This can be used to check that tables have the right number of entries,
etc. at compile-time. This will hopefully catch things that are missed
if particular drivers aren't tested, for example.
v2: Simplify the macro to omit the extra line number info (the compiler
already indicates the line number). And wrap the macro for readability.
+ * Static (compile-time) assertion.
+ * Basically, use COND to dimension an array. If COND is false/zero the
+ * array size will be -1 and we'll get a compilation error.
+ */
+ do { \
+ typedef int static_assertion_failed[(!!(COND))*2-1]; \
+ } while (0)
#if (__GNUC__ >= 3)
#define PRINTFLIKE(f, a) __attribute__ ((format(__printf__, f, a)))