+ // Arm64 allows any arbitrary 16-bit constant to be loaded into a register halfword
+ // There are three forms
+ // movk which loads into any halfword preserving the remaining halfwords
+ // movz which loads into any halfword zeroing the remaining halfwords
+ // movn which loads into any halfword zeroing the remaining halfwords then bitwise inverting the register
+ // In some cases it is preferable to use movn, because it has the side effect of filling the other halfwords
+ // with ones
// Determine whether movn or movz will require the fewest instructions to populate the immediate
int preferMovn = 0;
for (int i = (size == EA_8BYTE) ? 48 : 16; i >= 0; i -= 16)
- if (((imm >> i) & 0xffffLL) == 0xffffLL)
- ++preferMovn;
- else if (((imm >> i) & 0xffffLL) == 0x0000)
- --preferMovn;
+ if (uint16_t(imm >> i) == 0xffff)
+ ++preferMovn; // a single movk 0xffff could be skipped if movn was used
+ else if (uint16_t(imm >> i) == 0x0000)
+ --preferMovn; // a single movk 0 could be skipped if movz was used
- // Initial movz or movn will fill the remaining bytes with the skipVal
- // This can allow skipping mov* which will be effectively nop.
- ssize_t skipVal = (preferMovn > 0) ? 0xffffLL : 0;
- instruction ins = (skipVal) ? INS_movn : INS_movz;
- ssize_t imm16 = (((ins != INS_movn) ? imm : ~imm) >> (0)) & 0xffffLL;
+ // Select the first instruction. Any additional instruction will use movk
+ instruction ins = (preferMovn > 0) ? INS_movn : INS_movz;
- if (imm16 != skipVal)
- {
- getEmitter()->emitIns_R_I_I(ins, size, reg, imm16, 0, INS_OPTS_LSL);
- ins = INS_movk;
- }
- imm16 = (((ins != INS_movn) ? imm : ~imm) >> (16)) & 0xffffLL;
+ // Initial movz or movn will fill the remaining bytes with the skipVal
+ // This can allow skipping filling a halfword
+ uint16_t skipVal = (preferMovn > 0) ? 0xffff : 0;
- if (imm16 != skipVal)
- {
- getEmitter()->emitIns_R_I_I(ins, size, reg, imm16, 16, INS_OPTS_LSL);
- ins = INS_movk;
- }
+ unsigned bits = (size == EA_8BYTE) ? 64 : 32;
- if (size == EA_8BYTE)
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < bits; i += 16)
- imm16 = (((ins != INS_movn) ? imm : ~imm) >> (32)) & 0xffffLL;
+ uint16_t imm16 = uint16_t(imm >> i);
if (imm16 != skipVal)
- getEmitter()->emitIns_R_I_I(ins, size, reg, imm16, 32, INS_OPTS_LSL);
- ins = INS_movk;
- }
+ if (ins == INS_movn)
+ {
+ // For the movn case, we need to bitwise invert the immediate. This is because
+ // (movn x0, ~imm16) === (movz x0, imm16; or x0, x0, #0xffff`ffff`ffff`0000)
+ imm16 = ~imm16;
+ }
- imm16 = (((ins != INS_movn) ? imm : ~imm) >> (48)) & 0xffffLL;
+ getEmitter()->emitIns_R_I_I(ins, size, reg, imm16, i, INS_OPTS_LSL);
- if (imm16 != skipVal)
- {
- getEmitter()->emitIns_R_I_I(ins, size, reg, imm16, 48, INS_OPTS_LSL);
+ // Once the initial movz/movn is emitted the remaining instructions will all use movk
ins = INS_movk;
+ // We must emit a movn or movz or we have not done anything
+ // The cases which hit this assert should be (emitIns_valid_imm_for_mov() == true) and
+ // should not be in this else condition
assert(ins == INS_movk);
// The caller may have requested that the flags be set on this mov (rarely/never)