* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/haptic
* @remarks @a feedback level is reserved for auto changing to save variable in the settings.
* @remarks @a effect_handle effect_handle value can be @c 0(zero).
+ * @remarks To prevent unexpected sleep (suspend) during vibration, please use @ref CAPI_SYSTEM_DEVICE_POWER_MODULE.
* @param[in] device_handle The device handle from device_haptic_open()
* @param[in] duration The play duration in milliseconds
* @param[in] feedback The amount of the intensity variation (@c 0 ~ @c 100)
* @brief Stops all vibration effects which are being played.
* @details This function can be used to stop all effects started by device_haptic_vibrate().
- * @remarks To prevent unexpected sleep (suspend) during vibration, please use @ref CAPI_SYSTEM_DEVICE_POWER_MODULE.
* @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.3 @elseif WEARABLE 2.3.1 @endif
* @privlevel public
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/haptic