Mostly used in qca8327 with CPU port 0 set to
- qca,sgmii-txclk-falling-edge: Set the transmit clock phase to falling edge.
+- qca,sgmii-enable-pll : For SGMII CPU port, explicitly enable PLL, TX and RX
+ chain along with Signal Detection.
+ This should NOT be enabled for qca8327. If enabled with
+ qca8327 the sgmii port won't correctly init and an err
+ is printed.
+ This can be required for qca8337 switch with revision 2.
+ A warning is displayed when used with revision greater
+ 2.
+ With CPU port set to sgmii and qca8337 it is advised
+ to set this unless a communication problem is observed.
For QCA8K the 'fixed-link' sub-node supports only the following properties: