std::auto_ptr<Impl> impl_;\r
+//! removes points (CV_32FC2, single row matrix) with zero mask value\r
+CV_EXPORTS void compactPoints(GpuMat &points0, GpuMat &points1, const GpuMat &mask);\r
} // namespace gpu\r
} // namespace cv\r
--- /dev/null
+// By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
+// If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
+// copy or use the software.
+// License Agreement
+// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
+// Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
+// Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
+// Copyright (C) 1993-2011, NVIDIA Corporation, all rights reserved.
+// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+// * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+// * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
+// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
+// any express or bpied warranties, including, but not limited to, the bpied
+// warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
+// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
+// indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
+// (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
+// loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
+// and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
+// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
+// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
+#include "thrust/device_ptr.h"
+#include "thrust/remove.h"
+#include "thrust/functional.h"
+#include "internal_shared.hpp"
+using namespace thrust;
+namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device {
+int compactPoints(int N, float *points0, float *points1, const uchar *mask)
+ thrust::device_ptr<float2> dpoints0((float2*)points0);
+ thrust::device_ptr<float2> dpoints1((float2*)points1);
+ thrust::device_ptr<const uchar> dmask(mask);
+ return thrust::remove_if(thrust::make_zip_iterator(thrust::make_tuple(dpoints0, dpoints1)),
+ thrust::make_zip_iterator(thrust::make_tuple(dpoints0 + N, dpoints1 + N)),
+ dmask, thrust::not1(thrust::identity<uchar>()))
+ - make_zip_iterator(make_tuple(dpoints0, dpoints1));
--- /dev/null
+// By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
+// If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
+// copy or use the software.
+// License Agreement
+// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
+// Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
+// Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
+// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+// * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+// and/or other GpuMaterials provided with the distribution.
+// * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
+// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
+// any express or bpied warranties, including, but not limited to, the bpied
+// warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
+// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
+// indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
+// (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
+// loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
+// and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
+// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
+// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
+#include "precomp.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace cv;
+using namespace cv::gpu;
+#ifndef HAVE_CUDA
+void cv::gpu::compactPoints(GpuMat&, GpuMat&, const GpuMat&) { throw_nogpu(); }
+namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device {
+ int compactPoints(int N, float *points0, float *points1, const uchar *mask);
+void cv::gpu::compactPoints(GpuMat &points0, GpuMat &points1, const GpuMat &mask)
+ CV_Assert(points0.rows == 1 && points1.rows == 1 && mask.rows == 1);
+ CV_Assert(points0.type() == CV_32FC2 && points1.type() == CV_32FC2 && mask.type() == CV_8U);
+ CV_Assert(points0.cols == mask.cols && points1.cols == mask.cols);
+ int npoints = points0.cols;
+ int remaining = cv::gpu::device::compactPoints(
+ npoints, (float*), (float*),;
+ points0 = points0.colRange(0, remaining);
+ points1 = points1.colRange(0, remaining);
--- /dev/null
+// By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
+// If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
+// copy or use the software.
+// Intel License Agreement
+// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
+// Copyright (C) 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
+// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+// * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+// * The name of Intel Corporation may not be used to endorse or promote products
+// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
+// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
+// warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
+// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
+// indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
+// (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
+// loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
+// and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
+// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
+// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
+#include "precomp.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace cv;
+struct CompactPoints : testing::TestWithParam<gpu::DeviceInfo>
+ virtual void SetUp() { gpu::setDevice(GetParam().deviceID()); }
+TEST_P(CompactPoints, CanCompactizeSmallInput)
+ Mat src0(1, 3, CV_32FC2);
+<Point2f>(0,0) = Point2f(0,0);
+<Point2f>(0,1) = Point2f(0,1);
+<Point2f>(0,2) = Point2f(0,2);
+ Mat src1(1, 3, CV_32FC2);
+<Point2f>(0,0) = Point2f(1,0);
+<Point2f>(0,1) = Point2f(1,1);
+<Point2f>(0,2) = Point2f(1,2);
+ Mat mask(1, 3, CV_8U);
+<uchar>(0,0) = 1;
+<uchar>(0,1) = 0;
+<uchar>(0,2) = 1;
+ gpu::GpuMat dsrc0(src0), dsrc1(src1), dmask(mask);
+ gpu::compactPoints(dsrc0, dsrc1, dmask);
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, src0.cols);
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, src1.cols);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(<Point2f>(0,0) == Point2f(0,0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(<Point2f>(0,1) == Point2f(0,2));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(<Point2f>(0,0) == Point2f(1,0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(<Point2f>(0,1) == Point2f(1,2));
#include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp"
#include "opencv2/videostab/optical_flow.hpp"
+ #include "opencv2/gpu/gpu.hpp"
namespace cv
namespace videostab
Ptr<FeatureDetector> detector_;
Ptr<ISparseOptFlowEstimator> optFlowEstimator_;
RansacParams ransacParams_;
+ float minInlierRatio_;
+ Size gridSize_;
std::vector<uchar> status_;
std::vector<KeyPoint> keypointsPrev_;
std::vector<Point2f> pointsPrev_, points_;
std::vector<Point2f> pointsPrevGood_, pointsGood_;
+class CV_EXPORTS PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu : public GlobalMotionEstimatorBase
+ PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu(MotionModel model = MM_AFFINE);
+ void setRansacParams(const RansacParams &val) { ransacParams_ = val; }
+ RansacParams ransacParams() const { return ransacParams_; }
+ void setMinInlierRatio(float val) { minInlierRatio_ = val; }
+ float minInlierRatio() const { return minInlierRatio_; }
+ virtual Mat estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok = 0);
+ Mat estimate(const gpu::GpuMat &frame0, const gpu::GpuMat &frame1, bool *ok = 0);
+ gpu::GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector_GPU detector_;
+ SparsePyrLkOptFlowEstimatorGpu optFlowEstimator_;
+ RansacParams ransacParams_;
float minInlierRatio_;
- Size gridSize_;
+ gpu::GpuMat frame0_, grayFrame0_, frame1_;
+ gpu::GpuMat pointsPrev_, points_;
+ Mat hostPointsPrev_, hostPoints_;
+ gpu::GpuMat status_;
CV_EXPORTS Mat getMotion(int from, int to, const std::vector<Mat> &motions);
#include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp"
-#include "opencv2/gpu/gpu.hpp"
+ #include "opencv2/gpu/gpu.hpp"
namespace cv
+class CV_EXPORTS SparsePyrLkOptFlowEstimatorGpu
+ : public PyrLkOptFlowEstimatorBase, public ISparseOptFlowEstimator
+ SparsePyrLkOptFlowEstimatorGpu();
+ virtual void run(
+ InputArray frame0, InputArray frame1, InputArray points0, InputOutputArray points1,
+ OutputArray status, OutputArray errors);
+ void run(const gpu::GpuMat &frame0, const gpu::GpuMat &frame1, const gpu::GpuMat &points0, gpu::GpuMat &points1,
+ gpu::GpuMat &status, gpu::GpuMat &errors);
+ void run(const gpu::GpuMat &frame0, const gpu::GpuMat &frame1, const gpu::GpuMat &points0, gpu::GpuMat &points1,
+ gpu::GpuMat &status);
+ gpu::PyrLKOpticalFlow optFlowEstimator_;
+ gpu::GpuMat frame0_, frame1_, points0_, points1_, status_, errors_;
class CV_EXPORTS DensePyrLkOptFlowEstimatorGpu
: public PyrLkOptFlowEstimatorBase, public IDenseOptFlowEstimator
virtual void run(
InputArray frame0, InputArray frame1, InputOutputArray flowX, InputOutputArray flowY,
OutputArray errors);
gpu::PyrLKOpticalFlow optFlowEstimator_;
gpu::GpuMat frame0_, frame1_, flowX_, flowY_, errors_;
Mat estimateGlobalMotionRobust(
- const vector<Point2f> &points0, const vector<Point2f> &points1, int model,
+ int npoints, const Point2f *points0, const Point2f *points1, int model,
const RansacParams ¶ms, float *rmse, int *ninliers)
CV_Assert(model <= MM_AFFINE);
- CV_Assert(points0.size() == points1.size());
- const int npoints = static_cast<int>(points0.size());
const int niters = static_cast<int>(ceil(log(1 - params.prob) /
log(1 - pow(1 - params.eps, params.size))));
setDetector(new GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector());
setOptFlowEstimator(new SparsePyrLkOptFlowEstimator());
- RansacParams ransac = RansacParams::default2dMotion(model);
- ransac.size *= 2; // we use more points than needed, but result looks better
- setRansacParams(ransac);
+ setRansacParams(RansacParams::default2dMotion(model));
Mat PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator::estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok)
+ // find keypoints
detector_->detect(frame0, keypointsPrev_);
// add extra keypoints
if (gridSize_.width > 0 && gridSize_.height > 0)
- float dx = (float)frame0.cols / (gridSize_.width + 1);
- float dy = (float)frame0.rows / (gridSize_.height + 1);
+ float dx = static_cast<float>(frame0.cols) / (gridSize_.width + 1);
+ float dy = static_cast<float>(frame0.rows) / (gridSize_.height + 1);
for (int x = 0; x < gridSize_.width; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < gridSize_.height; ++y)
keypointsPrev_.push_back(KeyPoint((x+1)*dx, (y+1)*dy, 0.f));
- // draw keypoints
- /*Mat img;
- drawKeypoints(frame0, keypointsPrev_, img);
- imshow("frame0_keypoints", img);
- waitKey(3);*/
+ // extract points from keypoints
for (size_t i = 0; i < keypointsPrev_.size(); ++i)
pointsPrev_[i] = keypointsPrev_[i].pt;
+ // find correspondences
optFlowEstimator_->run(frame0, frame1, pointsPrev_, points_, status_, noArray());
- size_t npoints = points_.size();
- pointsPrevGood_.clear(); pointsPrevGood_.reserve(npoints);
- pointsGood_.clear(); pointsGood_.reserve(npoints);
+ // leave good correspondences only
+ pointsPrevGood_.clear(); pointsPrevGood_.reserve(points_.size());
+ pointsGood_.clear(); pointsGood_.reserve(points_.size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < npoints; ++i)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < points_.size(); ++i)
if (status_[i])
- int ninliers;
+ size_t npoints = pointsGood_.size();
+ // find motion
+ int ninliers = 0;
Mat_<float> M;
if (motionModel_ != MM_HOMOGRAPHY)
M = estimateGlobalMotionRobust(
- pointsPrevGood_, pointsGood_, motionModel_, ransacParams_, 0, &ninliers);
+ npoints, &pointsPrevGood_[0], &pointsGood_[0], motionModel_,
+ ransacParams_, 0, &ninliers);
vector<uchar> mask;
M = findHomography(pointsPrevGood_, pointsGood_, mask, CV_RANSAC, ransacParams_.thresh);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < npoints; ++i)
+ if (mask[i]) ninliers++;
+ }
+ // check if we're confident enough in estimated motion
+ if (ok) *ok = true;
+ if (static_cast<float>(ninliers) / npoints < minInlierRatio_)
+ {
+ M = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F);
+ if (ok) *ok = false;
+ }
+ return M;
+PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu::PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu(MotionModel model)
+ CV_Assert(gpu::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() > 0);
+ setMotionModel(model);
+ setRansacParams(RansacParams::default2dMotion(model));
+ setMinInlierRatio(0.1f);
- ninliers = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < pointsGood_.size(); ++i)
+Mat PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu::estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok)
+ frame0_.upload(frame0);
+ frame1_.upload(frame1);
+ return estimate(frame0_, frame1_, ok);
+Mat PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu::estimate(const gpu::GpuMat &frame0, const gpu::GpuMat &frame1, bool *ok)
+ // convert frame to gray if it's color
+ gpu::GpuMat grayFrame0;
+ if (frame0.channels() == 1)
+ grayFrame0 = frame0;
+ else
+ {
+ gpu::cvtColor(frame0_, grayFrame0_, CV_BGR2GRAY);
+ grayFrame0 = grayFrame0_;
+ }
+ // find keypoints
+ detector_(grayFrame0, pointsPrev_);
+ // find correspondences
+, frame1, pointsPrev_, points_, status_);
+ // leave good correspondences only
+ gpu::compactPoints(pointsPrev_, points_, status_);
+ int npoints = hostPointsPrev_.cols;
+ // find motion
+ int ninliers = 0;
+ Mat_<float> M;
+ if (motionModel_ != MM_HOMOGRAPHY)
+ M = estimateGlobalMotionRobust(
+ npoints, hostPointsPrev_.ptr<Point2f>(0), hostPoints_.ptr<Point2f>(), motionModel_,
+ ransacParams_, 0, &ninliers);
+ else
+ {
+ vector<uchar> mask;
+ M = findHomography(hostPointsPrev_, hostPoints_, mask, CV_RANSAC, ransacParams_.thresh);
+ for (int i = 0; i < npoints; ++i)
if (mask[i]) ninliers++;
+ // check if we're confident enough in estimated motion
if (ok) *ok = true;
- if (static_cast<float>(ninliers) / pointsGood_.size() < minInlierRatio_)
+ if (static_cast<float>(ninliers) / npoints < minInlierRatio_)
M = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F);
if (ok) *ok = false;
return M;
+#endif // #if HAVE_OPENCV_GPU
Mat getMotion(int from, int to, const vector<Mat> &motions)
Mat_<uchar> flowMask_(flowMask), mask1_(mask1), mask0_(mask0);
Mat_<float> flowX_(flowX), flowY_(flowY);
- //int count = 0;
for (int y0 = 0; y0 < frame0.rows; ++y0)
for (int x0 = 0; x0 < frame0.cols; ++x0)
{<Point3_<uchar> >(y0,x0) =<Point3_<uchar> >(y1,x1);
mask0_(y0,x0) = 255;
- //count++;
- //cout << count << endl;
} // namespace videostab
rowlb_.assign(nrows, -INF);
rowub_.assign(nrows, INF);
- vector<CoinShallowPackedVector> packedRows;
- packedRows.reserve(nrows);
int r = 0;
// frame corners
+ CV_Assert(gpu::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() > 0);
+void SparsePyrLkOptFlowEstimatorGpu::run(
+ InputArray frame0, InputArray frame1, InputArray points0, InputOutputArray points1,
+ OutputArray status, OutputArray errors)
+ frame0_.upload(frame0.getMat());
+ frame1_.upload(frame1.getMat());
+ points0_.upload(points0.getMat());
+ if (errors.needed())
+ {
+ run(frame0_, frame1_, points0_, points1_, status_, errors_);
+ }
+ else
+ run(frame0_, frame1_, points0_, points1_, status_);
+void SparsePyrLkOptFlowEstimatorGpu::run(
+ const gpu::GpuMat &frame0, const gpu::GpuMat &frame1, const gpu::GpuMat &points0,
+ gpu::GpuMat &points1, gpu::GpuMat &status, gpu::GpuMat &errors)
+ optFlowEstimator_.winSize = winSize_;
+ optFlowEstimator_.maxLevel = maxLevel_;
+ optFlowEstimator_.sparse(frame0, frame1, points0, points1, status, &errors);
+void SparsePyrLkOptFlowEstimatorGpu::run(
+ const gpu::GpuMat &frame0, const gpu::GpuMat &frame1, const gpu::GpuMat &points0,
+ gpu::GpuMat &points1, gpu::GpuMat &status)
+ optFlowEstimator_.winSize = winSize_;
+ optFlowEstimator_.maxLevel = maxLevel_;
+ optFlowEstimator_.sparse(frame0, frame1, points0, points1, status);
CV_Assert(gpu::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() > 0);
optFlowEstimator_.winSize = winSize_;
optFlowEstimator_.maxLevel = maxLevel_;
if (errors.needed())
optFlowEstimator_.dense(frame0_, frame1_, flowX_, flowY_, &errors_);;;
+#endif // #if HAVE_OPENCV_GPU
} // namespace videostab
} // namespace cv
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
+#include <ctime>
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
if (!isPrePassDone_)
+ clock_t startTime = clock();
log_->print("first pass: estimating motions");
Mat prevFrame, frame;
+ if (ok)
+ {
+ if (ok2) log_->print(".");
+ else log_->print("?");
+ }
+ else log_->print("x");
prevFrame = frame;
- if (ok)
- {
- if (ok2) log_->print(".");
- else log_->print("?");
- }
- else log_->print("x");
// add aux. motions
isPrePassDone_ = true;
+ clock_t elapsedTime = clock() - startTime;
+ log_->print("first pass time: %.3f sec\n", static_cast<double>(elapsedTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
" Save motions estimated for wobble suppression. The default is no.\n"
" -lm2, --load-motions2=(<file_path>|no)\n"
" Load motions for wobble suppression from file. The default is no.\n\n"
+ " --gpu=(yes|no)\n"
+ " Use GPU optimization whenever possible. The default is no.\n\n"
" -o, --output=(no|<file_path>)\n"
" Set output file path explicitely. The default is stabilized.avi.\n"
" --fps=(<float_number>|auto)\n"
"{ | ws-extra-kps | 0 | }"
"{ sm2 | save-motions2 | no | }"
"{ lm2 | load-motions2 | no | }"
+ "{ | gpu | no }"
"{ o | output | stabilized.avi | }"
"{ | fps | auto | }"
"{ q | quiet | false | }"
return 0;
+ if (arg("gpu") == "yes")
+ {
+ cout << "initializing GPU..."; cout.flush();
+ Mat hostTmp = Mat::zeros(1, 1, CV_32F);
+ gpu::GpuMat deviceTmp;
+ deviceTmp.upload(hostTmp);
+ cout << endl;
+ }
string inputPath = arg("1");
if (inputPath.empty()) throw runtime_error("specify video file path");
- PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator *est = 0;
- if (arg("ws-model") == "transl")
- est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_TRANSLATION);
- else if (arg("ws-model") == "transl_and_scale")
- est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE);
- else if (arg("ws-model") == "linear_sim")
- est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_LINEAR_SIMILARITY);
- else if (arg("ws-model") == "affine")
- est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_AFFINE);
- else if (arg("ws-model") == "homography")
- est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_HOMOGRAPHY);
+ if (arg("gpu") == "no")
+ {
+ PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator *est = 0;
+ if (arg("ws-model") == "transl")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_TRANSLATION);
+ else if (arg("ws-model") == "transl_and_scale")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE);
+ else if (arg("ws-model") == "linear_sim")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_LINEAR_SIMILARITY);
+ else if (arg("ws-model") == "affine")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_AFFINE);
+ else if (arg("ws-model") == "homography")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_HOMOGRAPHY);
+ else
+ {
+ delete est;
+ throw runtime_error("unknown wobble suppression motion model: " + arg("ws-model"));
+ }
+ est->setDetector(new GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector(argi("ws-nkps")));
+ RansacParams ransac = est->ransacParams();
+ if (arg("ws-subset") != "auto") ransac.size = argi("ws-subset");
+ if (arg("ws-thresh") != "auto") ransac.thresh = argi("ws-thresh");
+ ransac.eps = argf("ws-outlier-ratio");
+ est->setRansacParams(ransac);
+ est->setMinInlierRatio(argf("ws-min-inlier-ratio"));
+ est->setGridSize(Size(argi("ws-extra-kps"), argi("ws-extra-kps")));
+ ws->setMotionEstimator(est);
+ }
+ else if (arg("gpu") == "yes")
+ {
+ PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu *est = 0;
+ if (arg("ws-model") == "transl")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu(MM_TRANSLATION);
+ else if (arg("ws-model") == "transl_and_scale")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu(MM_TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE);
+ else if (arg("ws-model") == "linear_sim")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu(MM_LINEAR_SIMILARITY);
+ else if (arg("ws-model") == "affine")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu(MM_AFFINE);
+ else if (arg("ws-model") == "homography")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu(MM_HOMOGRAPHY);
+ else
+ {
+ delete est;
+ throw runtime_error("unknown wobble suppression motion model: " + arg("ws-model"));
+ }
+ RansacParams ransac = est->ransacParams();
+ if (arg("ws-subset") != "auto") ransac.size = argi("ws-subset");
+ if (arg("ws-thresh") != "auto") ransac.thresh = argi("ws-thresh");
+ ransac.eps = argf("ws-outlier-ratio");
+ est->setRansacParams(ransac);
+ est->setMinInlierRatio(argf("ws-min-inlier-ratio"));
+ ws->setMotionEstimator(est);
+ throw runtime_error("OpenCV is built without GPU support");
+ }
- delete est;
- throw runtime_error("unknown wobble suppression motion model: " + arg("ws-model"));
+ throw runtime_error("bad gpu optimization argument value: " + arg("gpu"));
- est->setDetector(new GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector(argi("ws-nkps")));
- RansacParams ransac = est->ransacParams();
- if (arg("ws-subset") != "auto")
- ransac.size = argi("ws-subset");
- if (arg("ws-thresh") != "auto")
- ransac.thresh = argi("ws-thresh");
- ransac.eps = argf("ws-outlier-ratio");
- est->setRansacParams(ransac);
- est->setMinInlierRatio(argf("ws-min-inlier-ratio"));
- est->setGridSize(Size(argi("ws-extra-kps"), argi("ws-extra-kps")));
- ws->setMotionEstimator(est);
- MotionModel model = est->motionModel();
+ MotionModel model = ws->motionEstimator()->motionModel();
if (arg("load-motions2") != "no")
ws->setMotionEstimator(new FromFileMotionReader(arg("load-motions2")));
ws->setMotionEstimator(new ToFileMotionWriter(arg("save-motions2"), ws->motionEstimator()));
- }
+ }
stabilizedFrames = dynamic_cast<IFrameSource*>(stabilizer);
- PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator *est = 0;
- if (arg("model") == "transl")
- est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_TRANSLATION);
- else if (arg("model") == "transl_and_scale")
- est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE);
- else if (arg("model") == "linear_sim")
- est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_LINEAR_SIMILARITY);
- else if (arg("model") == "affine")
- est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_AFFINE);
- else if (arg("model") == "homography")
- est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_HOMOGRAPHY);
- else
+ if (arg("gpu") == "no")
- delete est;
- throw runtime_error("unknown motion model: " + arg("model"));
+ PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator *est = 0;
+ if (arg("model") == "transl")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_TRANSLATION);
+ else if (arg("model") == "transl_and_scale")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE);
+ else if (arg("model") == "linear_sim")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_LINEAR_SIMILARITY);
+ else if (arg("model") == "affine")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_AFFINE);
+ else if (arg("model") == "homography")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MM_HOMOGRAPHY);
+ else
+ {
+ delete est;
+ throw runtime_error("unknown motion model: " + arg("model"));
+ }
+ est->setDetector(new GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector(argi("nkps")));
+ RansacParams ransac = est->ransacParams();
+ if (arg("subset") != "auto") ransac.size = argi("subset");
+ if (arg("thresh") != "auto") ransac.thresh = argi("thresh");
+ ransac.eps = argf("outlier-ratio");
+ est->setRansacParams(ransac);
+ est->setMinInlierRatio(argf("min-inlier-ratio"));
+ est->setGridSize(Size(argi("extra-kps"), argi("extra-kps")));
+ stabilizer->setMotionEstimator(est);
+ else if (arg("gpu") == "yes")
+ {
+ PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu *est = 0;
+ if (arg("ws-model") == "transl")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu(MM_TRANSLATION);
+ else if (arg("ws-model") == "transl_and_scale")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu(MM_TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE);
+ else if (arg("ws-model") == "linear_sim")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu(MM_LINEAR_SIMILARITY);
+ else if (arg("ws-model") == "affine")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu(MM_AFFINE);
+ else if (arg("ws-model") == "homography")
+ est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimatorGpu(MM_HOMOGRAPHY);
+ else
+ {
+ delete est;
+ throw runtime_error("unknown wobble suppression motion model: " + arg("ws-model"));
+ }
- est->setDetector(new GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector(argi("nkps")));
- RansacParams ransac = est->ransacParams();
- if (arg("subset") != "auto")
- ransac.size = argi("subset");
- if (arg("thresh") != "auto")
- ransac.thresh = argi("thresh");
- ransac.eps = argf("outlier-ratio");
- est->setRansacParams(ransac);
- est->setMinInlierRatio(argf("min-inlier-ratio"));
- est->setGridSize(Size(argi("extra-kps"), argi("extra-kps")));
- stabilizer->setMotionEstimator(est);
+ RansacParams ransac = est->ransacParams();
+ if (arg("ws-subset") != "auto") ransac.size = argi("ws-subset");
+ if (arg("ws-thresh") != "auto") ransac.thresh = argi("ws-thresh");
+ ransac.eps = argf("ws-outlier-ratio");
+ est->setRansacParams(ransac);
+ est->setMinInlierRatio(argf("ws-min-inlier-ratio"));
+ stabilizer->setMotionEstimator(est);
+ throw runtime_error("OpenCV is built without GPU support");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw runtime_error("bad gpu optimization argument value: " + arg("gpu"));
+ }
MotionModel model = stabilizer->motionEstimator()->motionModel();
if (arg("load-motions") != "no")