namespace caffe {
+// Perform all necessary transformations to upgrade a V0NetParameter into a
+// NetParameter (including upgrading padding layers and LayerParameters).
bool UpgradeV0Net(const V0NetParameter& v0_net_param, NetParameter* net_param);
+// Upgrade V0NetParameter with padding layers to pad-aware conv layers.
+// For any padding layer, remove it and put its pad parameter in any layers
+// taking its top blob as input.
+// Error if any of these above layers are not-conv layers.
+void UpgradeV0PaddingLayers(const V0NetParameter& param,
+ V0NetParameter* param_upgraded_pad);
+// Upgrade a single V0LayerConnection to the new LayerParameter format.
bool UpgradeV0LayerConnection(const V0LayerConnection& v0_layer_connection,
LayerParameter* layer_param);
#include "caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h"
#include "caffe/proto/deprecated/caffe_v0_to_v1_bridge.pb.h"
+using std::map;
using std::string;
namespace caffe {
-bool UpgradeV0Net(const V0NetParameter& v0_net_param,
+bool UpgradeV0Net(const V0NetParameter& v0_net_param_padding_layers,
NetParameter* net_param) {
+ // First upgrade padding layers to padded conv layers.
+ V0NetParameter v0_net_param;
+ UpgradeV0PaddingLayers(v0_net_param_padding_layers, &v0_net_param);
+ // Now upgrade layer parameters.
bool is_fully_compatible = true;
if (v0_net_param.has_name()) {
return is_fully_compatible;
+void UpgradeV0PaddingLayers(const V0NetParameter& param,
+ V0NetParameter* param_upgraded_pad) {
+ // Copy everything other than the layers from the original param.
+ param_upgraded_pad->Clear();
+ param_upgraded_pad->CopyFrom(param);
+ param_upgraded_pad->clear_layers();
+ // Figure out which layer each bottom blob comes from.
+ map<string, int> blob_name_to_last_top_idx;
+ for (int i = 0; i < param.input_size(); ++i) {
+ const string& blob_name = param.input(i);
+ blob_name_to_last_top_idx[blob_name] = -1;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < param.layers_size(); ++i) {
+ const V0LayerConnection& layer_connection = param.layers(i);
+ const V0LayerParameter& layer_param = layer_connection.layer();
+ // Add the layer to the new net, unless it's a padding layer.
+ if (layer_param.type() != "padding") {
+ param_upgraded_pad->add_layers()->CopyFrom(layer_connection);
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < layer_connection.bottom_size(); ++j) {
+ const string& blob_name = layer_connection.bottom(j);
+ if (blob_name_to_last_top_idx.find(blob_name) ==
+ blob_name_to_last_top_idx.end()) {
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown blob input " << blob_name << " to layer " << j;
+ }
+ const int top_idx = blob_name_to_last_top_idx[blob_name];
+ V0LayerParameter source_layer = param.layers(top_idx).layer();
+ if (source_layer.type() == "padding") {
+ CHECK_EQ(layer_param.type(), "conv") << "Padding layer input to "
+ "non-convolutional layer type " << layer_param.type();
+ int layer_index = param_upgraded_pad->layers_size() - 1;
+ param_upgraded_pad->mutable_layers(layer_index)->mutable_layer()
+ ->set_pad(source_layer.pad());
+ }
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < layer_connection.top_size(); ++j) {
+ const string& blob_name =;
+ blob_name_to_last_top_idx[blob_name] = i;
+ }
+ }
bool UpgradeV0LayerConnection(const V0LayerConnection& v0_layer_connection,
LayerParameter* layer_param) {
bool is_fully_compatible = true;