- * Number of effect stages. Each stage takes as input a color and
- * 2D texture coordinates. The color input to the first enabled stage is the
- * per-vertex color or the constant color (setColor/setAlpha) if there are
- * no per-vertex colors. For subsequent stages the input color is the output
- * color from the previous enabled stage. The output color of each stage is
- * the input color modulated with the result of a texture lookup. Texture
- * lookups are specified by a texture a sampler (setSamplerState). Texture
- * coordinates for each stage come from the vertices based on a
- * GrVertexLayout bitfield. The output fragment color is the output color of
- * the last enabled stage. The presence or absence of texture coordinates
- * for each stage in the vertex layout indicates whether a stage is enabled
- * or not.
+ * Total number of effect stages. Each stage can host a GrEffect. A stage is enabled if it has a
+ * GrEffect. The effect produces an output color in the fragment shader. It's inputs are the
+ * output from the previous enabled stage and a position. The position is either derived from
+ * the interpolated vertex positions or explicit per-vertex coords, depending upon the
+ * GrVertexLayout used to draw.
- * Stages 0 through GrPaint::kTotalStages-1 are reserved for setting up
- * the draw (i.e., textures and filter masks). Stages GrPaint::kTotalStages
- * through kNumStages-2 are earmarked for use by GrTextContext and
- * GrPathRenderer-derived classes. kNumStages-1 is earmarked for clipping
+ * The stages are divided into two sets, color-computing and coverage-computing. The final color
+ * stage produces the final pixel color. The coverage-computing stages function exactly as the
+ * color-computing but the output of the final coverage stage is treated as a fractional pixel
+ * coverage rather than as input to the src/dst color blend step.
+ *
+ * The input color to the first enabled color-stage is either the constant color or interpolated
+ * per-vertex colors, depending upon GrVertexLayout. The input to the first coverage stage is
+ * either a constant coverage (usually full-coverage), interpolated per-vertex coverage, or
+ * edge-AA computed coverage. (This latter is going away as soon as it can be rewritten as a
+ * GrEffect).
+ *
+ * Stages 0 through GrPaint::kTotalStages-1 are reserved for stages copied from the client's
+ * GrPaint. Stages GrPaint::kTotalStages through kNumStages-2 are earmarked for use by
+ * GrTextContext and GrPathRenderer-derived classes. kNumStages-1 is earmarked for clipping
* by GrClipMaskManager.
enum {