- macosx: change to --prefix=/usr rather than /opt/local.
- use waitpid rather than SIGCHLD reaper.
- rip out DB_PRIVATE revert if not NPTL, it's not the right thing to do.
+ - don't classify files in /dev (#146623).
4.3.3 -> 4.4:
- pentium3/pentium4 arch support (pluto@PLD).
if (slen >= sizeof(".pm") && !strcmp(s+slen-(sizeof(".pm")-1), ".pm"))
ftype = "Perl5 module source text";
+ /* XXX skip all files in /dev/, as they are usually %dev dummies. */
+ else if (slen >= sizeof("/dev/") && strncmp(s, "/dev/", sizeof("/dev/")-1))
+ ftype = "";
else {
ftype = magic_file(ms, s);
if (ftype == NULL) {
%define version @VERSION@
Version: %{version}
%{expand: %%define rpm_version %{version}}
-Release: 0.24
+Release: 1
Group: System Environment/Base
Source: ftp://jbj.org/pub/rpm-devel/rpm-%{rpm_version}.tar.gz
License: GPL
+* Sun Feb 13 2005 Jeff Johnson <jbj@jbj.org> 4.4.1-1
+- don't classify files in /dev (#146623).
* Sat Feb 12 2005 Jeff Johnson <jbj@jbj.org> 4.4.1-0.24
- zlib: uniqify certain symbols to prevent name space pollution.
- macosx: include <sys/types.h> so that python sees the u_char typedef.