Changes for 0.9106 Wed Jul 6 09:53:44 2011
* synchronisation with blead to remove profanity
from the source. No other changes.
'MAINTAINER' => 'kane',
- 'DISTRIBUTION' => 'BINGOS/CPANPLUS-0.9105.tar.gz',
+ 'DISTRIBUTION' => 'BINGOS/CPANPLUS-0.9106.tar.gz',
'FILES' => q[cpan/CPANPLUS],
'EXCLUDED' => [ qr{^inc/},
use vars qw( @EXPORT @ISA $VERSION );
@EXPORT = qw( shell fetch get install );
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
- $VERSION = "0.9105"; #have to hardcode or cpan.org gets unhappy
+ $VERSION = "0.9106"; #have to hardcode or cpan.org gets unhappy
### purely for backward compatibility, so we can call it from the commandline:
-$VERSION = "0.9105";
+$VERSION = "0.9106";
use vars qw[ $VERSION @ISA ];
@ISA = qw[ CPANPLUS::Shell::_Base::ReadLine ];
- $VERSION = "0.9105";
+ $VERSION = "0.9106";
load CPANPLUS::Shell;
=item *
+L<CPANPLUS> has been upgraded from version 0.9105 to version 0.9106
+=item *
L<IPC::Cmd> has been upgraded from version 0.70 to version 0.72
Capturing of command output (both C<STDOUT> and C<STDERR>) is now supported