<Member Name="FailFast(System.String,System.Exception)" />
<Member Name="Exit(System.Int32)" />
+ <Type Name="Internal.Runtime.Augments.EnvironmentAugments">
+ <Member MemberType="Property" Name="CurrentManagedThreadId" />
+ <Member MemberType="Property" Name="ExitCode" />
+ <Member MemberType="Property" Name="HasShutdownStarted" />
+ <Member MemberType="Property" Name="StackTrace" />
+ <Member MemberType="Property" Name="TickCount" />
+ <Member Name="get_CurrentManagedThreadId" />
+ <Member Name="get_ExitCode" />
+ <Member Name="set_ExitCode(System.Int32)" />
+ <Member Name="get_HasShutdownStarted" />
+ <Member Name="get_StackTrace" />
+ <Member Name="get_TickCount" />
+ <Member Name="Exit(System.Int32)" />
+ <Member Name="FailFast(System.String,System.Exception)" />
+ <Member Name="GetCommandLineArgs" />
+ </Type>
<Type Name="System.EventArgs">
<Member MemberType="Field" Name="Empty" />
<Member Name="#ctor" />
<SystemSources Condition="'$(FeatureCominterop)' == 'true'" Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Variant.cs" />
<SystemSources Condition="'$(FeatureClassicCominterop)' == 'true'" Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\OleAutBinder.cs" />
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <SystemSources Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\Internal\Runtime\Augments\EnvironmentAugments.cs" />
+ </ItemGroup>
<ReflectionSources Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Reflection\__Filters.cs" />
<ReflectionSources Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Reflection\AmbiguousMatchException.cs" />
--- /dev/null
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System;
+namespace Internal.Runtime.Augments
+ /// <summary>For internal use only. Exposes runtime functionality to the Environments implementation in corefx.</summary>
+ public static class EnvironmentAugments
+ {
+ public static int CurrentManagedThreadId => Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId;
+ public static void Exit(int exitCode) => Environment.Exit(exitCode);
+ public static int ExitCode { get { return Environment.ExitCode; } set { Environment.ExitCode = value; } }
+ public static void FailFast(string message, Exception error) => Environment.FailFast(message, error);
+ public static string[] GetCommandLineArgs() => Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
+ public static bool HasShutdownStarted => Environment.HasShutdownStarted;
+ public static string StackTrace => Environment.StackTrace;
+ public static int TickCount => Environment.TickCount;
+ }