pAssembly;
static BOOL VerifyBindingString(LPCWSTR pwStr);
void GetFileOrDisplayName(DWORD flags, SString &result) const;
+ void GetDisplayName(DWORD flags, SString &result) const;
inline void GetPublicKey(
PBYTE * ppbPublicKey,
return IsAfRetargetable(m_dwFlags);
static BOOL CompareRefToDef(const BaseAssemblySpec *pRef, const BaseAssemblySpec *pDef);
+ void GetDisplayNameInternal(DWORD flags, SString &result) const;
#endif // __BASE_ASSEMBLY_SPEC_H__
if (m_wszCodeBase == NULL)
- GetFileOrDisplayName(0, assemblyDisplayName);
+ GetDisplayName(0, assemblyDisplayName);
// Have a default binding context setup
+ GetDisplayNameInternal(flags, result);
+VOID BaseAssemblySpec::GetDisplayName(DWORD flags, SString &result) const
+ {
+ INJECT_FAULT(ThrowOutOfMemory());
+ PRECONDITION(CheckValue(result));
+ PRECONDITION(result.IsEmpty());
+ }
+ GetDisplayNameInternal(flags, result);
+VOID BaseAssemblySpec::GetDisplayNameInternal(DWORD flags, SString &result) const
if (flags==0)
--- /dev/null
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+namespace AssemblyToLoad
+ public class Program
+ { }
--- /dev/null
+<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <OutputType>Library</OutputType>
+ <CLRTestKind>BuildOnly</CLRTestKind>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <Compile Include="AssemblyToLoad.cs" />
+ </ItemGroup>
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
-using Xunit;
-using Assert = Xunit.Assert;
+using TestLibrary;
namespace BinderTracingTests
internal class BindOperation
internal AssemblyName AssemblyName;
+ internal string AssemblyPath;
+ internal AssemblyName RequestingAssembly;
+ internal string AssemblyLoadContext;
+ internal string RequestingAssemblyLoadContext;
internal bool Success;
+ internal AssemblyName ResultAssemblyName;
+ internal string ResultAssemblyPath;
+ internal bool Cached;
internal Guid ActivityId;
internal Guid ParentActivityId;
case "AssemblyLoadStart":
lock (eventsLock)
- Assert.True(!bindOperations.ContainsKey(data.ActivityId), "AssemblyLoadStart should not exist for same activity ID ");
+ Assert.IsTrue(!bindOperations.ContainsKey(data.ActivityId), "AssemblyLoadStart should not exist for same activity ID ");
var bindOperation = new BindOperation()
AssemblyName = new AssemblyName(GetDataString("AssemblyName")),
+ AssemblyPath = GetDataString("AssemblyPath"),
+ AssemblyLoadContext = GetDataString("AssemblyLoadContext"),
+ RequestingAssemblyLoadContext = GetDataString("RequestingAssemblyLoadContext"),
ActivityId = data.ActivityId,
ParentActivityId = data.RelatedActivityId,
Nested = bindOperations.ContainsKey(data.RelatedActivityId)
+ string requestingAssembly = GetDataString("RequestingAssembly");
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestingAssembly))
+ {
+ bindOperation.RequestingAssembly = new AssemblyName(requestingAssembly);
+ }
bindOperations.Add(data.ActivityId, bindOperation);
case "AssemblyLoadStop":
lock (eventsLock)
- Assert.True(bindOperations.ContainsKey(data.ActivityId), "AssemblyLoadStop should have a matching AssemblyLoadStart");
- bindOperations[data.ActivityId].Success = (bool)GetData("Success");
- bindOperations[data.ActivityId].Completed = true;
+ Assert.IsTrue(bindOperations.ContainsKey(data.ActivityId), "AssemblyLoadStop should have a matching AssemblyBindStart");
+ BindOperation bind = bindOperations[data.ActivityId];
+ bind.Success = (bool)GetData("Success");
+ string resultName = GetDataString("ResultAssemblyName");
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultName))
+ {
+ bind.ResultAssemblyName = new AssemblyName(resultName);
+ }
+ bind.ResultAssemblyPath = GetDataString("ResultAssemblyPath");
+ bind.Cached = (bool)GetData("Cached");
+ bind.Completed = true;
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Loader;
-using Assert = Xunit.Assert;
+using TestLibrary;
namespace BinderTracingTests
+ [AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Method)]
+ class BinderTestAttribute : Attribute
+ {
+ public bool Isolate { get; private set; }
+ public string TestSetup { get; private set; }
+ public BinderTestAttribute(bool isolate = false, string testSetup = null)
+ {
+ Isolate = isolate;
+ TestSetup = testSetup;
+ }
+ }
class BinderTracingTest
- public static void PlatformAssembly_DefaultALC()
+ public class CustomALC : AssemblyLoadContext
+ {
+ public CustomALC(string name) : base(name)
+ { }
+ }
+ private const string DefaultALC = "Default";
+ private const string DependentAssemblyName = "AssemblyToLoad";
+ [BinderTest]
+ public static BindOperation LoadFile()
+ {
+ var executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
+ Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(executingAssembly.Location);
+ return new BindOperation()
+ {
+ AssemblyName = executingAssembly.GetName(),
+ AssemblyPath = executingAssembly.Location,
+ AssemblyLoadContext = AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext(asm).ToString(),
+ RequestingAssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ Success = true,
+ ResultAssemblyName = asm.GetName(),
+ ResultAssemblyPath = asm.Location,
+ Cached = false
+ };
+ }
+ [BinderTest]
+ public static BindOperation LoadBytes()
+ {
+ var executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
+ Byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(executingAssembly.Location);
+ Assembly asm = Assembly.Load(bytes);
+ return new BindOperation()
+ {
+ AssemblyName = executingAssembly.GetName(),
+ AssemblyLoadContext = AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext(asm).ToString(),
+ RequestingAssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ Success = true,
+ ResultAssemblyName = asm.GetName(),
+ ResultAssemblyPath = asm.Location,
+ Cached = false
+ };
+ }
+ [BinderTest]
+ public static BindOperation LoadFromStream()
+ {
+ var executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
+ Stream stream = File.OpenRead(executingAssembly.Location);
+ CustomALC alc = new CustomALC(nameof(LoadFromStream));
+ Assembly asm = alc.LoadFromStream(stream);
+ return new BindOperation()
+ {
+ AssemblyName = executingAssembly.GetName(),
+ AssemblyLoadContext = alc.ToString(),
+ RequestingAssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ Success = true,
+ ResultAssemblyName = asm.GetName(),
+ ResultAssemblyPath = asm.Location,
+ Cached = false
+ };
+ }
+ [BinderTest]
+ public static BindOperation LoadFromAssemblyPath()
+ {
+ CustomALC alc = new CustomALC(nameof(LoadFromAssemblyPath));
+ var executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
+ Assembly asm = alc.LoadFromAssemblyPath(executingAssembly.Location);
+ return new BindOperation()
+ {
+ AssemblyName = executingAssembly.GetName(),
+ AssemblyPath = executingAssembly.Location,
+ AssemblyLoadContext = alc.ToString(),
+ RequestingAssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ Success = true,
+ ResultAssemblyName = asm.GetName(),
+ ResultAssemblyPath = asm.Location,
+ Cached = false
+ };
+ }
+ [BinderTest(isolate: true)]
+ public static BindOperation LoadFromAssemblyName()
- Console.WriteLine($"Running {nameof(PlatformAssembly_DefaultALC)}...");
- using (var listener = new BinderEventListener())
+ AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName("System.Xml");
+ CustomALC alc = new CustomALC(nameof(LoadFromAssemblyName));
+ Assembly asm = alc.LoadFromAssemblyName(assemblyName);
+ return new BindOperation()
+ {
+ AssemblyName = assemblyName,
+ AssemblyLoadContext = alc.ToString(),
+ Success = true,
+ ResultAssemblyName = asm.GetName(),
+ ResultAssemblyPath = asm.Location,
+ Cached = false
+ };
+ }
+ [BinderTest(isolate: true)]
+ public static BindOperation LoadFrom()
+ {
+ var executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
+ Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(executingAssembly.Location);
+ return new BindOperation()
+ {
+ AssemblyName = executingAssembly.GetName(),
+ AssemblyPath = executingAssembly.Location,
+ AssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ RequestingAssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ Success = true,
+ ResultAssemblyName = asm.GetName(),
+ ResultAssemblyPath = asm.Location,
+ Cached = false
+ };
+ }
+ [BinderTest(isolate: true)]
+ public static BindOperation PlatformAssembly()
+ {
+ string assemblyName = "System.Xml";
+ Assembly asm = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
+ return new BindOperation()
+ {
+ AssemblyName = new AssemblyName(assemblyName),
+ AssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ RequestingAssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ Success = true,
+ ResultAssemblyName = asm.GetName(),
+ ResultAssemblyPath = asm.Location,
+ Cached = false
+ };
+ }
+ [BinderTest(isolate: true, testSetup: nameof(PlatformAssembly))]
+ public static BindOperation PlatformAssembly_Cached()
+ {
+ BindOperation bind = PlatformAssembly();
+ bind.Cached = true;
+ return bind;
+ }
+ [BinderTest]
+ public static BindOperation NonExistentAssembly()
+ {
+ string assemblyName = "DoesNotExist";
+ try
+ {
+ Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
+ }
+ catch { }
+ return new BindOperation()
+ {
+ AssemblyName = new AssemblyName(assemblyName),
+ AssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ RequestingAssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ Success = false,
+ Cached = false
+ };
+ }
+ [BinderTest(isolate: true)]
+ public static BindOperation Reflection()
+ {
+ var t = GetDependentAssemblyType();
+ return new BindOperation()
+ {
+ AssemblyName = new AssemblyName(DependentAssemblyName),
+ AssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ RequestingAssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ RequestingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName(),
+ Success = true,
+ ResultAssemblyName = t.Assembly.GetName(),
+ ResultAssemblyPath = t.Assembly.Location,
+ Cached = false,
+ };
+ }
+ [BinderTest(isolate: true, testSetup: nameof(Reflection))]
+ public static BindOperation Reflection_Cached()
+ {
+ BindOperation bind = Reflection();
+ bind.Cached = true;
+ return bind;
+ }
+ [BinderTest(isolate: true)]
+ public static BindOperation Reflection_CustomALC()
+ {
+ CustomALC alc = new CustomALC(nameof(Reflection_CustomALC));
+ Type testClass = LoadTestClassInALC(alc);
+ MethodInfo method = testClass.GetMethod(nameof(GetDependentAssemblyType), BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
+ Type t = (Type)method.Invoke(null, new object[0]);
+ return new BindOperation()
+ {
+ AssemblyName = new AssemblyName(DependentAssemblyName),
+ AssemblyLoadContext = alc.ToString(),
+ RequestingAssembly = testClass.Assembly.GetName(),
+ RequestingAssemblyLoadContext = alc.ToString(),
+ Success = true,
+ ResultAssemblyName = t.Assembly.GetName(),
+ ResultAssemblyPath = t.Assembly.Location,
+ Cached = false,
+ };
+ }
+ [BinderTest(isolate: true)]
+ public static BindOperation ContextualReflection_DefaultToCustomALC()
+ {
+ Type t;
+ CustomALC alc = new CustomALC(nameof(ContextualReflection_DefaultToCustomALC));
+ using (alc.EnterContextualReflection())
+ {
+ t = GetDependentAssemblyType();
+ }
+ return new BindOperation()
- string assemblyName = "System.Xml";
- Assembly asm = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
+ AssemblyName = new AssemblyName(DependentAssemblyName),
+ AssemblyLoadContext = alc.ToString(),
+ RequestingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName(),
+ RequestingAssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ Success = true,
+ ResultAssemblyName = t.Assembly.GetName(),
+ ResultAssemblyPath = t.Assembly.Location,
+ Cached = false,
+ };
+ }
+ [BinderTest(isolate: true)]
+ public static BindOperation ContextualReflection_CustomToDefaultALC()
+ {
+ CustomALC alc = new CustomALC(nameof(ContextualReflection_CustomToDefaultALC));
+ Type testClass = LoadTestClassInALC(alc);
+ MethodInfo method = testClass.GetMethod(nameof(GetDependentAssemblyType), BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
- BindOperation[] binds = listener.WaitAndGetEventsForAssembly(assemblyName);
- Assert.True(binds.Length == 1, $"Bind count for {assemblyName} - expected: 1, actual: {binds.Length}");
- BindOperation bind = binds[0];
- Assert.True(bind.Success, $"Expected bind for {assemblyName} to succeed");
+ Type t;
+ using (AssemblyLoadContext.Default.EnterContextualReflection())
+ {
+ t = (Type)method.Invoke(null, new object[0]);
+ return new BindOperation()
+ {
+ AssemblyName = new AssemblyName(DependentAssemblyName),
+ AssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ RequestingAssembly = testClass.Assembly.GetName(),
+ RequestingAssemblyLoadContext = alc.ToString(),
+ Success = true,
+ ResultAssemblyName = t.Assembly.GetName(),
+ ResultAssemblyPath = t.Assembly.Location,
+ Cached = false,
+ };
+ }
+ [BinderTest(isolate: true)]
+ public static BindOperation JITLoad()
+ {
+ Assembly asm = UseDependentAssembly();
+ return new BindOperation()
+ {
+ AssemblyName = asm.GetName(),
+ AssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ RequestingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName(),
+ RequestingAssemblyLoadContext = DefaultALC,
+ Success = true,
+ ResultAssemblyName = asm.GetName(),
+ ResultAssemblyPath = asm.Location,
+ Cached = false,
+ };
- public static void NonExistentAssembly_DefaultALC()
+ [BinderTest(isolate: true)]
+ public static BindOperation JITLoad_CustomALC()
- Console.WriteLine($"Running {nameof(NonExistentAssembly_DefaultALC)}...");
- using (var listener = new BinderEventListener())
+ CustomALC alc = new CustomALC(nameof(JITLoad_CustomALC));
+ Type testClass= LoadTestClassInALC(alc);
+ MethodInfo method = testClass.GetMethod(nameof(UseDependentAssembly), BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
+ Assembly asm = (Assembly)method.Invoke(null, new object[0]);
+ return new BindOperation()
- string assemblyName = "DoesNotExist";
- try
+ AssemblyName = asm.GetName(),
+ AssemblyLoadContext = alc.ToString(),
+ RequestingAssembly = testClass.Assembly.GetName(),
+ RequestingAssemblyLoadContext = alc.ToString(),
+ Success = true,
+ ResultAssemblyName = asm.GetName(),
+ ResultAssemblyPath = asm.Location,
+ Cached = false
+ };
+ }
+ public static bool RunAllTests()
+ {
+ MethodInfo[] methods = typeof(BinderTracingTest)
+ .GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)
+ .Where(m => m.GetCustomAttribute<BinderTestAttribute>() != null && m.ReturnType == typeof(BindOperation))
+ .ToArray();
+ foreach (var method in methods)
+ {
+ BinderTestAttribute attribute = method.GetCustomAttribute<BinderTestAttribute>();
+ bool success = attribute.Isolate
+ ? RunTestInSeparateProcess(method)
+ : RunSingleTest(method);
+ if (!success)
- Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
+ return false;
- catch { }
- BindOperation[] binds = listener.WaitAndGetEventsForAssembly(assemblyName);
- Assert.True(binds.Length == 1, $"Bind event count for {assemblyName} - expected: 1, actual: {binds.Length}");
- BindOperation bind = binds[0];
- Assert.False(bind.Success, $"Expected bind for {assemblyName} to fail");
+ return true;
- public static int Main(string[] unused)
+ public static int Main(string[] args)
+ bool success;
- PlatformAssembly_DefaultALC();
- NonExistentAssembly_DefaultALC();
+ if (args.Length == 0)
+ {
+ success = RunAllTests();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Run specific test - first argument should be the test method name
+ MethodInfo method = typeof(BinderTracingTest)
+ .GetMethod(args[0], BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
+ Assert.IsTrue(method != null && method.GetCustomAttribute<BinderTestAttribute>() != null && method.ReturnType == typeof(BindOperation));
+ success = RunSingleTest(method);
+ }
catch (Exception e)
return 101;
- return 100;
+ return success ? 100 : 101;
+ }
+ private static Assembly UseDependentAssembly()
+ {
+ var p = new AssemblyToLoad.Program();
+ return Assembly.GetAssembly(p.GetType());
+ }
+ private static Type GetDependentAssemblyType()
+ {
+ return Type.GetType($"AssemblyToLoad.Program, {DependentAssemblyName}");
+ }
+ private static Type LoadTestClassInALC(AssemblyLoadContext alc)
+ {
+ Assembly asm = alc.LoadFromAssemblyPath(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
+ return asm.GetType(typeof(BinderTracingTest).FullName);
+ }
+ private static bool RunSingleTest(MethodInfo method)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine($"Running {method.Name}...");
+ try
+ {
+ BinderTestAttribute attribute = method.GetCustomAttribute<BinderTestAttribute>();
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.TestSetup))
+ {
+ MethodInfo setupMethod = method.DeclaringType
+ .GetMethod(attribute.TestSetup, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
+ Assert.IsTrue(setupMethod != null);
+ setupMethod.Invoke(null, new object[0]);
+ }
+ Func<BindOperation> func = (Func<BindOperation>)method.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<BindOperation>));
+ using (var listener = new BinderEventListener())
+ {
+ BindOperation expected = func();
+ ValidateSingleBind(listener, expected.AssemblyName.Name, expected);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine($"Test {method.Name} failed: {e}");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private static bool RunTestInSeparateProcess(MethodInfo method)
+ {
+ var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo()
+ {
+ FileName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName,
+ Arguments = $"{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location} {method.Name}",
+ UseShellExecute = false,
+ RedirectStandardOutput = true,
+ RedirectStandardError = true
+ };
+ Console.WriteLine($"Launching process for {method.Name}...");
+ using (Process p = Process.Start(startInfo))
+ {
+ p.OutputDataReceived += (_, args) => Console.WriteLine(args.Data);
+ p.BeginOutputReadLine();
+ p.ErrorDataReceived += (_, args) => Console.Error.WriteLine(args.Data);
+ p.BeginErrorReadLine();
+ p.WaitForExit();
+ return p.ExitCode == 100;
+ }
+ }
+ private static void ValidateSingleBind(BinderEventListener listener, string assemblyName, BindOperation expected)
+ {
+ BindOperation[] binds = listener.WaitAndGetEventsForAssembly(assemblyName);
+ Assert.IsTrue(binds.Length == 1, $"Bind event count for {assemblyName} - expected: 1, actual: {binds.Length}");
+ BindOperation actual = binds[0];
+ ValidateAssemblyName(expected.AssemblyName, actual.AssemblyName, nameof(BindOperation.AssemblyName));
+ Assert.AreEqual(expected.AssemblyPath ?? string.Empty, actual.AssemblyPath, $"Unexpected value for {nameof(BindOperation.AssemblyPath)} on event");
+ Assert.AreEqual(expected.AssemblyLoadContext, actual.AssemblyLoadContext, $"Unexpected value for {nameof(BindOperation.AssemblyLoadContext)} on event");
+ ValidateAssemblyName(expected.RequestingAssembly, actual.RequestingAssembly, nameof(BindOperation.RequestingAssembly));
+ Assert.AreEqual(expected.RequestingAssemblyLoadContext ?? string.Empty, actual.RequestingAssemblyLoadContext, $"Unexpected value for {nameof(BindOperation.RequestingAssemblyLoadContext)} on event");
+ Assert.AreEqual(expected.Success, actual.Success, $"Unexpected value for {nameof(BindOperation.Success)} on event");
+ Assert.AreEqual(expected.ResultAssemblyPath ?? string.Empty, actual.ResultAssemblyPath, $"Unexpected value for {nameof(BindOperation.ResultAssemblyPath)} on event");
+ Assert.AreEqual(expected.Cached, actual.Cached, $"Unexpected value for {nameof(BindOperation.Cached)} on event");
+ ValidateAssemblyName(expected.ResultAssemblyName, actual.ResultAssemblyName, nameof(BindOperation.ResultAssemblyName));
+ }
+ private static void ValidateAssemblyName(AssemblyName expected, AssemblyName actual, string propertyName)
+ {
+ if (expected == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (expected.Version != null)
+ {
+ Assert.AreEqual(expected.FullName, actual.FullName, $"Unexpected value for {propertyName} on event");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert.AreEqual(expected.Name, actual.Name, $"Unexpected value for {propertyName} on event");
+ }
<ProjectReference Include="$(SourceDir)Common/CoreCLRTestLibrary/CoreCLRTestLibrary.csproj" />
+ <ProjectReference Include="AssemblyToLoad.csproj" />
/// If activity tracing is not on, then activityId and relatedActivityId are not set
/// </summary>
- public void OnStart(string providerName, string activityName, int task, ref Guid activityId, ref Guid relatedActivityId, EventActivityOptions options)
+ public void OnStart(string providerName, string activityName, int task, ref Guid activityId, ref Guid relatedActivityId, EventActivityOptions options, bool useTplSource = true)
if (m_current == null) // We are not enabled
if (m_checkedForEnable)
m_checkedForEnable = true;
- if (TplEventSource.Log.IsEnabled(EventLevel.Informational, TplEventSource.Keywords.TasksFlowActivityIds))
+ if (useTplSource && TplEventSource.Log.IsEnabled(EventLevel.Informational, TplEventSource.Keywords.TasksFlowActivityIds))
if (m_current == null)
ActivityInfo? currentActivity = m_current.Value;
string fullActivityName = NormalizeActivityName(providerName, activityName, task);
- TplEventSource log = TplEventSource.Log;
- if (log.Debug)
+ TplEventSource? log = useTplSource ? TplEventSource.Log : null;
+ bool tplDebug = log != null && log.Debug;
+ if (tplDebug)
- log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStartEnter", fullActivityName);
- log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStartEnterActivityState", ActivityInfo.LiveActivities(currentActivity));
+ log!.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStartEnter", fullActivityName);
+ log!.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStartEnterActivityState", ActivityInfo.LiveActivities(currentActivity));
if (currentActivity != null)
activityId = Guid.Empty;
relatedActivityId = Guid.Empty;
- if (log.Debug)
- log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStartRET", "Fail");
+ if (tplDebug)
+ log!.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStartRET", "Fail");
// Check for recursion, and force-stop any activities if the activity already started.
// Remember the current ID so we can log it
activityId = newActivity.ActivityId;
- if (log.Debug)
+ if (tplDebug)
- log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStartRetActivityState", ActivityInfo.LiveActivities(newActivity));
- log.DebugFacilityMessage1("OnStartRet", activityId.ToString(), relatedActivityId.ToString());
+ log!.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStartRetActivityState", ActivityInfo.LiveActivities(newActivity));
+ log!.DebugFacilityMessage1("OnStartRet", activityId.ToString(), relatedActivityId.ToString());
/// If activity tracing is not on, then activityId and relatedActivityId are not set
/// </summary>
- public void OnStop(string providerName, string activityName, int task, ref Guid activityId)
+ public void OnStop(string providerName, string activityName, int task, ref Guid activityId, bool useTplSource = true)
if (m_current == null) // We are not enabled
string fullActivityName = NormalizeActivityName(providerName, activityName, task);
- TplEventSource log = TplEventSource.Log;
- if (log.Debug)
+ TplEventSource? log = useTplSource ? TplEventSource.Log : null;
+ bool tplDebug = log != null && log.Debug;
+ if (tplDebug)
- log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopEnter", fullActivityName);
- log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopEnterActivityState", ActivityInfo.LiveActivities(m_current.Value));
+ log!.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopEnter", fullActivityName);
+ log!.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopEnterActivityState", ActivityInfo.LiveActivities(m_current.Value));
while (true) // This is a retry loop.
activityId = Guid.Empty;
// TODO add some logging about this. Basically could not find matching start.
- if (log.Debug)
- log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopRET", "Fail");
+ if (tplDebug)
+ log!.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopRET", "Fail");
m_current.Value = newCurrentActivity;
- if (log.Debug)
+ if (tplDebug)
- log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopRetActivityState", ActivityInfo.LiveActivities(newCurrentActivity));
- log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopRet", activityId.ToString());
+ log!.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopRetActivityState", ActivityInfo.LiveActivities(newCurrentActivity));
+ log!.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopRet", activityId.ToString());