+#if _DEBUG
+#define DISPLAYERROR(FMT, ...) wprintf(FMT, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define DISPLAYERROR(FMT, ...) (void)0
+ HMODULE LoadCoreDisToolsModule(PathString &libPath)
+ {
+ //
+ // Look for the coredistools module next to the hosting binary
+ //
+ DWORD result = WszGetModuleFileName(nullptr, libPath);
+ if (result == 0)
+ {
+ W("GetModuleFileName failed, function 'DisasmInstruction': error %u\n"),
+ GetLastError());
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ LPCWSTR libFileName = MAKEDLLNAME(W("coredistools"));
+ PathString::Iterator iter = libPath.End();
+ if (libPath.FindBack(iter, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W))
+ {
+ libPath.Truncate(++iter);
+ libPath.Append(libFileName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(false && "unreachable");
+ }
+ LPCWSTR libraryName = libPath.GetUnicode();
+ HMODULE libraryHandle = CLRLoadLibrary(libraryName);
+ if (libraryHandle != nullptr)
+ return libraryHandle;
+ DISPLAYERROR(W("LoadLibrary failed for '%s': error %u\n"), libraryName, GetLastError());
+ //
+ // Fallback to the CORE_ROOT path
+ //
+ DWORD pathLen = GetEnvironmentVariableW(W("CORE_ROOT"), nullptr, 0);
+ if (pathLen == 0) // not set
+ return nullptr;
+ pathLen += 1; // Add 1 for null
+ PathString coreRoot;
+ WCHAR *coreRootRaw = coreRoot.OpenUnicodeBuffer(pathLen);
+ GetEnvironmentVariableW(W("CORE_ROOT"), coreRootRaw, pathLen);
+ libPath.Clear();
+ libPath.AppendPrintf(W("%s%s%s"), coreRootRaw, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_STR_W, libFileName);
+ libraryName = libPath.GetUnicode();
+ libraryHandle = CLRLoadLibrary(libraryName);
+ if (libraryHandle != nullptr)
+ return libraryHandle;
+ DISPLAYERROR(W("LoadLibrary failed for '%s': error %u\n"), libraryName, GetLastError());
+ return nullptr;
+ }
void Disassembler::StaticInitialize()
- HMODULE libraryHandle = nullptr;
PathString libPath;
- DWORD result = WszGetModuleFileName(nullptr, libPath);
- if (result == 0) {
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- wprintf(
- W("GetModuleFileName failed, function 'DisasmInstruction': error %u\n"),
+ HMODULE libraryHandle = LoadCoreDisToolsModule(libPath);
+ if (libraryHandle == nullptr)
+ return;
+ External_InitDisasm =
+ reinterpret_cast<decltype(External_InitDisasm)>(GetProcAddress(libraryHandle, "InitDisasm"));
+ if (External_InitDisasm == nullptr)
+ {
+ W("GetProcAddress failed for library '%s', function 'InitDisasm': error %u\n"),
+ libPath.GetUnicode(),
-#endif // _DEBUG
-#if defined(FEATURE_PAL)
- WCHAR delim = W('/');
- WCHAR delim = W('\\');
- LPCWSTR libFileName = MAKEDLLNAME(W("coredistools"));
- PathString::Iterator iter = libPath.End();
- if (libPath.FindBack(iter, delim)) {
- libPath.Truncate(++iter);
- libPath.Append(libFileName);
- }
- else {
- _ASSERTE(!"unreachable");
+ External_DisasmInstruction =
+ reinterpret_cast<decltype(External_DisasmInstruction)>(GetProcAddress(libraryHandle, "DisasmInstruction"));
+ if (External_DisasmInstruction == nullptr)
+ {
+ W("GetProcAddress failed for library '%s', function 'DisasmInstruction': error %u\n"),
+ libPath.GetUnicode(),
+ GetLastError());
+ return;
- LPCWSTR libraryName = libPath.GetUnicode();
- libraryHandle = CLRLoadLibrary(libraryName);
- do
+ External_FinishDisasm =
+ reinterpret_cast<decltype(External_FinishDisasm)>(GetProcAddress(libraryHandle, "FinishDisasm"));
+ if (External_FinishDisasm == nullptr)
- if (libraryHandle == nullptr)
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- wprintf(W("LoadLibrary failed for '%s': error %u\n"), libraryName, GetLastError());
- #endif // _DEBUG
- break;
- }
- External_InitDisasm =
- reinterpret_cast<decltype(External_InitDisasm)>(GetProcAddress(libraryHandle, "InitDisasm"));
- if (External_InitDisasm == nullptr)
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- wprintf(
- W("GetProcAddress failed for library '%s', function 'InitDisasm': error %u\n"),
- libraryName,
- GetLastError());
- #endif // _DEBUG
- break;
- }
- External_DisasmInstruction =
- reinterpret_cast<decltype(External_DisasmInstruction)>(GetProcAddress(libraryHandle, "DisasmInstruction"));
- if (External_DisasmInstruction == nullptr)
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- wprintf(
- W("GetProcAddress failed for library '%s', function 'DisasmInstruction': error %u\n"),
- libraryName,
- GetLastError());
- #endif // _DEBUG
- break;
- }
- External_FinishDisasm =
- reinterpret_cast<decltype(External_FinishDisasm)>(GetProcAddress(libraryHandle, "FinishDisasm"));
- if (External_FinishDisasm == nullptr)
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- wprintf(
- W("GetProcAddress failed for library '%s', function 'FinishDisasm': error %u\n"),
- libraryName,
- GetLastError());
- #endif // _DEBUG
- break;
- }
- // Set this last to indicate successful load of the library and all exports
- s_libraryHandle = libraryHandle;
- _ASSERTE(IsAvailable());
+ W("GetProcAddress failed for library '%s', function 'FinishDisasm': error %u\n"),
+ libPath.GetUnicode(),
+ GetLastError());
- } while (false);
+ }
- _ASSERTE(!IsAvailable());
+ // Set this last to indicate successful load of the library and all exports
+ s_libraryHandle = libraryHandle;
+ _ASSERTE(IsAvailable());